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Posts posted by goodlife

  1. Welcome Brian! We are very glad you decided to post and introduce yourself.

    Just consider us part of your extended family now!

    I'm very sorry for your loss and I think it's wonderful that you have devoted yourself to your children.

    I had the same fears as you...my husband did as well. He was worried I wouldn't wake up from surgery or that something would go horribly wrong during the surgery. Of course it's a fear but I knew the risk of dying of a heart attack or stroke from my other health issue related to being overweight were much greater.

    Doing this for yourself and getting yourself healthy is the greatest gift you can give to your children.

    Congratulations on your decision and please keep posting! We will all be here for you!

    Do you have a surgery date yet?

  2. Wow our plans are very different! How many grams of Protein does your 6 oz shake have. One scoop of my stuff has 24 grams of Protein so they really want me to have 3 of them a day too. I'm just having a hard time getting it down. I can have some yogurt already too. I have found some all natural cran-grape juice that has no sugar that is really refreshing. I don't care for apple juice or many other juices at all. I'm such a wuss.

    One very positive thing about you getting a much lighter diet than I'm getting is that you'll undoubtedly lose much faster than I am. Sigh.

    One scoop has 14 grams of protein.

    I haven't tried any juices..they said I could have some diet cranberry juice which I don't like so.

    What brand of Protein Powder are you using?

  3. Goodlife, are you feeling like you are past the worst part yet? I haven't had to take any gas x but I burp ALOT and my incisions are itchy. I can take bigger sips than before also. just wondering.Carla:confused1:

    This evening I can say yes..I'm feeling much better. Not nearly as sore as I was but I'm still burping like crazy. My incisions are itchy too but that's good cause it means they're healing.

    As the day goes on I can take in more at one time. I started on my Protein shakes today...6 oz at a time - 14 grams of Protein each. I've managed to drink three today plus sipping on Water all day. I can tell it's going to be a struggle for me to get in all of the protein.

    I tried adding a pack of powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury unflavored protein to a bottle of crystal light and it was disgusting.

  4. cajun that sounds exactly like what I'm going through right now....all I do is walk around the house or up and down the driveway and I nap often. I'm pretty tired.

    I simply cannot do broth. Just hearing that word makes me want to hurl. I was so happy that I could start having Protein shakes today..but I can only get about 2oz in at a time.

    I did have a cup of Decaf coffee this morning with non-dairy Creamer and splenda and OMG it was the best thing I've ever had in my life I think! lol

    Other than that I'm trying to just sip Water throughout the day.

  5. I am feeling the same as you are. My surgery is scheduled for May 5th. The emotions that I am feeling right now are all over the place. I am more nervous about getting an IV and anesthesia than anything else.

    I felt the same way and I didn't sleep hardly a wink the night before my surgery. But I was confident in my decision to do this and with the procedure I chose.

    I have a huge needle phobia so the IV was a big concern of mine and so were the heparin shots in my tummy.

    I let them know about my phobia when I got there and they were really nice about it. They stuck me with a little bitty tiny needle in my hand with lidocaine to numb the area up and then put the IV in and I didn't feel a thing. They waited to give me the first heparin shot after I was already under. When they brought me to the OR they put an oxygen mask on my face and told me to breathe deeply and next thing I knew I was waking up in recovery. I remember vaguely waking up and them telling me everything went well and I was fine. I don't remember anything else until I woke up in my own room.

    Also I didn't feel any of the other heparin shots because my tummy was numb. Every other medication they gave me was through the IV.

    Overall it was a fairly easy experience. The worst part of the whole thing was the pressure in my chest and upper back that I woke up with. I wouldn't even describe it as pain...just pressure. Enough that it was a bit uncomfortable but I still was so groggy that I just went back to sleep. When I woke up I was much better.

    I had my surgery at 7:30 am wednesday morning and was home by 11:00 am thursday morning.

    The post op diet? Mine sucks...I won't lie. I'm sick to death of broth, sick to death of crystal light and Jello and I am so ready to have something of substance. I have a pretty strict post-op plan which doesn't really introduce real food for nearly 2 months. I never thought I'd be looking forward to being able to have a Protein shake again! lol

    I'm planning to go to work on Monday although probably not a full day. Probably will only stay a couple of hours.

    I've never had any real pain...just soreness and tiredness and lots and lots of burping. I've been using the gas x strips religiously..they have helped me a lot. I had a good bit of trouble with acid the 2nd day and I started drinking plain Water instead of so much crystal light and that seems to have helped.

    Good luck to you...I'm sure you will do great!

  6. Try surgeryloans.com and care credit

    I went with Care Credit as the interest rate with them was a little bit less and you can choose to finance for up to 60 months if you need to. Ask your surgeon's office if they accept Care Credit and if they're doing the interest free promotion. My surgeon's office didn't do that promotion..only the one at 14.9% interest.

    If you don't mind me asking....how much weight would you like to lose?

  7. I didn't have leg things just foot things that every few minutes would fill up with air and then release. They told me too that as much as I was getting up and walking around that I didn't need them.

    It started the day I got home in my left calf and then yesterday it was in both.

    It feels like whenever you work out a whole lot and then you are sore the next day but it's only in the backs of my calves.

    Maybe I'm low on potassium? The first doc I talked to...the one on call the other night said it could be from the Fluid too....to give myself time to urinate some of that out.

    Who knows!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
