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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by BBdoodle

  1. WOW.. I am glad you found another surgeon, that was crazy that a surgeon had "MANDATORY" purchase of food !!!! what a rip-off !!!
  2. BBdoodle

    Just had surgery

    Hi Jimmy... please go to your surgeon for direction on what you should be eating. I was on total liquids for a week or so, then on to mushy soft. I hope you have a speedy recovery !!!
  3. BBdoodle

    Question for long-timers

    Hi Terry1118....I'm 17 months post op. Everyone is different and I can only tell you what I have experienced. I do not do chicken, beef or pork well at all, every time I try to eat it I have a very difficult time processing and my stomach hurts. I get my Protein from cottage cheese, yogurts and shakes. I basically live on Soups, veggies, grains. I can't do Pasta or rice well...they just don't go down well. I make sure I chew, chew, chew, chew and still I have problems with meat. I can do fish but cannot do lobster well, I think its to stringy and I love lobster too I nice piece of catfish or flounder is just perfect for me. I think you are progressing just fine. Everyone has to go at their own pace, I think I had a "regular" meal about 6-7 months out, I'm still learning what I can and cannot have!! If all you blood work comes out fine than are OK. My blood work always comes back perfect so I continue to take my Vitamins, protein and get my fluids in.
  4. BBdoodle

    Excersize after surgery

    I was cleared to do anything I wanted after 3 weeks post op. My surgeon said if it did not hurt I could do it.. You can always walk, that helps with keeping everything flexible and all your parts moving. It also helps with the gas too. Once you are cleared you will be fine to going back what you were doing as long as it does not cause any pain. I would discuss all the exercises you do with your doctor and get his clearance first before I did anything. Good luck
  5. It was Easter Sunday, my surgeon told me to eat light and take the laxative @ 6 pm. I stayed home all day just tinkering around the house, I did not want to chance it having Easter dinner with my family. I had to be in the hospital @ 6 a.m. so I went to bed early. It was a quiet and relazing day for me.
  6. I am a emotional eater as well.... I find that exercise is a wonder stress reliever, just doing something.. anything physical is good. Yoga is amazing too and if you MUST eat... as ajustice said above have lots of fat free, sugar free munchies around. Try to find something other than food when stressed.
  7. BBdoodle

    Diet soda

    I was a diet pepsi lover and drank 6-8 cans a day. It was difficult to stop but after surgery I did not have any, about a year post op I had a sip and it tasted like all chemicals !!! I have a small glass of soda every once in a while to remind me of how awful that crap is - LOL.
  8. BBdoodle

    incision infected?

    Go back to your doctor ASAP !!! It looks very infected .
  9. BBdoodle

    Feeling frustrated

    With all of that being said.... I would run...run very fast. If you can't get a call back I wonder what it would be like if you had a emergency !!! I'm old school...first impressions mean everything to me !!!! Go find another doctor !!
  10. BBdoodle

    pre op class/diet fail

    Stay focused and keep your long term goal in sight !!!
  11. I tried the Protein shots (42 g per shot) and as someone said above tastes like dog butt... actually I think dog butt would taste better. I ordered 2 cases and ended up sending them back they were horrible. Try different brands and/or flavors. I'm 16 months post op and really do not need the protein anymore since I am getting it from food but at times I replace a meal with a Protein shake like after a workout. They are not my fav.. but i quickly drink them and be done with it. You could get unflavored and sprinkle on your food !!! It is VERY important to get your protein ... its a must !!!!!
  12. Good luck you are almost there. I'm 16 months post op and feeling wonderful, this surgery is the best thing I ever done !!!
  13. Congrats !!! keep up the good work and also make sure you get enough fluids, sip, sip, sip, sip. I was up doing laps around the hospital hallways ASAP too, it made me feel better and helped me recover quickly. Good luck on your recovery !!
  14. BBdoodle

    Big Butt anyone?

    I am heavier on the bottom as well, but with exercise you can even things out a bit as well. She probably did not exercise!!!!
  15. I always have my lip balm.....sounds delish !!!
  16. BBdoodle

    it's our day!

  17. Yikes you are really having a difficult recovery. Please stay positive, I know its hard but once your body adjusts, the swelling goes down and you start to heal everything will fall into place. My best advise is to take your pain meds, do as your doctor instructs and walk, walk, walk, walk. Also please try to stay hyrdated that is very important!!! If things don't seem right please do not hesitate to call your doctor that is what you are paying him for... he works for YOU !!!!
  18. BBdoodle

    Diarrhea after Surgery

    I have bouts of the poops often... I'm 16 months post op, I think it just comes with the territory sorry to say
  19. BBdoodle

    How sore were you?

    I was up and walking around the next morning and getting in and out of the hospital bed on my own. The quicker you are up and moving around the quicker you recover. First night home was a breeze, of course I was sore getting up and down from a laying or sitting position but I took my pain meds as directed and the following Monday I was back in work..... I worked 1/2 day in the office and 1/2 at home for 2nd week and by 3rd week I was in office full time.
  20. BBdoodle

    Spicy foods ?

    I would think a teaspoon or tablespoon of broth would not hurt just to make it moist. Or deduct a ounce or two from the chicked to accomodate the broth. I would check with your surgeon about the spicy foods, I am 16 months post op and I have spicy foods and it does not bother my pouch.
  21. BBdoodle


    Hey Music.... my regular dr. put me on meds too, it was to slow down the movement of my bowels. It worked sometimes and sometimes it did not. I'm not a fruit eater at all and I was thinking mine was lactose intolerant but I could eat yogurt or cottage cheese at night and nothing but something in the morning was doing it. Then all of a sudden it stops and there were NO changes to diet etc. Strange... very strange.
  22. BBdoodle

    Possible stricture

    Feel better soon !!!!
  23. BBdoodle

    Slow weight loss!

    Everyone is different, your body is still adjusting.. stick with your eating plan that your surgeon provided, exercise and portion control. If you do all there the wight will come off - some of us are slower than other including me !!! I'm a major slow loser.
  24. BBdoodle


    I'm 16 months post op and I go thru bouts diarrhea. I spoke to my gastro AND surgeon about it both say either its something I am eating or the combination and/or just a thing that I am going to have to live with. I would get it around the same time in the morning. I would have yogurt and cottage cheese for Breakfast so I tried different things and sometimes it worked and sometimes it did not. At one point I did not eat in the morning if I had a meeting etc. I still have this problem but not as much, all last week I had it now today I seem to be OK and ate the same food as last week - go figure !!!! I talk to your surgeon and maybe try different foods or combinations of foods.

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