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About pattimac2000

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/04/1957

About Me

  • Biography
    Happily Married, mother of 2, grandmother of 1
  • Occupation
    Contract Administrator
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  1. Happy 56th Birthday pattimac2000!

  2. Hi Kristy, thank you for the reply. i also encouraged her to contact her dr. i am new at this and just had my own surgery on 11/6. i see you are getting very close to your goal. congratulations!!
  3. pattimac2000


  4. i am in a Bariatric group and a friend of mine is about 1 month + after her surgery. she is concerned she might be loosing to fast sometimes up to 2 lbs a day. is there an average weight lost expected anywhere she could compare her initial weight and expected loss amount, to reassure her this is ok?

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