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Everything posted by BBdoodle

  1. BBdoodle

    At Home Recovery...

    My BF stayed with me for 2 days after I came home. I had surgery on a Monday and was back to work the following Monday. I did really well during recovery.
  2. I started with Isopure Low Carb protein shake whick was good. I switched to another brand (soory forgot the name) but it was cheaper than the Isopure. The Isopure tasted better (dutch chocolate). Stay away form the protein shots the are totally discusting !!!!!
  3. BBdoodle


    My doctor instructed me to take Pepcid for 6 months after surgery. I am 4 months post op but swichted to store brand product. The Pepcid was getting way too expensive.
  4. BBdoodle

    Cyrstal Light

    I never expierened that with CL - could it be just the cold temperature ??? Can you switch to something else? I use Lipton and Wylers diet peach flavor = yummie. I can't drink just plain water so I always put a packett of diet flavor in my liquids?
  5. BBdoodle

    How To Ask For Government Help

    I have no idea on what the government offers but I would do some research on line and see what your state provides. I am sure there are agencies out there that can and will help you with your situation. They will first go after your husband for support.
  6. BBdoodle

    1.5Km Walk Tonight

    Awesome.... keep up the good work.
  7. BBdoodle

    Am I Over Doing It?

    It too have days where I eat very little and other days I can eat. I do follow a low calorie/fat diet. I would check with your doctor and see if he can give you some guidelines to follow. I believe everything in moderation, eat healty and you will be OK. Keep the fats and sugars down and you will be OK.
  8. BBdoodle


    My doctor said "absolutely NO STRAWS". You can inhale too much air while drinking with a straw. I always used a straw to drink my soda. I do not drink coffee or tea but would drink 6-8 cans of diet pepsi lime a day. I was freaking out a bit because I did not want to give up my diet soda but I had to. I took a sip of the diet pepsi line the other day and it tasted like a bunch of chemicals - I think my taste has changed as well.
  9. BBdoodle

    A Big Fat No!

    From what I have learned you loose the most weight with the RNY. I wanted the best results if I was going to have any surgery.
  10. BBdoodle

    Greek Yogurts

    I eat Fage without any problems.... love that yogurt
  11. BBdoodle

    Exercise Clearance

    Nope... I waited until he gave me full clearance. When I went home from the hospital he instructed me to just walk. After my 3 wk. post op check up he cleared me to do anything I wanted, if I felt uncomfortable or pain I was to stop immediatley, slow down or stop until the next day and start out slowly again. Everyone is different but it takes a while to heal. I am 4 months post op and finally feeling 100%. I did have my gall bladder removed 10 wks after RNY surgery which put me back a few steps. Don't push it, you could really do some damage.... discuss your intentions with your doctor..he knows best
  12. BBdoodle


    Are you on soft or still liquid ? has your doctor given you a guide to follow? When I was on soft, I ate yogurt, cottage cheese, laughing cow cheese, etc. Pls call your doctor and let them know what is going on.
  13. BBdoodle

    Day 2 Post Op

    I was in the hospital for 2 1/2 days, when the released me I thought I would never make it out the front door. I was weak but I made it home and each day got better and better. I was back to work the following Monday. If you are in pain, please ask for something stronger, I was on morphine pump for 2 days.... boy did that help
  14. BBdoodle

    Day 3 In The Hospital..

    Sounds like your are doing well, the best way to get rid of the darn gas is walk, walk, walk and walk some more - LOL I had surgery on monday and by Friday the gas was gone. Everyone is different but mine took too long to leave You exlained exactly the way I felt.... very uncomfortable, when I moved to sit up or go to the bath room my stomach muscles hurt but other wise I was OK.
  15. BBdoodle

    Post Op Diet Question

    I'm glad you are researching it all. It seems that each doctor has his/her own beliefs and what you can/cannot eat after surgery. My best advise is to follow exactly what your doctor tells you to do. As far as the liquid Protein alternatives.. find a good Protein Powder that you like, stay away from the protein shots because they are just down right nasty tasting (see a post earlier on that - everyone wrote in saying they hate them). My dr. wants me to get a minimum of 64 grams of protein a day. You will also learn what you can tolerate and not tolerate. I found myself not chewing my food as well as I should. I would end up getting sick as hell, I would have the "foamies" = spitting up syliva for hours and feeling like crap. I learned to chew my food VERY,VERY well because I hated getting sick with the foamies. My sister cannot tolerate beef anymore....she tried a few times and it just does not agree with her anymore and she is 14 months post op. Basically everyone is different and you just have to take baby steps with everything
  16. BBdoodle

    (Very Long) Hubby Double Personality Need Out!

