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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Lebim

  1. Lol I eat bacon all the time. Ps - also fast food. Taco bell, McDonalds, checkers, burger king ughh and i hate when people eat it in front of me - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgiversary: 6/11/12
  2. Publix turkey sub with mayo, onions, tomato, lettuce, american cheese and salt & pepper. Bread in general. - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgiversary: 6/11/12
  3. Lebim

    Starbucks On Week 2 Post Op

    sugar free syrups: vanilla, caramel, cinnamon dolce, and hazelnut - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgiversary: 6/11/12
  4. Lebim

    Hots For

    This is my surgeon I adore his french canadian accent - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgiversary: 6/11/12
  5. Lebim

    Starbucks On Week 2 Post Op

    That's where I work! Trenta passion tea w/ 3 equals no Water Trenta ice water with 1 inch of very berry hibiscus juice (delicious!!!) Earl grey tea with cream - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgiversary: 6/11/12
  6. Beware: milk is very high in carbs and sugar - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgiversary: 6/11/12
  7. Artic zero has 150 cals per pint and has <5g of carbs and sugar. The catch? They taste like shit. What I do to not go mad is I eat fudgecicles by 'popsicle'. It has a few more carbs than I'm allotted but I don't get sick and it's pretty tasty - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgiversary: 6/11/12
  8. Listen... someone without the surgery who is eating damn near nothing and healthy and works out vigorously will be lucky to lose 10 lbs in a month. I've been losing abput 20 lbs a month, you're doing great - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgiversary: 6/11/12
  9. Lebim

    Urine Catherter? :/

    Ps- I never had the sensation of needing to pee or actively peeing. I was shocked as hell to see them take away the giant pitcher of urine that APPARENTLY came from me - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgiversary: 6/11/12
  10. Lebim

    Urine Catherter? :/

    It doesn't hurt at all and you can't even tell it's inside you unless you pull away from it and you can tell you're attached to something. They put it in when you're asleep and take it out when you're awake on like day 2 post op. I actually was very happy to have it because that meant I didn't have to get up for 2 days lol - I didn't have any bowel movements until day 3. Feels weird when they take it out but it's faster than a needle - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgiversary: 6/11/12
  11. Lebim


    Ps try maalox - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgiversary: 6/11/12
  12. Lebim


    I have had pain in my sternum for about a week now, if I try to eat or drink I get nauseous. It feels like menstrual cramps but in my sternum. Surgeon thinks I have an ulcer, going to the dr today about it. Hope you feel better - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgiversary: 6/11/12
  13. Lebim

    Fat Free Milk

    some people cannot process milk post-op (I can't drink more than 4oz without feeling ill) so it's all up to what you can get in. Milk is high in carbs and sugar but also 9g of Protein per cup - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgiversary: 6/11/12
  14. Down 35lbs (now 227) and back in a dress that I've been avoiding like the plague because it didn't fit! [ATTACH]744[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]745[/ATTACH] - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgiversary: 6/11/12
  15. Oh and have shoes that don't get ruined because I apparently lean on them a certain way that that ruins a certain portion of the shoe
  16. Which means no pants in the winter either :x
  17. I can not wait to buy all the cute clothes that never fit anymore and have my own style... I've always only worn what fits which is always dresses! I haven't worn jeans in over a year because I hated how they looked on me. - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgiversary: 6/11/12
  18. Almost 2 months post op and down 35 lbs - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgiversary: 6/11/12
  19. The reason I gained so much weight is vastly due to how much I would eat in one sitting. I had a bottomless pit of a stomach and would eat until it was physically painful. Now that I'm almost 2 months post op and have been cleared to eat whatever (other than starches/carbs/sugar of course) I'm starting to have those "eat until you're full" tendencies again. When I eat I don't really want to stop. Granted to get me 'full' I only can eat 4oz of food now but regardless of how little it takes me to get full recently it doesn't change the fact that I'm still doing to same bad habit. I have trouble eating slowly now, most of the time I can't take 30 minutes to eat my food whether it be because I literally don't have the time to eat that slow or I hate it (have always been a fast eater) I just want to keep eating and don't know how to not care so much. I don't want to stretch out my pouch but am never happy/satisfied until I'm stuffed - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgiversary: 6/11/12
  20. My pouch has been bothering me for a few days. The pain is internal and at my sternum. At first I thought maybe something got stuck but it wasn't as excruciating as when food is stuck and it's been persistent for 3 days. Any ideas? - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgiversary: 6/11/12
  21. Lebim

    Gastric Band

    Ugh this option wasn't even presented to me. I spent the first 2 weeks post op holding my left side up because letting my stomach hang was excruciating - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgiversary: 6/11/12
  22. Lebim


    Heck i'm afraid that I've been eating more than 3oz - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgiversary: 6/11/12
  23. Lebim

    Progress Pictures

    Oh wow huge difference. - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgiversary: 6/11/12

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
