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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Lebim

  1. Lebim

    So I THINK I've decided on RNY...

    Honestly I don't think I would have been successful with any surgery other than the gastric bypass. Dumping syndrome is a necessity for my success otherwise I'd eat half a carton of ice cream. I have a horrible relationship with food and if the food that made me obese in the first place didn't make me sick after surgery I would have never stopped. I personally find the band to be a complete waste of time because almost every story I've heard about it includes complications and very little weight loss and everyone in my office who had the band and came to the monthly support group meetings were still pretty much obese, maybe 50lbs down but they needed to lose 100lbs+. I think you're making the right decision, the bypass has the highest success rate of all the surgeries. Good luck :]
  2. Lebim

    Epic Fail

    It happens to all of us. Thank god for dumping syndrome otherwise I'd do the same thing a lot more often than I do. Just the other day I was DYING for some pizza, I caved and my husband and I ordered the most calorie filled one on the menu [the ultimate cheese lovers with stuffed crust from Pizza Hut, to be exact] I had 2 slices over a period of an hour and I felt like absolute garbage and ended up sleeping through the whole day because of the fat content. I felt so god awful the whole day, like grease was running through my veins. Learned my lesson, at least for awhile.
  3. Lebim


    Never heard of a corset helping with that but there are creams and oils out there that are supposed to help but nothing works like toning at the gym
  4. Lebim

    Life after Surgery

    No regrets. My quality of life has improved drastically - people treat me more like an actual human being now. It's sad that I had to lose the weight for that to happen but it is what it is. I can move better and fit into places I couldn't dream of before like fair ride seats and airplane bathrooms. I feel normal finally. I hear the comments about how I took "the easy way out" but people who say that are completely ignorant to what the entire process of this surgery is so I try to remember that when I'm attempting not to punch them in the throat.
  5. Lebim

    Did bypass not work for anyone?

    It's possible to gain the weight back after gastric bypass but it is not because the surgery failed, it is because the patient fails at following the post-surgery rules. I had my surgery 2.5 years ago and lost 125lbs and in the last year have gained 50lbs back. Why? Because I've lived off wine and bagels for the last year and never got off the couch. It is 100% my fault I gained it back. If you stick to the high protein & low fat/sugar/carb diet your pouch will never fail you. Oh and about the "stretching your pouch" thing, doesn't happen. Of course it stretches a tiny bit after you heal, but I've done everything that would "stretch" my pouch, from eating WAY too much to the point of excruciating pain to drinking beer every weekend, and I still can only eat 1/3-1/2 of what I used to be able to. This surgery will never fail you, only you can fail the surgery.
  6. I used "miracle noodles" which have the same nutrition facts as Water (I swear it tastes and has the exact same texture as real noodles, really is a miracle) with tomato sauce (9 carbs and 5g of sugar and 2g of Protein for a 1/2 cup) and parmesan cheese and mushrooms and green Beans and meatballs and I am in shock how it tastes exactly like spaghetti and meatballs I had pre-op. The amount it came out to be will feed me for a week and it has so much protein-y goodness because of the meatballs (I put in a lot.) So happy!!! [ATTACH]597[/ATTACH] - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgiversary: 6/11/12
  7. ......lol I'm the worst example ever. My day before surgery I have a dunkin bagel & cream cheese and a dunkin bagel egg & cheese and Cereal andddd sour gummy worms. Rofl. - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012
  8. I am 14 months post op and drink more regularly than I used to because of how if affects me [be careful!] and I noticed through the months that I drink quite a bit of wine, like 3-6 glasses. It's like I get drunk off 1 glass but to sustain it I just keep drinking. Has anyone over a year out that drinks experience this as well? I'm not very proud of it, just wondering. Ps. I'm primarily a wine drinker - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012
  9. You'll need: - 2 cups ricotta cheese - 4 large eggs - 2 teaspoons vanilla extract - 6 teaspoons Splenda brown sugar (or to taste) - cupcake papers Baking instructions: ~ Set oven to 400 degrees ~ Mix all ingredients together until it resembles pancake batter ~ spray cupcake papers with Pam ~ In a cupcake pan, fill 12 cupcake papers to the top ~ bake for 35 minutes YOU'RE WELCOME. Trust me. Ps - the bottoms will be moist - it's unavoidable but still delicious. - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012
  10. Lebim

    Success Story Pictures

    Down 125 lbs from 276 to 150 - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012
  11. Lebim

    lightheadedness when standing up

    Happens to me constantly. I had somewhat low blood pressure before surgery and now that I'm 125lbs skinnier it's pretty damn low. It's normal don't worry - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012
  12. Lebim

    Spaghetti And Meatballs

    They're pretty cheap at whole foods - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012
  13. One year ago today I changed my life forever and it was the best decision I've ever made and I wouldn't take it back for the world. HW 276 SW 263 TODAY 150 5'8" 21 years old - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012
  14. Lebim

    Baby Food Pros & Cons

    Baby food is high in sugar and carbs and fat because it's purpose is to fatten babies up. My surgeon highly suggests not going anywhere near it. It also has no Protein so it's pretty much useless for your post op diet - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012
  15. Thank you so so much everyone <3 the support from this board has always helped me stay on track - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012
  16. Lebim


    Oh god yes. Look at my arm/wrist/hand! I almost fell over when I saw this picture. - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012
  17. Was wondering if anyone knew if we can have those post op without imploding? I'd generally never use them but it's an emergency situation and the only product that ever worked for me. Have any of you guys used them? - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012
  18. Thank you so much! I'm 5'8" - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012
  19. Today I got size 8 pants and size 10 dresses and -everything- looked good on me and ugh I wanted to cry I was so happy :] I haven't been a size 8 pants since I was like 11 years old HW 276 SW 263 CW 152 21 years old 5'8" - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012
  20. Thanks everyone <3 :} - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012
  21. ^^^ - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012
  22. HW: 276 SW: 263 Today: 151 - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012
  23. And the first time I've worn a tank top comfortably in over 5 years 154lbs from my highest of 276 5'8" 21 years old Binding tummy underwear and an elastic tank Size 10 pants Just some of my flab - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012
  24. So I'm going to come clean and admit that I have royally f'd up my regiment and have been indulging for the last few weeks. I've picked up cigarettes again after 9 months of not smoking, I've been eating too much and of bad things like chocolate and gelato because I work at whole foods and am alone around it all day at my station. I've been slacking at the gym and haven't been doing Protein shakes daily. I've also been eating good protein but not nearly as often as before. It's been effecting my body very negatively in a way I can feel all over and I hate it. I'm disgusted with my actions and am beyond disappointed with myself. The reason I'm confessing is because 1. I needed to get it off my chest and 2. Because I want to warn everyone that not getting totally sick off bad foods is 100% a reality and you have to be SO CAREFUL not to let yourself fall back into your addictions like I have. It's a horrible feeling and I don't wish it on anyone. I plan on doing a complete detox starting this Monday. Will only be doing liquid and detox tea/supplements for a week to attempt to completely cleanse my body of all the shit I've filled it with. Absolutely do not justify my actions one bit - just sharing because I want everyone to be more careful than I was. It was a lot easier to fall back into my old life style than I ever could have imagined. - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
