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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. I take a gummy multi and vit D from Walmart and was getting b12 injections but my nutritionist freaked when my blood levels came back, the B12 was way too high so now I just take the sublingual. I also take Iron (for menstruating Women it's a must), calcium, sometimes when I remember I add vit E, Biotin, and vit C..oh and a probiotic.
  2. Practice not drinking 30 min before or after eating, this is my hardest thing to overcome
  3. angelsmiln

    Psychologist/bad Day:(

    I had to be diligent about getting an appointment fast, Tricare actually gave me a referral to a doctor that doesn't even take Tricare, luckily I asked a lot of questions before making the appointment. I was on the phone with Tricare many times until they referred me to a psychiatrist that knew the requirements. Tricare can be very particular about the evaluation report so be sure you get someone who has done this before. My appt consisted of the doctor asking a few general questions and then I took the psych test on a computer, the surgeon had my report within the week. My PCP can be very forgetful so I did call a few times to 'verify' that a referral had been sent
  4. angelsmiln


    My tummy loves shrimp
  5. angelsmiln


    They are on my list of approved foods.
  6. angelsmiln


    Lol, I had that urge the first week postop. I even asked the hubby if he thought it was possible to purée pizza and for it to still taste good.
  7. angelsmiln


    I asked for no rice and they looked at me like I had three heads. They did however make them with brown rice. I just kind of ate through the middle of it.
  8. angelsmiln

    Protein Bars

    I also like the Atkins bars just wish they had more protein in them
  9. angelsmiln

    7Weeks And Feeling Tired?

    Yes....I keep waiting on my energy to return. Labs came back great guess I'm still healing?
  10. angelsmiln

    Sex Question Lol

    One week out
  11. angelsmiln

    Did Not Notice Weight Gain ?

    A coworker took an unflattering picture of me.....I was actually a little mad at her thinking she just wanted me to look awful until I realized that no matter what angle the picture is taken I had gotten too big. I was living in self denial thinking others couldn't see my extra layers. Nothing like a candid snapshot to make you see how you really look.
  12. angelsmiln

    I Am A Loser.

    WooHoo!!!! You're doing great!
  13. angelsmiln


    I've never tried LSD but just like any other drug I'm guessing it will take less than before surgery.
  14. angelsmiln

    Take Note

    I honestly don't notice other people's weightloss (or weight gain) immediately. Especially people I see daily. It usually takes someone pointing it out or a certain outfit for me to do a double take. Its not that I don't care, I just don't identify them by their weight. It's hard to explain.... Weight is such a touchy subject that some people are afraid to bring it up first.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
