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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by BBdoodle

  1. BBdoodle

    I Miss You Coke!

    Well let me tell you .... I "was" a diet lime Pepsi addict... I would drink about 7 or 8 diet pepsi's a day and that was the only thing I drank !!!! I was quite depressed when they told me I could no longer have carbonated drinks. After surgery I was dying for a diet pepsi but after a couple of weeks it went away. I am 14 wks post op now and I had a sip of diet pepsi lime and it tasted discusting !!!! It tasted like all chemicals. I did have a natural ginger drink with carbonation and it was OK, I felt the bubbles in my pouch but I was not sick or anything. I keep the carbonated drinks to a very minimum and do stir them before drinking.
  2. BBdoodle

    15 Wks Post Op Update

    You look awesome My surgery was a week after yours 4/9 and I am doing well and feel fantastic as well. I had my gallbladder removed 3 weeks ago which was kind of a set back but I finally feel pretty good this week. Keep up the good work you look fantastic !!!!
  3. BBdoodle

    Bending Over?

    I had some pain when bending, plus I had my gallbladder out 10 wks after the RNY surgery so I am still healing but feel fantastic right now. But when I do certain things I feel a pulling some times. I would mention this to your doctor on your follow up. Its probably all in the healing process as mine is/was.
  4. BBdoodle

    In Holding

    Oh boy.... I remember it well. They even made me "WALK" to the OR from holding--- geezzzz. The last thing I did was get on the scale then into the OR. I remember hopping up on the OR table, putting my arms out and then lights out Good luck DS..... keep us posted !!!
  5. BBdoodle

    Being Honest

    My key is find a exercise you like and it will not seem like exercise. I love walking my dogs so I speed walk with them, one at a time also. I take one dog out for a good 1.5 miles then the other out for a 1.5 mile walk. I also like to jog, I had my gallbladder removed 7 wks after my RNY surger so two major surgeries in 7 wks was not fun. I should be jogging again by August. I personally love to jog, and I do not look at it as exercise, I get so egergerized from it. Find a activity you like... plus trying lots of different exercises will be exercise too - LOL. Think positive !!! talk to yourself to get up and move around
  6. BBdoodle

    New Girl

    Welcome....it was hard for me to drink the required water and protein. Since you can only sip and not take big gulps it took me from 6 am to 11 pm to get all my minimum of 64 oz. of water and 64 gram of protein in. Now that I am 13 wks post op it is cake to get it all in. Each day gets better and better
  7. BBdoodle

    Going Crazy

    Good luck.... I hated the waiting part of this whole thing. Once you get the OK from Ins. it is smoothe sailing mostly. Good luck on your approval.
  8. BBdoodle

    Need Help Really Fast

    I hear ya... I'm 13 wks. post op and sometimes the smell of foods makes we want to vomit. When I first came home fromt the hospital I was on liquids for a week. Sugar free popsicles, water, protein shake, creamy soup. As long as you get your water in and focus on the protein shake you should be OK. This will pass and get better with each day. The number one thing is you do not want to get dehydrated so sip, sip,sip,sip all day long. My doctors told me to get a minimum of 64 oz. of water AND protein a day. I have been going for the 70-80 grams of protein /day because I feel the more protein the better (my opionon only !) and of course the water !!!
  9. BBdoodle

    Surgery Tomarrow!

    Good Luck DS..... hang in there and keep us posted
  10. BBdoodle

    Head Hunger

    I'm 14 wks post op and yes it is strange the "head hunger" , I did not know what to call it - LOL I get the cravings but then I eat something healthy and what I am suppose to eat and it goes away. My taste has changed sooooo much. The things I use to love I can't stand any more. Now that I am slowly transitioning to regular food and adding something new to my food list it is so strange that my taste has really changed.
  11. My first night after surgery was tough but I kept on hitting the morphine pump - LOL. I also had a hiatal hernia removed. Its strange that when I had my endoscopy done they did not see it!!! Good luck on your recovery
  12. The pain that I had in the hospital was when I used my stomach muscels to sit up or get out of bed. I had the morphene drip and I sure as heck used it too !!!! It was more like uncomforatble pain rather that pure pain. My suggestion is to walk, walk, walk... that gets everything moving again and most of all gets rid of the painfull gas. My gas pains were in my shoulders. I went back to work after one week, I could have used 2 wks at home. The pain is tolerable and that comes from someone who cannot stand one ounc of pain !!! Take your pain meds as instructed. Like someone said above, don't let you pain level get too high because then you cannot control it no matter what but if you take your meds as instructed like every 4 or 6 hours you pain level will not get to where it is un controllable. Good luck, you got some great tips here from other members
  13. BBdoodle


    I love the Cambell's low fat cream of chicken, cream of celery, or cream of asparagus, creamy tomato, I have had no problems what so ever with soups, all the ones I mention were recommended by my doctor. I would add low fat milk to them to up my protein intake a bit, it makes the soups nice and creamy.
  14. BBdoodle

    Being Umemployed After Sugery..?

