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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Nicolebeskinny

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    North Branford
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  1. Nicolebeskinny

    New To This!

    Thank you ladies he thinks it was a freak vessel that didn't clot. No I'm not a smoker. Just so nervous about everything
  2. Nicolebeskinny

    Back In The Hospital Again

    Oh no don't give up. Everyone says this is the best thing! When did your nausea begin? Right away?
  3. Nicolebeskinny

    New To This!

    Hello everyone, I just had surgery on Monday and then developed a post op bleed~ so scary and now nervous about. Everything!!! Did I make the right decision??
  4. Nicolebeskinny


    I have PCOS AND just had the surgery on Monday, so I'll keep you posted !

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