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Posts posted by goodlife

  1. For me it is that warm cup of something in the morning. While on clears a bit of warm apple juice to start the day has done the trick.

    Atkins has a new eady to drink shake flavor called Mocha Latte. Its not a clear but when you go to full liquids a bit of that warmed up might hit the spot.

    I would be really scared of caffine at first though.

    I'm a real coffee hound but I'm afraid of the caffine just yet.

    take care


    Thanks I'm going to have to look for that Atkins drink.

    Where do you buy that at?

  2. Hi, yes I will use Dr. Lavin. He removed my gall bladder several years ago and I really liked him. I know all of those Dr.s there are great. Will you have the surgery at Fairway? That's where I had my gb surgery and it is great, more like a htotel than a hospital. I can't wait to hear about your experience over threre. If you don't mind me asking, how long were you on the pre-op diet and how bad was it? Also what kind of pre-op testing did you have to do?

    No I'm having my surgery at the Surgical Hospital in Slidell.

    When I made the decision to have the surgery which was a few weeks before my consultation I started making changes. I wasn't a Breakfast eater and barely a lunch eater. So I started having Protein shakes and I cut out the sweet tea (which was my addiction) and I cut out the real sugar from my coffee and started using equal or splenda. When I had my consultation on March 31 I had lost 11 or 12 lbs. I started the pre-op diet the next day since I was self pay it could have been as little as two weeks to surgery.

    I did the PrescriptFit over the MyWeight but that was just my personal choice.

    I met a few people at the nutritional class at the hospital who are all using different doctors there and they didn't have to do a pre-op diet. So I'm not sure what's up with that.

    The pre-op diet wasn't bad at all for me and in fact the last week or so I haven't even been able to get all the scoops in that I'm supposed to. I just wasn't hungry. When I went for my pre-op appt. last week I had lost another 15 lbs or something like that..I know that was down 26 lbs. from my high.

    As for pre-op testing, I was a little pre-emptive there too. I didn't have a PCP so I got one and saw her and talked to her about wanting to have the VSG. She was very supportive. I had just had bloodwork done (because that's what I do...sell discounted lab tests directly to the consumer) and so I brought that in to her. She went ahead and put me on a statin drug for my cholesterol and she ordered a sleep study as I was pretty sure I had sleep apnea and I figured Dr. French would order one. He ordered a few additional bloodtests and that's about it. He wanted a clearance letter from my PCP so I was very glad I had already had an appointment with her and that she was supportive of my decision to have the surgery.

    At my pre-op at the hospital, they did a ABO Group and RH test (blood draw), they did a pregnancy test, a urinalysis, a chest xray (because I'm a smoker), and a EKG.

    My initial consultation was on March 31 and my surgery is tomorrow April 28.

    Not bad, huh?

  3. Life is about to get so much better for you....just you wait and see.

    And how awesome is it that you quit smoking!

    I'm really struggling with it. I'm on chantix now which makes me just wanna puke but I've still been smoking.

    I smoked my last cigarette early today and I'm trying not to let myself go and buy another pack. I'm not supposed to smoke 24 hours before surgery and that starts tomorrow morning.

    I'm trying to make do with my electronic cig. SIGH.

    Don't let yourself get too down....hell quitting smoking is a way bigger deal IMO than this surgery! You've got a LOT to be happy about right there.

  4. I think it's one of the more strict plans out there!

    I was looking over the guidelines sheet they gave me.

    Here's what it says.

    Days 1-4: Clear liquids no sugar added

    Days 5-7: Begin adding Protein supplement drinks

    Day 10-12: Add thicker (full) liquids, V8 juice, thin cream Soups, yogurt, pudding (low fat and no sugar added)

    Day 21: Hi Protein smoothies, applesauce, baby food (no sweeteners added), bananas

    Day 28 (4 weeks): Oatmeat consistency, cottage cheese, cream of wheat, continue taking protein supplement


    Day 35 (5 weeks): Add cooked vegetables, canned fruits, small amount baked potato. Try adding low-fat cheese

    Day 42 (6 weeks): Add poached or soft egg, mushy red or white Beans (very small amount), cracker/melba toast, fresh fruit, protein and low-fat granola bars

    Day 56 (8 weeks): You'll be ready to try scrambled eggs, rice, Cereal, and whole wheat Pasta in small amounts *Always eat protein first

    8 Weeks After: Baked fish, tuna, toasted bread, and cooked vegetables. Add Calcium supplement. Once you have tolerated baked fish, crab, and tuna, (maybe even ground turkey), you will be able to advance to baked chicken and salads

    6 Months and After: No pork, ham, or beef until 6 months post-op.

  5. All of my employees know and they are all very supportive. The owner of the company is a wonderful man and he is very supportive also.

    My surgery is next wednesday, and I'm hoping to be able to come back to work the following Monday at least for half days.

    I can work from home some too if I need to.

  6. I'm using PrescriptFit. They sell it at my surgeon's office but you can get it online also.

    They have chicken Soup flavor, chocolate, and vanilla.

    I drink the lactose free chocolate..it tastes just like brownie batter to me..yummy.

    I was out and bought some more today and forgot to tell them I wanted the lactose free and they gave me the regular. I came home opened it, made a shake, took a big ole sip and went EEEWWWWWW what the HELL is this nasty stuff? Looked at it and said ahh..who knew they would taste so different. Got back in my car went back over there and bought another tub of the lactose free.

    The chicken Soup isn't bad...I add a little extra seasoning to it and a bit of bouillon.

    However; I do not care for the vanilla...but they sell flavorings for it that you can buy and I'm going to have to check out the difference in taste between the regular and the lactose free on the vanilla.< /p>

    I have to have a minimum of 8 scoops per day which is 4 shakes but I can have up to 20 scoops if I wanted it. I'm having trouble getting all 8 scoops in now. They're just really filling.

    I've never been much of a Water drinker either...but adding the sugar free koolaid tropical punch or grape or the crystal light fruit punch to it makes it soo good. I can drink way more than I need to drink in a day now so that is good too.

  7. Welcome...I'm pretty new here myself and it's been such a great place to get support and information. My surgeon was pretty impressed with how well I did my homework...I told him I'd been reading on this forum! lol

    The liquid diet isn't as bad as it seems. I am on the PrescriptFit Protein shakes and I haven't struggled with it all except for the last week or so just not being able to get as much of it in as I'm supposed to. But it really wasn't hard to stay full on it and to turn away from real food.

    Good luck to you and hoping for a quick insurance approval.

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