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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Ellie_Grace

  1. Again not everyone is the same. I did not have any drain tube ever, but I did have a cathater which was taken out second day which was the day i went home. I was eating (ok sipping) food like broth, popsicles and juice the day of my surgery, literally within a few hours. had surgery at 730 and I was given lunch. I never was given a swallow test or anything. Really the best thing is to ask your surgeon what he does and then those who have exerpienced that same procedure can give you advice and support on whatever you will personally have to experience.
  2. Ellie_Grace

    Had Surgery Today

    recover quickly!
  3. Ellie_Grace


    I know what you meant to say but this just made me literally start laughing. I can picture someone walking around with a bird and trying to suck on his tail feathers or beak. I really find typos so very entertaining at time. ROFL. Thanks for the giggle this morning.
  4. Ellie_Grace


    Surgery on Thursday went home on Friday. Went back to work after 2 weeks and other than being tired at work it was fine. I also was up moving and doing things immediately, mostly because moving and walking helps the gas pain anyway, so might as well walk in the air conditioned store or mall rather than the hot street more than I had to... I walked 3 to 4 times a day though LOL (was 90 plus the weeks after my surgery).
  5. Scan these boards and then write down every question that has come up for you and importantly as well the questions that might have come up for your husband or partner and family. I sat down and asked my family what questions and concerns they had and I wrote them down and got them answers. This way they feel heard and real part of this process. I think it helps to maintain or gain their support, if you use that approach. This is your time to get all the details answered before surgery. Do not be afraid to waste his time, that is what this appointment is for. Enjoy this appointment it is exciting and the real beginning of the end before the journey of surgery and beyond. (wow what a mouthful statement but I am leaving it anyway LOL). Oh write down the answers because you will 100% forget a lot of what is said and when you need the answer you will not be able to remember it due to stress and tiredness etc. Good luck!!
  6. Ellie_Grace

    Today Is My 50Th Birthday!

    Singing Loudly and very Off Key!!! Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you!! Have a great day!!!!!
  7. Ellie_Grace

    Best Food Tracker Apps?

    Another good thing is that you can connect with friends to support you and help keep you honest... I have many of the people on this forum as my friend on there and it has been nothing but awesome. If you want to add any of us let us know. My email for the add (go under friends and click on request) is odiemom@ymail.com. Now as for the amount of calories per meal... that varies with each person, their weight and their goal and where they are post-op. I personally eat 3 meals and 2 Snacks a day and try to eat about 700-900 a day. I split that up between the meals depending on what I am eating throughout the day. But I figure out my day's food intake in the morning, inputing my Breakfast lunch and dinner then determine the right snacks to supplement Protein, Vitamins and calorie goals. I do not change how much I eat if I exercise either, because sometimes I burn off exercising more than I eat, but I do not allow that to give me permission to eat more. You might want to ask your doctor what he requires as far as calories, but I know in the beginning I could barely eat 400 cal but then I stalled and forced myself to increase it to 700 to avoid starvation mode (at the advice of others in here) and it worked. Anyway, what this was all meant to say, since I am way too wordy sorry, is this is determined on an individual basis based on a lot of factors, so good luck. )
  8. Ellie_Grace

    Denied :(

    You know I totally agree with you. I have stayed out of this conversation due to incindiary state of the conversation. I feel strongly against fraud and theft of any kind, and what was done with ankle weights etc is fraud. I am not sure why people think it is ok to buck the system to get what they want. I also will not watch pirated videos, sneak into a an extra movie at the theater, etc. I am a very black and white kind of person, if it is wrong it is wrong. But that being said I do understand why she went there and felt pushed to almost do so, being the scales were different at one doctor to the next. If that first doctor had done his job she never would have had to go that route. I am not here to judge her actions, albeit I disagree with her choices and it is not one I would have made, I doubt she give a flying poop if I disagree LOL. I hope you reconsider your leaving and know we value your opinion as well. None of are perfect and each of us make mistakes regularly and we need to support each other. The problem I had with both sides of this and I think not just Ryan needs to take the blame here is of the name calling and vicious attacks on both sides. (insert name here) said some highly inflammatory comments in reaction and anger. He/She was not the only one, but I will not go reread the whole thread since it was annoying and hard enough to read the first time. It is so dissapointing to see adults revert to childish attacks when someone voices a difference of a opionion. Yes he was rude and obnoxious but we did not need to step down to his level. If we had just ignored him this would have been over. He really is allowed his own opinion even if he might have considered not posting it on that particular thread but perhaps opened a new thread with that topic. Another serious issue that needs to be addressed. We are here to support and help each other through this journey and as a therapist let me tell you that if you support someone when they are doing something wrong or thinking something harmful then we are damaging them and not supporting them. Support also means challenging people in their distorted thoughts and behaviors. BUT, and a big but, is that this needs to be done tactfully and with real compassion. Easy to say "Dang you are a real jerk for blah blah blah", or "Dang you are stupid for thinking blah blah blah", It might be easy but it is not helpful and can be damaging. Much better to word it as "I don't feel this way, have you considered viewing this in this way?" or "I understand we view this differently, but that is ok" Or "have you considered that when you did blah blah you might have hurt so in so feelings". We have to remember we are dealing with real people with intense hurt feelings and we need to respect each other at all times. So when we need to assist someone in adjusting their behavior or thinking then there are ways it can be done without resorting to childish hurtful remarks. I have a feeling what I said has come out wrong. But please keep in mind I did so in a spirit of helpfulness. P.S. I am not sure it would have mattered with Ryan as he seemed to have a chip on his shoulder, but it also seems as if he sure needed some serious help, that maybe we could have helped him with over time, but then again maybe not. Glad he is gone the contention in this thread was painful.
  9. I agree with everyone on here. I went through a 3 week stall in my second month and it drove me bonkers and got all the same advice you are getting. One thing I was told was to measure myself with a tape measure. I did that on every measurement I could possibly do and I am grateful I did. Because generally it seems when I am stalled again I am losing inches somewhere on my body. Not just waist or hips but sometimes they stay steady but my bust or arms are losing it. This measuring once a week has helped me to focus on another change not so obvious to see. Also your body has been traumatized and it is not surprising that it needs to take a break every once in awhile. Be patient and as long as you do the plan and stick with it (Protein, Water,Vitamins, enough calories, sleep and exercise) there will be no way at this stage in your process for you not to lose weight. Best of luck and be patient and loving with yourself you deserve it!! Stop being so critical of you and your progress, dang it, you are awesome!!
  10. Ellie_Grace