    Yikes.... he is very behind the times in thinking.. the children are both of yours. You have a 24-7 job and don't let anyone tell you different !!! If you feel you are being abused please get out if not for you then for your children. Abuse usually repeats itself. Also the reason why he acts differently in therapy is because he does know that he is treating you wrong and does not want the therapist to see that so he is hiding but a good therapist will see thru that. Maybe you can meet with her alone and give her the truth. Its sounds like he definately does not participate in the kids lives at all. Its sad.. some men would do anything to have a wife and children and when some men have it they take it all for granet. Don't let him threaten you with "I will quit my job" that is just a threat. He needs money to live as well. Is there some type of work you can do from home? Since you are home can you watch someone else's kids? If you are planning to leave... you need to make a plan and stick to it, just don't go off kicking the guy out or anything. Are there shelters in your area ?
  17. BBdoodle

    Uh Oh

    I don't mean to pry but what type of questions was she asking? When you have your pysc. eval. they ask some crazy questions.
  18. BBdoodle

    Doctor Office Nightmare

    My first thought as I was reading was why are you not going to another doctor-LOL. Where are you from? please do your research for your next doctor, there is plenty of information on line. If you can't trust your doctor and his staff who can you trust???
  19. BBdoodle


    Hey Babygirl.... I am in my 2nd stall... and have not been working out because I had to have my gallbladder removed by the same doctor as my RNY.. I am just starting to feel better now. I will be getting back on track VERY SOON !!! I don't think its a problem but get up and start moving BG !!!
  20. Good luck and Ihope the scale tells you what you want to hear. None the less what ever it is... you are on the road to feeling great and looking great... good luck at the weigh-in
  21. BBdoodle

    Post Op Diet Question

    Your doctor should be giving you all that information on what to eat post op, then a schedule to follow on what to eat 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, etc. weeks after surgery. It all depends on the doctor. For instance my doctor did not require me to be on a pre-surgery diet, I only had to eat light the day before and nothing after 6 pm the day before surgery. For the 1st week I was on liquid only, the 2nd week I was on soft food = Soups, yogurt, ice pops, etc. I was on that for 4 wks., then 5th week I went to more soft food diet = tuna, lean chop meat, fruit, cooked veggies etc. and I believe after 6 wks you could eat what you could tolerate. Everyone is different, if I got sick from something I would go back to a liquid diet for a few days then back to what ever stage I was in. Ask your doctor for some literature on what he wants you to eat. Everyone tolerates food different after surgery and he will be the one to guide you.... Good luck
  22. BBdoodle

    Protien Shots?

    OMG... I was looking for something other than the whey protein too and saw the portein shots that were 42 grams of protein. I was on line and ordered 2 cases. Let me tell you they are DISCUSTING !!!! I ordered watermelon flavor and it tasted like rotten prune juice - I sent everything back and got a refund. I suggest if you want to try them just buy 1 and go from there. But from what everyone is saying on here they are discusting. I thought maybe it was just me and my taste buds - LOL
  23. Did you call your insurance directly and ask as well. Sometimes the information you get in a general setting is not specific to your exact coverage. I would call just to make sure !!! What do you have to loose !!!
  24. BBdoodle

    (Very Long) Hubby Double Personality Need Out!

    Oh Mami I feel for you sweetie. It is very difficult to make life changing decisions. I was in a relationship with a guy for 13 years who was extremely jealous. Constantly accused me of cheating when I was totally loyal to him. He would check my store receipts for the time I checked out, follow me, etc. etc. We were not married, we were just living together. We were both working at good paying jobs and split all the bills. After a while I just got totally fed up with him constantly accusing me and him being so jealous. So I left... well actually he left, I told him he could only take his clothes... everything in the house was mine - LOL even thought I bought most of it any way. It was very difficult at first but I cut corners on expenses and ended up doing quite well on my own. I have always had great well paying jobs and I do not have kids. If you do split he will have to pay child support and alamony (sp?) so you will be getting income from him as well. Can you work at night when he gets home? So you don't have to pay a sitter? It must be very scary because you have 3 kids. You can get assistance as well. When I have to make major decisions I alwasy list all the pros and cons of the decision and go from there.... sometimes the difficult paths we take in life make us stronger !!! You have this site for support... we are here for you !!!

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