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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Mbrock

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 01/11/1969

About Me

  • Biography
    Married, Two Children & in Healthcare Industry
  • Gender
  • Interests
    little league baseball games, my daughter
  • Occupation
    Mom/ Medical Admin. Assist.
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  1. Mbrock

    Bowel Obstruction

    Hi, Mommyonthemove, so sorry to hear you're going through this. I too had a bowel obstruction about 4 years ago and word for word you described my experience and why it happened. The 1st surgery for it I healed surprisingly well. I went home after maybe a week and went home. I did fine for about a week or little less and one day I took my son and a friend to a trampoline place and while I was there I suddenly got the chills and started shaking uncontrollably we had to leave. It got worse on the drive home. When I got home I put on pajamas, thick robe and wrapped up in blanket and went outside in the sun, this is in July, and called my surgeon and he told me to go to the ER. Long story short, went, got admitted and ended up with another obstruction and it was then we decided to do a reversal. Another surgery, this one took me a long time to bounce back from. I was in the hospital for over a month and came home with IV antibiotics and feeding tube. So, you're not alone. I thought I was the only one who had these type of problems until I started digging into things deeper. I'm not on here much but do follow many FB groups that the topics are a match for me. I hope you have a speedy recovery.
  2. Mbrock


    Good morning, NickM! I'll answer the best I can. The past 10 years have been a big blur. I think all the malnutrition, surgeries, drugs given, vitamin deficiency has really caused some damage to my memory, not thinking clearly up until this day. Since I've started the vomiting and heartburn recently my new Dr ordered old records from the retired Dr who did my reversal. When I received them and read them I apparently had this vomiting issue then and this is while I was in the hospital recovering from my reversal! The records stated a 2nd opinion was called in to confirm and then I went into surgery again and Botox was injected in my stomach to help keep food down. I don't remember any of this. I guess the Botox worked or maybe they gave me something else that's helped until now or maybe it's gotten worse. Who know! So anyone reading this who has this problem maybe mention to your doctor about Botox injections in the stomach. I like my new Gastro Dr but he's not in the field of bypass and reversal patients and don't know if I have many options. Your other questions - I forgot how long it took my stomach to empty, he did say it probably is never 100% empty because it is so ridiculously slow. Years from the time I got my bypass to reversal was about 14 years. Hope this helps more. I'll answer the best I can anytime!
  3. Mbrock


    Hi, Nick. I don't get on here much but it looks like you asked me over a year ago and just recently if I've had long term issues with my reversal. The 1st time I had not had it yet and now I'm post o and my answer is yes. ( if I'm not correct about the posts please forgive me. This site is a little confusing for me and especially using a mobile browser). I've developed something called Gastroparesis. Basically a damaged nerve that causes me nighttime vomiting and severe heartburn. I take heartburn meds and try to follow yet another diet. There's no quick fix surgery that I'm aware of. I'm still learning about it as I go. I hope this helps at least a little. You can email me anytime, mbrockgreat@gmail.com
  4. Mbrock

    Post-Op problems

    There's also an oral rinse, not listening, but it's smoother and no alcohol. Oral something I think. Call your dentist and ask for the name. It's for dry mouth and not so fresh breath.
  5. Mbrock

    So Tired!

    This is soooo normal . Stop worrying about it. Listen to your bodies, people. Rest, heal eat or drink what you are told. Don't over do it or you will regret it, trust me. If you can't already follow post op instructions you are in trouble.
  6. Mbrock


    I understand 100%. I did look for the FB group but couldn't locate it. If you can PM with link on FB that would be great. On FB my name is Michelle Bartee-Brock. nks and hope all is well. Michelle
  7. Mbrock


    Ro Rookes, yes, you can. I had my bypass with RNY "take down" down approximately 4 years ago.
  8. Mbrock


  9. Mbrock


    Well, it's been forever since I've signed on and since then I've finally gained weight. Now...i wish it would stop some! I'm up to 130 pounds and having to buy bigger clothes. I'm ok with this if I don't get any heavier, which is ALL up to me. . Labs still come back with issues, anemia, thyroid issue, etc. But I haven't checked into it yet. Went a year not going to a doctor, didn't meet my deductible or out of pocket! First time in 13 years! Hope everyone is well.
  10. Mbrock