    Broke The Scale

    Congrats! That is so exciting!
  11. Ellie_Grace

    Strawberry No Bake Cheesecake

    Any idea on the nutritional stats i.e. calories, sugar etc?
  12. Ellie_Grace

    Hair Is Falling Out!

    My understanding is that there is nothing you can do at this point. Just make sure you coninue to get in enough protein and all your vitamins. I am almost to three months and that is when this starts and I am already seeing hair failling out more than normal. I take hair, skin and nail vitamins plus I use the Nioxin shampoo but not sure if it will help, guess it will be a wait and see. The hair loss will continue up to 8 or 9 months post-op but it slows down and then stops and goes back to normal. You wont go bald just be a bit thinner on top of your head to match your thinner body below (guess it was jealous of your body getting all of the attention). Anyone who has gone through this able to give us some tips and reassurance? Thanks Ellie
  13. Ellie_Grace

    Tomorrow Is The Big Day

    Keeping all of u going into surgery this week in my prayers. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. PS get up and walk ASAP
  14. Ellie_Grace

    Just Got To Tell Someone

    What's the cost if you have to pay for the surgeries?
  15. Ellie_Grace

    Just Got To Tell Someone

    I don't think they look bad either - wish I had a friend or family member who was a plastic surgeon.
  16. Ellie_Grace

    Just Got To Tell Someone

    I want boob lift, tummy tuck etc but insurance does not cover them unless medically indicated. Guess I will just be saggy bit thinner and akways covered up
  17. I was sitting in bed and hit my thighs and was like wow these are hard, hubby laughed and said you got muscles now and pointed out various other places LOL. No boob muscles. Haha but showed me under. Just didn't think I would have them only 3 months into working out.
  18. Ellie_Grace

    This May Sound Crazy

    Awesome picture- I love watching everyone's changes
  19. Ellie_Grace

    Friday Weigh-In!

    DoS 6/12/12 Pre op 261 Day of surgery 250 Last week 210.4 Today 206.8 Loss this week 3.8. Total loss is 54.2 YAY!! Good week considering all the medical drama in my house this week
  20. Beautiful. What is your final goal weight?
  21. Great job, very impressive piece of work. Thanks for your hard work. I caught one error, at least I think it was an error. You said "You need 60-80 grams of carbs (depending on surgeon some say 100g) per day." but I am pretty sure you meant Protein.
  22. Ellie_Grace

    Road Blocks.

    Ouch. That sucks!!!
  23. Ellie_Grace

    Road Blocks.

    Make sure you apply for FMLA. I think that is in most states. I think that will guarantee that they can not fire you for geing out on medical leave. Also check with state insurance to help pay for some of your time off, a lot of states have something from the state that helps. Check with your HR person. Hope this all works out and soon for you!
  24. Ellie_Grace

    At Home Recovery...

    I think you can do it alone as long as you have minimal pain and get prepared ahead of time. I could have totally done it on my own, I was lucky to have husband and kids around, but honestly I could have done it myself. I just figured I would take advantage because I could (lazy me I know). At most you might need help for a few days but not much more, if you have pain or mobility issues. Good luck
  25. Ellie_Grace

    Protein Drinks...

    NOT mouse but Mousse LOL silly typos have a way of making things interesting

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
