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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by kellybarbs

  1. kellybarbs

    Friday Weigh-In!

    I will post next Friday as well
  2. kellybarbs

    Im New

    I'm not there yet either. I get some foods next week. I'll let you know.
  3. kellybarbs

    I Am New..

    Hi! I am new to ALL of this. I had surgery 10 days ago and my sister had it Monday. I did great and she did great the first few days then ended up with a bleed. Wishing I didn't do it now. Any advice to get through the first month??
  4. kellybarbs

    I Am New..

    Thanks! Can only have 6 oz a day right now! Did anyone have a gross taste in their moth or when they went to Thr bathroom was it like diaherrea? ( sorry!)
  5. kellybarbs

    Im New

    Thanks! That helps to hear that. Did anyone have a metallic taste in their mouth? Or when you went to the bathroom was it almost diaherrea ( sorry)
  6. kellybarbs

    Im New

    Baltomomma- I am SO there with you. Only a day ahead. I have the buyers remorse too! Why didn't I exercise more? Eat less? Go through with this? It's such a bad feeling... Making me so anxious. Maybe we an get through this together!
  7. kellybarbs

    Four Days Til Liquid Diet

    Thanks so much Mary! Trying to drink a lot of water day by day is right. I feel like oh many this many more days but then a day is over. Longest 2 weeks!
  8. kellybarbs

    Can I Get A Break?!?!

    I feel so bad for you. My sister and I had it a week apart and she ended up with a bleed. She is in icu. It sucks. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
  9. kellybarbs

    Four Days Til Liquid Diet

    Good luck. I'm on liquid diet for 10 days now amd am having a hard time. Does anyone have advice how they got through it?

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