    Hi, M! Thank you for asking. I usually don't even open the e-mails from the WLS sites anymore, but for some reason I opened yours :-) I'm doing better. I'm finally gaining weight so now the fear of being "huge" again is scary. I still love food . Unfortunately, I've come to realize that one addiction leads to another. If you don't figure out why you over eat in the first place , have this surgery it's not uncommon that we substitute food for something else . My late brother in law , same surgery, Sam ages and had surgery one year after me found alcohol which damage his kidneys more and costs him his life. I turned to drugs. Thank goodness I got caught. I actually came out on my own. What a relief. It almost cost my marriage, my family, my kids . I've lost so many cars from wrecks. My husband left me. We are working on saving our marriage. So far it's going well, but it hasn't been long. But I'm determined and have a wonderful support system. My parents and older sister have been my ROCK. I WOULD NOT BE HERE IF IT WEREN'T FOR THEM. I was at my breaking point but no one knew. Suicide was ALWAYS on the brain. Lost all self esteem , due to my on going dental issues. Missing most teeth when I use to beautiful teeth. I wouldn't look in the mirror even while putting on make up or brushing my teeth. Much less want to talk to ANYONE. Which led to wanting more drugs. Luckily, I have the MOST INCREDIBLE PARENTS. I'm over coming having all my rotten teeth pulled and dentures made THANKS all to my mom and dad. They are a HUGE BLESSING. I appreciate you asking . That was nice. Made me think maybe my story can help just one person and that I should keep up with this more. Especially since my REAL story doesn't end just at the take down surgery. There's more complications that go on that are hidden very well from some some. It's a very dark and lonely place. Again, thanks. Michelle *SORRY FOR POSTING THE SAME PICTURE OVER AND OVER, IT KEPT SAYING IT CRASHED SO I DIDN'T THINK IT DOWNLOADED!
  11. I HAD RNY, take down was done 7/31 & I've taken Zoloft for years. It's one thing that didn't hurt or bother me due to having the surgery 14 yrs ago.Sorry, not much help with this one. Almost scary thinking what I would have been like NOT taking them ( on h I high dosage)
  12. Mbrock


    Please read my post about the ulcers years. It was for you. I also did the PICC line after the tear down, was home 3days and back in hospital a month and 2 more surgeries required. I weigh the same as my 12 yr old son, 95#'s.
  13. Mbrock


    I can't believe Iam posting these pictures....but I want to show you the HELL Ian living. I looked like this before my take down on 7/31/13 -but lost another front tooth this week. Needless to say, why even shower daily?So I don't. I don't go out and "LIVE MY LIFE" I HAVE NO LIFE. Everyone shows the before and after pics, I did it too. But the reality is this can happen to you. Read someone say they had ulcers? ?While I spent a month in the hospital my LIFE long friend came to visit. After I got home, 2days I saw a posting on FB for prayer requests. So I commented and called her the next day to see how she was holding up and her friends condition. She broke the hospital news to me that she passed away that morning. I politely asked if she would tell me from what. Being such a greatfriend, she said once I got stronger and healthier she would explain. That freaked me out more, she finally told me she was 6year post op ANY patient who had ulcers. Well, a few days she felt uncomfortable, in pain and figured it was the ulcers Well"acting up". She ended up in the ER, same hospital I was in, and she died because Gangrene had set in the ulcers and killed her. She had surgery for the ulcers years prior....another weird thing about this story. ..her doctor is the same doctor who saved my LIFE in 2010& 2013...he didn't do either of our original bypass but saved her life once and mine twice. You can follow his son, also a world famous bariatric surgeon, Dr. Garth Davis, he's on FB & TWEETER (THE DAVIS CLINIC). Also had a show on DISCOVERY CHANNEL orTLC called "Big Medicine ". My doctor is dad,Robert Davis. He's "the man" if something doesn't feel right. ...LISTEN TO TO YOUR BODY.
  14. Mbrock


    Well, had RNY "take down" 7/31/13 as stated I would. Spent 15 days in the hospital. I finally went home with PICC LINE and was receiving TPN, basically all my Protein and nutrition in an IV and carried a pump around until I violently started throwing up,chills, fever. Told by surgeon go to ER. So I got to enjoy being home for approximately 4days. I was admitted through ER Tuesday night,8/20/13 & have been on TPN almost the whole time while in isolation( MRSA carrier , STAPH, since got while in surgery in 2010, lucky this time the type of STAPH isn't so dangerous and antibiotics can help. Still issues with vomiting at night in a dead sleep. After upper GI, the surgery I had on 7/31 was working BUT there was a place at the end of my stomach that was "paralyzed" & food would not travel all the way down through my stomach through intestines. So I am scheduled for yet another surgery tomorrow. Gotta reroute intestines again. I'm feeling great...everyone sees the difference in my color, my eyes, my voice...I'm just stronger. I looked so malnourished and sick before. I keep thinking and saying THIS IS IT, THIS Is THE LAST SURGERY I'LL NEED. I'm almost scared to say that,but I am while knocking on wood. What caused my stomach to become paralyzed at the end? A nerve was cut during the original bypass surgery in 1999, probably would not have known if reversal was not done. But who really knows? What could it have down if reversal had not been done? Note: Dr. Robert Davis ( had the show "BIG MEDICINE" on TLC) is my surgeon NOW,NOT MY ORIGINAL. The take down took little over 3 hrs. He said when he went in it was a mess. It looked like everything was piled up and glued together, from years of scar tissue, malnutrition, multiple surgeries. Once he took me apart he said it was a breeze. I'm not trying to scare anyone, just informing anyone one symptom I mentioned hits home , has questions about RNY, Reversal etc. I don't get on here much , and I've gotten slow at emails but reply if any questions.

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