    After surgery it will take some time to get back to normal but as soon as your doctor clears you to work out there is so much you can do during the day, plus exercising will make you tired so you will be sleeping real well if you become active. Find a exercise you like/love and it will not feel like you are exercising. Just be on the move and try different things and keep your focus off food.
  15. BBdoodle

    1 Month/solid Foods

    I am 13 wks post op... I was scared when my dr. said I could start on soft/wet regular food so don't feel bad, I think a lot of us go thru this. My only advise is chew, chew, chew, take your time eating, and introduce new foods slowly. My dr. said add one new food per day. I still eat lots of yogurt, cottage cheese, tuna, soup etc. just because i like all that stuff. Good luck.
  16. Hi DLC.. from what I learned from my WLS doctors is that with the RNY surgery you can loose up to 80% of your + weight, but with the sleeve surgery you can loose up to 60-70% of your + plus weight. When making the choice of my surgery I had the option of labband, sleeve or RNY. I choose the RNY because you loose more weight with that surgery. I wanted the best bang for my buck... insurance paid but I figured if I was going to go thru with this I wanted a higher percentage of weight loss.
  17. BBdoodle

    Pureed Is Hard!

    Dont push eating regular food too early, your pouch and body need time to heal. I was on liquid/soft dient for 6 weeks after surgery. My diet consisted of yogurt, cottage cheese, cremey soups, suger free icepops, tuna ...basically anything soft and mushy/wet. Did your doctor give you guidelins to follow on what and when to eat?
  18. BBdoodle


    my nutritionist was covered by insurance but the pysch. eval cost $200.
  19. BBdoodle

    Sipping & Chewing!

    LOL DaniG said it ..... after surgery your body will tell you for sure if you are not chewing and/or taking baby sips because if you do it hurts like hell. I have a problem of not chewing the food enough, the second it went down I knew I was going to get sick. I would get the foamies (constantly spitting up syliva) for hours, I would have a fever and felt sick as hell. I guess this was my body's way of having the dumping syndrome - boy did I learn quick on how to chew. I am 3 months + post op and to this day I still chew to a pulp... like each bite 50 times and still sip-sip-sip-sip-sip.
  20. BBdoodle


    I am 3 months post op and for the past couple of weeks would have a glass of wine a few times. I did not notice that I was more or less buzzed than I would get before surgery. But that is me and my metabolizm... someone else could be totally different. You are only a week out and no way would I have alochol of any kind, you should talk to your doctor and also remember that alcohol is high in calories and no nuritional value what so ever.
  21. BBdoodle

    I'm A Running Fool!

    It sounds like you got bit by the running bug When I started running I started out the same way... with baby steps, jog about 20 setps at a time, then I worked up to running 1/4 mile then walk a 1/4 mile, then pushed myself to run 1/2 mile... then pushed myself to run a mile.. all of this took about a year to run 1 mile. I fell in love with running, it keeps you fit and awesome for your mental stability LOL. I put on some great running tunes on my MP3 player and just run Good luck and keep up the good work.
  22. BBdoodle

    Just Got The Bill

    I hear ya.... my bill was $57,000 which included 3 days in hospital, anestheology & surgeon. I love insurance
  23. BBdoodle


    Good luck
  24. BBdoodle

    One Year Out: Nutritional Needs

    Congrats on your weight loss !! I totally understand about those last 10-20 lbs. Can you consult with a nutritionist or your docotor? I would start counting calories to see what you are consuming on a daily basis, if it needs tweeking then tweek. Are you getting your heart rate up to where it should be when doing cardio? I wear a heart rate monitor, I need to be in a certain range for my age/weight to get the best bang for my exercise. I always thought that my heart rate was where it should be when doing cardio but when I purchased the heart rate monitor WOW was I off base !!! You may not be exerting yourself enough during cardio.
  25. BBdoodle

    I Am A Loser.

    That is GREAT NEWS ! Keep up the good work

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