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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Lebim

  1. Lebim


    My whole family has a sweating issue, though i've found that since i've lost 20 lbs and am eating healthier I haven't been sweating quite as much. I truly feel it has more to do with what you eat rather than the weight because I used to sweat terribly when i was 80 lbs lighter
  2. Why are you upset? Because of the supplements and not being able to eat what you want anymore?
  3. Omg jealoussss. I would LOVE to buy a bra without needing to look for straps that'll hold in my back fat and looking for sizes in the 40's. I'm also super freakin' psyched to buy underwear that isn't elastic to hold in my tummy. Hell maybe even a thong! :3 Ps what is an nsv?
  4. Lebim

    An Unexpected Blow

    Big n tall? And I don't like the "well he's a man" excuse. I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt her feelings but he should be thinking before he speaks
  5. So this will probably sound dumb but as some of you know (since I've mentioned it a million times) I have a brother who also had the RNY and was rather successful. He's a huge proponent of the surgery and on many support groups (not this one though) and was just wondering if anyone here may know him? He goes by noble or noble1 on the internet and his name is james or JD. just curious
  6. Lebim


    He is saving for it yes, well look at his full body pre-op pic, he's all butt
  7. Lebim


    He actually has quite a lot if loose skin on his abdomen and butt but wears an elastic shirt under his clothes. You would NEVER know though
  8. Lebim


    He chose to shave his head because he was starting to bald and he had an insane widows peak
  9. Can we just chat about this? Prior to surgery my bm's were extremely soft (sometimes with no solidity at all) due to my poor diet and the metformin I was on for PCOS. Post op my poopz are wonderful! I haven't had the joy of taking a gigantic firm poop in over a year and am thrilled. For those of you with little maturity and a similar experience please share :]
  10. Lebim

    An Unexpected Blow

    Yeah, doesn't help that my dad just called me fat. I told him the shirt story I told you guys and he says "you are the only person who'd get offended over something like that. 'Oh wahh I'm fat and they gave me a large shirt how dare they.' "
  11. Yeah I'm a size 10 but when I was thinner I was a size 8 and am hoping they keep getting smaller so I don't have any difficulty finding my size. My knee problems prevent me from being on top for more than 5 mins.:/
  12. Lebim


    Well I don't poop every day and eat a lot of cheese so constipation is an issue, usually I just am in the bathroom for like 20 mins trying. Eventually it just works. Try ti eat more fiber. (Hummus has some fiber)
  13. Lebim

    Protein/food/enough Calories

    Premier protein shakes is what I use, 30g/protein a pop.and I drink 2 a day (chocolate is delicious) and are you taking infant sized bites?
  14. Ugh my throat was a desert! My mom was brilliant and grabbed a tiny sponge swab from a nurse and wet it and moistened my mouth, life saver. Did it feel like someone shoved barbed wire down your throat too? That breathing tube was rough on me
  15. You all will do so great! And don't be worried at all, the life changes you'll need to embrace will be easier than you think after a week or so, I was shocked at how much my mind set changed after just a short while. Good luck!
  16. Lebim


    And for anyone who would like some inspiration, here are some pictures of his success. I'm very proud of him :] he went from 360lbs to 150lbs in under a year [ATTACH]411[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]412[/ATTACH]
  17. Lebim

    Over Thinking

    I think it would be quite strange to have this gigantic of a life change and not constantly think about it. My life surrounds around WLS now. And for those of you who said they can't wait to stop obsessing over it, don't get your hopes up - my brother is 5 years out and still rather obsessed. Obsession is what will keep up successful
  18. Lmfao you even have the same plastic ware that I had for food, it's scary how identical your plate looks. Peeing will come I promise haha. Where are you located?
  19. I never practiced and do it now just fine, it's annoying sometimes because i'll be thirsty and can't drink - but to avoid that I always make sure to drink quite a bit prior to eating so I can wait the 30mins after eating to drink. Trust me darling you won't have a problem doing it the first time you get sick, it's damn impossible prior to surgery but will become quite natural in time. I had the same issue practicing chewing things to a pulp and couldn't manage, now I even produce more saliva when I eat because of how my eating habits have changed (like pavlov's dog haha)
  20. welcome! You couldn't find a better place to have all of your questions answered
  21. Lebim

    New Here!

    Aw you're adorable, you'll do great! This site will help so much

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
