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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ChatCat

  1. ChatCat

    Ice Cream Anyone?

    At the blog theworldaccordingtoeggface. She makes amazing protein ice cream that is sugar free! I have not tried it but it sounds great.
  2. ChatCat

    Omg! I Finally Did It!

    Good for you for facing your fears and posting anyway. You look fantastic and should be very proud of your accomplishment!
  3. Well I am in the minority, I am on the west coast in beautiful Oregon. Originally from California.
  4. ChatCat

    Bad Emotional Days ?

    I am sorry everyone is having bad days. We should be feeling great and happy, right?! Keep in mind, your fat is where all your hormones are stored and because you are dropping the fat so rapidly, your hormones are going berserk trying to figure out where to go and what to do with themselves. It is normal to have the feeling you are going crazy because you don't feel like yourself. It will get better. I find I am very short with my husband and just have no patience for things. Some days I feel sooooo tired I just want to stay in bed. I know his will all pass. Hang in there!!
  5. ChatCat


    We are close! How are you doing?
  6. ChatCat


    I started at 324 back in Feb. and I lost 23lbs prior to surgery and I am down another 30 today. So I have lost 53 total. I had gas pain as well but I got up and walked a lot and it went away after 4 or 5 days. Takes a while but once it is gone, you will feel better. I had no trouble with liquids. I drank a lot of Water before (gallon a day) so I love to drink water. My only problems have been getting my bowel movements regular (using Probiotics for that) and I have hives which I think are caused by stress. Other than feeling tired some days, I feel really good. Hope you get feeling better soon and just drink as much as you can. SF Jello and Popsicles really help and count as fluids!
  7. ChatCat

    New Gal In Town!.!.!.

    I had surgery on a Weds morning and went home Thursday early afternoon. But I may have a high pain tolerance because I did not use any pain meds either. I was way more comfortable at home!
  8. ChatCat

    40's New Beginnings

    Thanks! Happy to be here in the 40's group! I love being in my 40's. I feel like I finally have my life figured out and what I don't have figured out I don't care so much about anymore.
  9. I am down to 273 today. Two more pounds and I will have lost 30 pounds since surgery on May 23rd.

  10. ChatCat

    Ok.....bad Breath!

    You are in ketosis which occurs when your diet consists of mostly protein. Side effects of ketosis are dry ski and nasty dog doo breath. I have not gotten there yet but I am sure it is coming!
  11. ChatCat

    Hello From A Newbie!

    Welcome Donna!! :-)
  12. ChatCat

    My Post Op Confusion

    Call the Dr's office. Don't wait any longer, there could be something wrong like a stricture. You have been through enough already and you need food.
  13. That is very helpful, thanks for the info! I figure it cant hurt to wear the bracelet and maybe it would come in handy for me at some point (but I hope it is never needed). Thanks again ferrcatmom!
  14. Celebrate Vitamins and Bariatric Advantage or Calcet for my Calcium. I prefer them over Bariatric fusion which my Dr office also recommends. Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  15. I believe NG refers to the tube they use to open your airway should you need that. It could rupture your pouch. I got my tag from Lauren's hope and made my own bracelet. I work in public safety and the medics I know said they prefer bracelets that look like the standard alert bracelet with the red caduses (cross, not sure how to spell it!) since they are trained to look for that. I put my name, no blind NG tube, Gastric bypass RNY and ICE info. (in case of emergency) I did not worry about putting no sugar or NSAIDS because if I am unconscious I am really only worried about the NG tube.
  16. ChatCat

    Washington State Usa

    Oh I wish I was closer! Have not found anyone in Oregon. Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  17. ChatCat

    Foamy White Saliva & Bad Breath

    Well you are in a good place! There is a lot of information on the Internet if you search for it and ketosis is one of the things you are going to experience. What are you allowed to eat? If you are not eating any carbs then you may be in ketosis but to be on the safe side you should call your surgeons office. Don't ever be afraid to call and ask questions, you need to feel like you can ask anything and get help. That is what they should be there to do is help you because everyone is different and you will have to really stay on top of what you need so you can stay healthy! Best of luck to you. Ask lots of questions here so you can learn as much as possible. Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  18. ChatCat

    Negative Best Friend

    I am going to go out on a limb and suggest that maybe your friend is scared that you will lose weight and make new friends, have a new life etc and she is afraid she will lose you. We can get into routines with our friends that involve food and if she loses that with you, then what? I would just talk to her if she is important to you and ask her why she does not support you. You might find out she is just afraid of losing your friendship. Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  19. Keep in mind as she loses weight all the hormones in her body are stored where?? In her fat cells and as she sheds pounds she could very well be emotional, angry, tender, easily agitated etc... The hormones can get tough to deal with so just knowing that might help you understand if this happens. Sounds like you are doing great just being here asking for support! Good luck Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  20. ChatCat

    Foamy White Saliva & Bad Breath

    The bad breath may be a side effect of your body being in ketosis. That is a very common side effect. The saliva may also be related to that, not sure. I know people who say they get "the foamies" if they eat too fast or don't chew their food enough. Our body ph changes in ketosis and we can get very dry skin, bad breath and other things. You might want to google ketosis to see for sure. Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  21. ChatCat

    Life's New Routine

    Wow! I could have written this myself. You have an awesome attitude and I am happy to see you are doing well. I think you have done a great job at separating out the many facets of this journey. It is not about just losing weight, it is all the baggage and emotions we bring along and dealing with those is just another layer. Good for you! I enjoyed reading this.
  22. ChatCat

    New Gal In Town!.!.!.

    Amber I think you will be very glad you made this decision. Like you, I was going to do this 2 years ago, I backed out because I was not ready to let go of the food and then I got a diagnosis I did not want. That sent me back to the bariatric office and I lost the weight and did everything I needed to do to be sucessful. It is a great feeling to let go of the hold food has on you. It is a freedom that is hard to describe unless you go through it. Best of luck tomorrow!
  23. That is amazing!! Way to go.
  24. ChatCat


    Wow! Tomorrow will be a great new start for you. I am so glad I had this surgery, not one regret (and I am asked that a lot!). So far my experience has been nothing but positive, yes a few bumps in the road, but worth it. My incisions are healed for the most part and I am back in business! Good luck tomorrow. It will be great! Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  25. ChatCat

    40's New Beginnings

    Hello my lovely fellow 40-something ladies! I am new here to this site but I had surgery 4 weeks ago today on May 23rd. I have lost 25 pounds so far, 50 total since February. I feel like a new person and just happy to be alive. One thing I have learned from looking at lots of posts in other forums etc... Is everyone has a very different journey. Where one might lose 30 pounds quickly, someone else loses 10 or so. Our bodies are so complex and I have just resigned myself to the fact that I am going to follow all the rules and the weight will do whatever it is going to do! I had a 10 day stall, I lost a quick 20 right after surgery in week one then I was stalled and then I lost a quick 5 pounds and here I am. But, I feel so wonderful with a new lease on life, I don't care that much about what the scale says. I refuse to let a number on a scale determine what kind of day I am going to have anymore. Glad you are all doing well too! Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
