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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ChatCat

  1. ChatCat

    To Eat Or To Drink?

    I eat first so I don't have to worry about waiting a half hour before I can eat. I normally eat (I am 4 weeks out from surgery today) eggs scrambled with Laughing Cow cheese, a ricotta "muffin" I make (ricotta, eggs, Splenda and vanilla) or I have chicken and cottage cheese. I also have some egg custards I make that are very good and easy on the stomach. Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  2. ChatCat


    Hello. I am new here but wanted to jump in. I have read that caffeine can interfere with Vitamin absorption. If you google this question you will see there is a lot of discussion about this topic. I think everyone is different and if your lab work is ok then it probably is not an issue for you. Just wanted to put it out there. Personally, I have given it up and don't feel I need it. My Vitamins are more important to me! Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  3. ChatCat


    Everything is going real well. I am still figuring out the magic to becoming "regular" every day so I don't end up having stomach pain that I have had and I got a case of hives too. But those are manageable things, I am feeling awesome and walking every day at least a mile but usually 2. I am so glad I did this and thankful I was able to lose the weight I had to lose to get to the starting gate!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
