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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by peggyhill

  1. peggyhill

    My Surgury Is Tomorrow!

    Thanks(blushing)! So is yours:)
  2. peggyhill

    My Surgury Is Tomorrow!

    Yay! I'm sure you'll do great!
  3. Wow u look great! Keep it up:)
  4. peggyhill

    New Food For Post Ops...

    Can u please send me a copy also Pika616@yahoo.com. Thanks soooo much!!!
  5. peggyhill

    Any Post Op Runners Out There?

    Thanks! Just downloaded the app. I've always wanted to start running. This makes it easier cuz it breaks it into stages.
  6. peggyhill

    Psych Evaluation

    Wow that's crazy. I'm with everyone else u should get a 2nd opinion. I had my my evaluation a week ago and it took about 15 min. I also was given some questions to answer but they were vey basic. Prior to my decision to get wls, I suffered from depression and was on medication. I told the therapist about my past and she understood. I've made great strides In dealing with it. Well that being said I passed. All hope is not lost u can deal with depression and still be a great wls candidate.

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