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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. jgarland

    November Dates

    November 21st for me had a long journey but its worth it..
  2. jgarland

    Doctor Office Nightmare

    Thanks I researched before hand i thought fairly well, but as i got deeper into this particular mess i started hearing from my pcp that they have had problems with this outfit before huh thanks for telling me now, i have no problem woth the surgeon just a particular person and apparently they holds all the cards but oh well i must keep moving forward. I am from georgia
  3. Hey all We all expect to fight for this surgery from an insurance standpoint right well how bout from the surgeons standpoint no way huh Well this is what has happened to me my insurance company are actually being an advovate for me the doctors office politics are a nightmare they screwed up some paperwork and wont admit to it and one person is actually lying to.try to cover it up. We need trust in the surgeons office we choose and i have lost that trust with them. So i am going to.choose a new surgeon and start fresh soooo frustrating. So i have been battling this crap since march with this office. And i have become exhausted. At least the insurance company is on my side. They are filing a greivance with the dr office in question.
  4. I'm from west palm beach, florida and my surgeon was Paul Wizman hi im from wpb fla as well but moved to north ga w my family in 89
  5. This groups members are standing behind you and sending healing prayers your way. Stay strong and positive.
  6. jgarland


    Hoping all goes smoothly for you,and a speedy recovery!:-)
  7. jgarland


    :-) sending positive vibes your way
  8. jgarland

    Diabetic 2

    Prayers from here too
  9. jgarland

    Got The Wind Knocked Our Of My Sails :-(

    Thanks, sorry to hear about your woes too. i appreciate the encouragement. The letter i got says they recommend i submit additional information to get approval. guess its time to cross t's and x i's
  10. So happy for all with dates!
  11. jgarland

    Got The Wind Knocked Our Of My Sails :-(

    Thanks it means alot.
  12. jgarland

    Got The Wind Knocked Our Of My Sails :-(

    I have been sitting on pins since i heard they said no, meeting with my pcp Monday to file appeal
  13. jgarland

    Approved And Ready

    Good for you. I am waiting on an appeal to my insurance company. Date was set foot July 9 now i don't know
  14. I got a surgery date and now the insurance company said no. What.!? Not medically necessary? I don't understand this at all diabetes, weight related early onset arthritis high cholesterol the list goes on . I had tohave a hysterectomy in 2004 because pcos was so severe so no kids for me and lord knows i desired them then had to have gallbladder removed in 2007. i have spent thousands on diets and exercise programs and doctors all i want is help a tool (surgery) so i can maintain a normal healthy weight for me so i can live a better life.. I know skinny people get some of these same health problems but as we all know being obese is a death sentence in and of it self tack on the extras and what chance do we have aaaaaaaaerrrrrrrhhhhhhgggggg!!!!! But i will keep fighting think positively for me would you all?
  15. jgarland

    Love This Site!

    Hey welcome my surgery is July 9. This is a great site.

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