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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ladyspl

  1. ladyspl

    Feeling Bad

    I'm so sorry :-( I wish I had answers, but since I do not....(((HUGS)))
  2. ladyspl

    November Dates

    Best of luck to you guys! See you on the other side!
  3. ladyspl

    My First Vid Pre Op

    thank you for sharing :-) Much of what you said hits home with many of us. (((HUGS))) It's great, the motivation grandbabies have LOL My MIL has her independence back after a massive stroke, because she wanted to participate in her first grandchild's life.
  4. ladyspl

    November Dates

    3 full days post op, have not even looked at the scale LOL Fluids going down well, as well as my protein shake and some jello. Really tired and not completely needing the pain meds, just taking them to keep from feeling any pain. but they make me pass out LOL
  5. ladyspl

    Looking Forward To . . .

    "Lane Giant" I love it! LOL All of the above ladies, plus the not getting overlooked at an interview even though I have better credentials.
  6. Much like I figured, last night was my first night home post op, and my kids and dogs were glued to me LOL I cannot tell you how grateful I am for my MIL. Here is a woman who had a massive stroke 7 years ago, lost use of her right arm, diminished vision in right eye, slow walking, etc. And since the birth of our first daughter in June 2006, she has come so far. She drives again, changes diapers, is completely independent again. So she helped take care of my 3 girls while I was in hospital and my husband worked 3rd shift. Even last night when I absolutely could've brought my girls home, she kept my older 2 and let me steal away the baby LOL Oh and did I mention she handled my 2 large dogs too?! She has been my angel thru this and I am even more in debt to her for this :-) So, naturally the baby(21m) wants Mama to hold her and play on her lap, yeah, thats not happening yet LOL So I managed to distract her with shiny objects and keep her off my belly LOL. Last night, I don't think my dogs could've gotten any closer to me unless they dove into my pocket LOL Makes me feel good that I was missed. Baby got up at 6am wanting Breakfast, so I make the trek into the kitchen, got her fed and took my meds. So far have had a popsicle, Not that I'm not hungry, but the pain meds make me so sleepy. I'm fighting them just to type this. How's everyone doing? Has it sunk in yet, what we have done? It hasn't for me. Although when they weighed me at hospital Thursday, I was 2lbs lighter than I was on my last weigh in Nov 2nd. Not bad since I did not have a pre-op diet. Sorry, I'm rambling and I don't know why.
  7. ladyspl

    Im Not Telling!

    Awww honey, I'm sorry you feel this way, but please do tell someone, as much as this is physical its also mental. We are all family here and will love and support you no matter what.
  8. ladyspl

    November Dates

    Karma, the chicken broth tasted like heaven to me LOL Worm, I'm at West Penn hospital, so far so good, just saw Dr Gagne again, he said I'm good too go home today, but because I live in Erie, he wants me to stay til tomorrow and get as hydrated as I can. I'm ok with that, especially since now that I survived, this is my vacation LOL I'm sleeping great, no laundry, no cooking, no chasing kids, no diapers.....yeah, I'm ok with another day LOL
  9. ladyspl

    November Dates

    Just found out my pain pump button wasn't working, so the whole time I have been without pain meds and I feel fine. Still just so tired, but was walking the halls at 4am and on way to walk some more. Got gatorade and popsicles down, feeling good, little hesitant about the jello LOL karmagirl I was nervous as heck too, even told my hubby let's just go home, bc I was scheduled at 8 but Dr had an emergency so it didn't happen until 10. Glad I didn't leave. (((Hugs))) to everyone going today!
  10. ladyspl

    November Dates

    I'm alive. Only pain is from my back bc of laying in this bed. Cant stay awake long, will be getting up to walk soon. Not worried. Just super super tired. Will update tomorrow when I can open my eyes LOL
  11. ladyspl

    November Dates

    Just got the call, have to be at hospital at 5:30, I'm the first surgery of the day at 8am!
  12. ladyspl

    November Dates

    Oh Eva I'm so sorry! This just breaks my heart! Thank God for the Dr's in USA! I have faith they can fix you up good as new! (((HUGS)))
  13. ladyspl

