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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by kellybarbs

  1. kellybarbs

    1 To 2 Week Diet

    Wayne! I feel your pain! I'm three weeks Tom and just started introducing food. This is so hard!
  2. kellybarbs

    2 Years Post Op

    I'm only three weeks! Please tell me it gets better!
  3. kellybarbs


    Omg! I'm so glad someone else is going through this ( well not really because it's not a good feeling). I'm 3 weeks tomorrow and I am resentful, angry, regretful and emotional and I'm driving myself crazy. Don't know what to do because I can't stand to be around myself.
  4. kellybarbs

    Hungry Or Not ?

    Right there with you girls! I had surrey April 23 and was able to start a few foods today. I didn't know how slow to go and didn't want to overeat amd couldn't tell either. I had 1/2 scrambeled egg and stopped and within 5 mts I was full. It's so hard! Head hunger is the worst! I hope that gets better for all of us! Good luck!
  5. kellybarbs

    Friday Weigh-In!

    Ughhh! That makes me so nervous! I hope you all get well really soon!
  6. kellybarbs

    Friday Weigh-In!

    That's awful . So sorry. Makes me so nervous as I am only two weeks out. When did your problems begin?
  7. kellybarbs

    Back In The Hospital Again

    That makes me so nervous as I am only two weeks out. When did that start for you?
  8. kellybarbs

    Im New

    Hi! I am new to ALL of this. This is my first time on the website and i just has the surgery 10 days ago and my sister had it Monday. Everyone thinks the hard part is over but I think it's just starting... Any tips?
  9. So I need to vent a bit. Feeling. Some buyers remorse today. Monday it will be 2 weeks since surgery. Still only on liquids and ensure. Wishing I could go out to dinner tonight. Does it get easier? Or more importantly more normal??
  10. kellybarbs


    I'm there with you crystal for anything I can to do to help!
  11. kellybarbs

    Having A Hard Day

    I cAmt wait for anything lol!
  12. kellybarbs


    Crystal- I'm with you! I've been on liquids for 2 weeks too and I crave anything. Def mental hunger is the worst. I'm having a hard- extremely hard time with it. Not for junk just for food!
  13. kellybarbs

    Having A Hard Day

    Thanks Mary! That helps
  14. kellybarbs


    Me too!! Everyone says with due time and it gets easier. I'm 2 weeks Tom.
  15. kellybarbs

    Having A Hard Day

    Good for you! I start soft foods this week and I am excited amd nervous!!
  16. kellybarbs

    Back In The Hospital Again

    Oh that's awful! Feel better soon! I'm nervous because Tom I'm Just 2 weeks out!
  17. I only had pain for 3 days. Everyone is different. Listen to your body and talk with your dr.
  18. kellybarbs

    About Me

    Hi. I just had the surgery 2 weeks ago Tom. It's been a rough 2 weeks to be honest but everyone says it gets better. In the 2 weeks I've learned I never would have lost weight any other way. I wanted to go out for cinco de mayo yesterday and if I was just dieting inwould have. The surgery doesn't give me the option. It definatly helps to have people to talk to. I am lucky in the sense that a few family and friends have done it so I bounce everything off of them. I hope to Donte same for others. If I can help in anyway, let me know. I haven't weighed myself so I'm Excited to see what 2 weeks is tomorrow!
  19. kellybarbs

    My Story

    So sorry for your loss. People on here have been great. I am 2 weeks tomorrow and having people that have gone through it helps. I too am still embarrassed of my start weight, but at least we are doing something about it. I'm here for whatever I can help with. It absolutely helped me to have had friends and family that have gone through it to be a sounding board. So I want to do the same in return. Kelly
  20. kellybarbs

    Having A Hard Day

    Thanks so much Mary. That does help. It's hard and I wanted to go out with my boyfriend tonight and I keep reminding myself in due time. The liquid phase seems never ending! I get a few soft foods next week. Everyone says it will be worth it. I hope so! I never wanted to fast forward time like I do know! How is it going for you? Any issues?
  21. kellybarbs

    Pain In The Leg

    Thanks everyone. I checked with my sister who is an nurse amd she assured me that I wouldn't have it in both legs and it sounds more circulatory. I will check with my doc last week. I am/ was morbidly obese so she things it was to do with nerves and weight.
  22. He past few nights when I'm sleeping I wake up to pins and needed in the outside upper thigh of either leg. Anyone else? Could it be a pinched nerve?
  23. kellybarbs

    My Post Op So Far!

    I don't like the artificial sweeteners either! Yuk!
  24. kellybarbs

    My Post Op So Far!

    Hi! I had my surgery April 22 too. I am just on water and shakes still. I can't wait to get to try different proteins! Glad you are doing so well!
  25. kellybarbs

    Friday Weigh-In!

    I am in starting next Friday too!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
