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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by kiwiladydee

  1. You should feel like you have done everything possible before doing weight loss surgery. The surgery can be a100% success, but you have to go though a lot of physical And mental changes. If you feel like you can do it on your own, try it! There is always time for surgery. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  2. kiwiladydee

    Wanna see my bathing suit?

    Always looking good!! Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  3. kiwiladydee

    Where are all the oldies!?

    Yes. The inside of my thighs are like jelly a d my boobs are like stretch marshmallows!! My sister actually gave me an idea I'm going to try - maternity bra.. She said they have a extra flap to help life and hold??? Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  4. kiwiladydee

    Regret...need help! ! !

    Yes, I have gone through this. You can send me a private message to talk more in detail. But I hated it everyday for at least the first 3 to 4 months. I was depressed, Angry, disappointed and just lost. I didn't know how I got to this place and where it was going to go. I couldn't eat or drink for months. I was re-hospitalized a few time and thought my life would never go back to what I knew as normal. I went through serious crying spells - and a lot of anger!!! Things start to turn around about 8 - 10 months. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  5. kiwiladydee

    4 Years Post-Op

    Excellent - you have such food control. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  6. kiwiladydee

    Where are all the oldies!?

    Tammy you look great! Skinny mini - Miami is trying not to lose! My updated pics. Size 10, just under 170 -- 169.5. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  7. kiwiladydee

    100+ To Loose

    Well I have not been on here in a while! I am 1 yr out and has lost 110 pounds. I have about 20 to 40 pounds to go. It's going sooooo slow right now. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  8. Today is my Surgervisary!!! I'm exactly 1 year out and 107 pounds lost. I started at 280, and I'm now 173. I'm extremely happy with my weight loss, but I am no where near my goal. Somedays I wished I would have pushed myself harder in the beginning so I could have reached my goal already. Other days, I feel like slow and study can still win the race. I have horrible thoughts of gaining the weight back, so I try to avoid as many of my trigger foods as possible as well as trying to walk at least a mile a day to stay active.
  9. kiwiladydee

    1 Year Surgiversary!

    Thanks! Without surgery I could never lose more than 15 or 20 pounds. I tried Jenny Criag, Weight Watchers, personal trainer and south beach. I had too many medical issues hitting me all at once to keep the weight off. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  10. kiwiladydee

    1 Year Surgiversary!

    Hi NayNay! My doctor goal is 160 and my goal is 140. I really want to give myself the extra wiggle room! I couldn't eat or drink anything at all for the first month except ice. By the 3rd month, I had been hospitalized 3 time for dehydration and potassium so low my hands went completely numb. I wasn't able to drink Water to some muscle spasm in my esophagus. I physically couldn't move around do maybe fibromyalgia pain and surgery recovery until 3 months. I honestly thought I would be never feel anytime of normal again. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  11. kiwiladydee

    Tidewater Virginia (Hampton)

    I had my surgery 1 year ago! It started off very rocky and I have to exercise and work on Protein and Water. I put up before and after pictures on the main page. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  12. kiwiladydee


    After 50 to 70 pounds I got my run sized. After 100 pounds I wear it on my middle finger. I'm hoping to lose another 40 pounds, so maybe I will need a new set!!! Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  13. kiwiladydee

    Happy 1 year anniversary to me

    Congrats and thanks for sharing!! Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  14. kiwiladydee

    How do I respond?!?!

    I tell everyone!! Someone shared it with me to get me started and I've had 1 person I personally motivated. I share to hopefully inspire others who were in a never ending weight battle. I can't focus on the haters. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  15. kiwiladydee

    On a neverending stall

    I think you should expect to have a few stalls. My longest stall was 2 months while working out and eating under 800 calories. This is when you learn what your digest better! If I eat berries in the morning I did much better. Also not eating after 10 pm no matter what I ate would also just start my stall. Sometimes I just needed a good laxative!! Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  16. kiwiladydee


    I'm eating some right now!!! It is my go to superfood. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  17. kiwiladydee

    1 Year Surgiversary!

    Karlam. It will go by so fast and the weight will fall off. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  18. kiwiladydee

    1 Year Surgiversary!

    Thank you everyone! My recovery was a super slow process. I wasn't able to really move around until 3 months. I wasn't able to exercise until 6 to 8 months. I started really really late. . I just can't imagine having a flat stomach. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  19. kiwiladydee

    Tidewater Virginia (Hampton)

    Write down how you feel and why you are doing this. You may need it for reflection during the harder times. Take a lot of before pictures - especially day of surgery. Invest in heating pads, gas x - types of medication (baby drops), and try to join a local WLS support group. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  20. kiwiladydee

    Lapband removal denied

    Congrats! Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  21. kiwiladydee

    Stuck at 180-185!

    It works, but it isn't easy... . Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  22. kiwiladydee

    Stuck at 180-185!

    Yes! I can help . I was stuck at that point for 2 months. It took 3 days going back to mostly liquids - Protein shakes, Soup etc and exercising 2x day for about 1 week. You body needs a jump start. . If that doesn't work you also try to eliminate all carbs and sugar for a week which will also jump start your weight loss. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  23. I reached my 2nd goal today 11 months out. I've lost 100 pounds! I'm 179 - next goal 150. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  24. kiwiladydee

    Constantly feeling cold

    I'm almost 1 yr out and I just bought electronic heating blanket on amazon! Best investment ever. Also - if you have a lot of fat/ tissue/ weight around you butt, when that goes away, you may start having tailbone sitting issues. Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