    November Dates

    Good luck today everyone!
  14. ladyspl

    November Dates

    It makes sense for him to leave me, and return to the kids. I mean, how bored would he be just sitting there watching me sleep, then walk the halls? So it's the right thing to do, I will have my phone, which I never go anywhere without! LOL and my bff's and I can text and hubby can call. Thanks! I am calming down, allowing rational brain to take over LOL
  15. ladyspl

    November Dates

    I really appreciate the help! I have a wonderful husband and have to say, am super happy today is Veterans Day, allowing him to be home from work and help me to clean and prepare! I think right now my rational brain is fighting my emotional irrational brain. LOL I think why I have suddenly become scared is thinking about how far from home I will be. My surgeon's office is 2 1/2 hours away, so my husband will have to essentially leave me down there, to return to our children. I know I will wear my big girl panties, but just getting them on this fat behind is the key. LOL
  16. ladyspl

    November Dates

    Woke up this morning to my Zen gone! Holy cow, I'm nesting and crying about possibly leaving my babies mother-less. Sitting at the bus stop with my oldest who is only 6, and I'm staring at her holding back tears. Guess I should be happy hubby and I bought life insurance policies on each other years ago. That way at least he won't have to worry about the mortgage if I go. Snap me out of this guys!!!
  17. ladyspl

    November Dates

    Oh guys I can't believe you posted that, about sinus! Thought I was the only one! I had antibiotics last week but still have some sinus issues and a cough, totally feel fine, but the lingering cough and sneezing have me terrified they will cancel Thursday's surgery!
  18. ladyspl

    November Dates

    Spent the afternoon in the mall, because my 6yo was attending a Build A Bear birthday party. So I found a rest area and sat down to "People watch". I have read the articles with their statistics on obesity, but WOW I never really noticed how many people truly are obese! It was a huge eye opener to me. I am in some ways doing this surgery for the vanity of it, yes. However my biggest reason is because I have 3 little girls that will grow up in this world. They need something I never had, a healthy role model. I refuse to allow them to endure the relentless ridicule I did as a fat child. So I am going into this surgery calm, which for me is odd. I am a worry-wart, I worry about everything. Everything except this surgery. I really hope that means I have made the right decision and dear GOD I hope that means I will survive! *Still plan on writing letters to my babies and husband* I am blessed that I was able to find this forum and learn, love and laugh with you all. There are no delusions here, I know it will hurt, I know it will suck for a while, I know it will be hard to get in the water and protein, I know I will have regrets, I know there will be emotional roller coasters. But I also know that I have the most wonderful husband and best friends in the world, I also know I have all of you to lean on for support and get answers from. From the bottom of my heart, Thank you all for sharing this life changing road with me. Together we will overcome our weight and shine like the diamonds we are.
  19. ladyspl

    Not Sleeping

    I'm sorry you're having trouble sleeping :-( best wishes for a good nights sleep soon.
  20. I have HealthAmerica, paperwork submitted Wednesday October 31st, got the call from surgeons office this monday that it was approved.
  21. ladyspl

    Newbie.. And Already Fussing. Lol

    My surgeon told me not to loose any weight on my 6m diet. Not to gain, but not to loose. So I maintained. Got my approval monday, surgery date is November 15th
  22. My surgery is the 15th, so no turkey for me either. It will stink because I still have to prepare the meal for my family, but I chose to have surgery before the holidays to give me the extra strength. If I can survive the surgery, then 2 major holidays without stuffing my piehole, then I'm set for the new year! Well, at least that's my goal! LOL
  23. ladyspl

    November Dates

    November post-op ladies, you are rockin it! Keep up the great work! Cannot wait to join you on the other side! Only 8 more days!!!!!!!!! Got the approval call on Monday, spoke with the hospital's pre-registration today. I'm kinda Zen right now. It's strange, I have absolutely no desire to eat the world. I am actually repulsed by food for the last 2 weeks. Maybe it's my way to psyching myself into this LOL Keep the updates coming!!!

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