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Ellen D.

Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Ellen D.

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    Advanced Member

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  1. From Haw River near Burlington NC...Dr Dana Portenier with the Duke Med ctr group...my surgery is tomorrow morning at 9 am!!! Don't ya just love the mag citrate you have to drink? GAG!
  2. From Haw River near Burlington NC...Dr Dana Portenier with the Duke Med ctr group...my surgery is tomorrow morning at 9 am!!! Don't ya just love the mag citrate you have to drink? GAG!
  3. From Haw River near Burlington NC...Dr Dana Portenier with the Duke Med ctr group...my surgery is tomorrow morning at 9 am!!! Don't ya just love the mag citrate you have to drink? GAG!
  4. Ellen D.

    New Gal In Town!.!.!.

    Hey there Mama! I will be thinking of you on Thursday! My surgery is also Thursday! I was wondering the same thing about my liver...I have been trying to watch and follow the diet but you are right...it is hard...especially when we have had all those years of bad habits built up! I am keeping you in my prayers! Good luck on Thursday!
  5. Ellen D.

    New To Group

    I just saw my doc this past Wednesday for my preop and asked the same question. He told me that though he is comfortable performing either procedure, he likes scientific data. The rny has been performed for 30 or 40 years with very high success rate and the sleeve has only been performed for the past 10 years so it doesn't have the longterm data to back it as rny. So I chose rny because I feel the same way. Something interesting though while at my appt...all of us in the group that day were asked if we wanted to participate in a blind random clinical research study for a single incision gastic bypass. Being random you wouldn't know which surgery you were getting until you woke up but my doc did the first single incision rny back in 2004 and is coming to the end of his clinical trial...thought that was interesting though I opted for the normal 5 incision...he said the single is a bit more difficult and a little more post op pain involved. Good luck with your decision! I wish you the best!
  6. Ellen D.

    6 Months Out

    Sorry...didn't mean to post that twice...phone locked up!
  7. Ellen D.

    6 Months Out

    Wow...just seeing how well you have done in 6 months just amps me up! I am so proud of your accomplishments and so excited to get started! 2 weeks and counting! I really need to get some before pics up! Very sooon!
  8. Ellen D.

    6 Months Out

    Wow...just seeing how well you have done in 6 months just amps me up! I am so proud of your accomplishments and so excited to get started! 2 weeks and counting! I really need to get some before pics up! Very sooon!
  9. Ellen D.

    6 Months Out

    Wow...just seeing how well you have done in 6 months just amps me up! I am so proud of your accomplishments and so excited to get started! 2 weeks and counting! I really need to get some before pics up! Very sooon!
  10. Well today was my pre-op appt! What a long day but I am cleared for surgery and the big day is 15 days away!! June 28th will be here before I know it! I have to get some pics up on here! Made a couple new friends today too from the group session we had to sit in on! I am so excited!
  11. You know, I have only been on this site now for a week and I can truly say that I am so addicted to it! I love it! The stories have been so informative and inspiring...everyone is kind. I will continue to use this awesome group for support! I appreciate the way everyone puts themselves out there for all to learn from! You all inspire me and I am truly grateful to have found such a wonderful bunch of people! Good night all!
  12. I totally agree with you! It is so sad to see people years out from surgery looking worse than before they had it! Why would anyone spend all this money, time and effort to put themselves so something so serious and potentially dangerous as surgery to become healthy only to do damage to themselves and revert back to their old habits! I hope that I do not become one of those statistics after my surgery!
  13. Ellen D.


    "Tragedy" I like your way of thinking! You're sassy! My husband left me 5 yrs ago after 26 yrs of marriage and though hee would never admit it I am sure my weight played a part in it somehow. Considering how it all went down, I hope that after I have surgery and drop the weight he will be jealous as hell...he is already asking about me and the surgery when he sees our grown sons...so it must be in the back of his mind! A friend told me to relish the moments because I am "living in his mind rent-free"...lmao! As bad as that just sounded, I have never been more secure with myself and though it was hard at first I now enjoy my single life and am having this surgery for no one but ME! I want to be healthy and live a long time to enjoy my sons and the rest of my family and friends...this is the best gift I could ever give myself...a fresh start and new outlook on life! SASSY!
  14. Ellen D.

    Cant Believe It:-)

    You have lost 90+ lbs in 6 months??? OMG! That is so exciting! Just gets me more motivated...OMG...keep up the great work you are doing...and get back to exercising! That is the one thing I truly miss is not being able to run and be super active because now it seems eveything on me hurts...ankles, back, knees! I feel that when the weight starts to drop off that I will feel better to get out there and push myself. Have you found that to be true?
  15. Ellen D.

    Cant Believe It:-)

    OMG! That is so funny! And totally amazing! You look awesome. Keep up the great work! How farvout from surgery are you? I have my preop on Wednesday and schedule for bypass on june 28th!

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