Hi all I have been trying to get this surgery for year and a half' now June 12 is just around the corner and I can't wait. Well I really started this process in 11/2008 and I was going to the first seminar at the end of January but in the middle of January I went for my routine mammogram and they found breast cancer so the lumpectomy I had was not the surgery I was hoping for. But after the chemotherapy and radiation therapy and a little time to get back on my feet I got the clear to try it again. As you can guess the main reasons for me doing this is health reasons and pain, I hope to feel a lot better after I lose some of this weight I'm tired of being in pain 24/7. I have my last pre-op vist tomorrow and I hope I haven't gained any weight, we have been on vacation so I haven't been very good! I have been doing my ( Fair-well tour ) of all my favorite restaurants. Just ready for it to be over. Starting weight 266 goal weight from doctor is 160+ but would love to be about 145.