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Posts posted by goodlife

  1. I'm very glad you have talked to your surgeon!

    If it's really bothering you...especially the shortness of breath, I'd either call him again or I'd go to the ER. Shortness of breath and tightning in your chest can be a sign of a leak...but they say if you have a leak you'll know it.

    My doc's office told me to expect some weakness and fatigue for the next few weeks..and I do find I need an afternoon nap sometimes.

    If you're getting in 50 oz of liquid you shouldn't be dehydrated.

    Are you running a temp?

    Good luck to you and I'm sorry you're going through this!

  2. Congratulations! That's great loss too!

    I'm only 11 days out from surgery but I can honestly say I'm not missing all the carb rich foods I used to eat.

    I will confess though that when I saw a pizza hut commercial on tv the other day...I had a moment of drooling...but it didn't linger. LOL

  3. My PrescriptFit Protein powder (that's what my surgeon's office sells and the stuff I had to be on pre-op) has 10 g of carb per scoop. One scoop is 14 g of Protein and I mix it with 6 oz of Water.

    The other Protein Powder I use is Muscle Milk Light banana creme and 1 serving is 2 scoops mixed with 10 oz of Water and it has 11g of carbs and 25 g of protein.

    I think I need to find protein powders with less carbs.

    I did order some cans of Extreme smoothie chocolate dream which are very low carb and taste pretty decently. They haven't come in yet.

    I have a couple of bottles of OhYEAH! RTD which only have 7 g of carbs per 14 oz bottle and 32 g of protein...but it has whey protein concentrate and my nut said that wasn't the best source of protein.

    SIGH! lol

  4. OK...I'm 10 days out from my surgery today. Today I can add creamed Soups, sf pudding, and yogurt to my diet.

    Here's my problem.

    This is what I took in yesterday..just Protein shakes and Water with crystal light.

    520 calories, 24g of carbs, and 90g of Protein.< /p>

    Today so far I've had

    415 calories, 31g of carbs, and 53g of protein.

    Now I totally don't have room (hunger wise and capacity wise) to add anything more so in order to add creamed Soup, or sf pudding (doesn't seem to have any nut value at all), or yogurt, I'd have to substitute one of my Protein Shakes...and then I wouldn't be getting in enough protein and would be adding a bunch of carbs!

    I realize I'm probably overthinking this way too much...a classic fault of mine...but anyway...

    Can someone tell me what to do please?

  5. Hi everybody....April 28th here.

    I haven't really had any problems either and I'm getting in plenty of fluids and lots of Proteins from the Protein Shakes.

    I haven't started on anything else yet although I can now how thin creamed Soups, sf pudding, and yogurt.

    Can't figure out how any of those things is going to help me nutritionally....so I'm just kinda confused in general.

    Oh well...I'll figure it out eventually!

    Good luck to all of you...and I'm so thankful for these boards and all of you..it's so nice to have other people going through the same hurdles to talk to!

  6. I make a conscious decision to not get on my scale everyday because I don't want to be disappointed or get discouraged.

    I had my surgery on the 28th and when I went for my post op on the 4th..I had lost 8 lbs. I thought it was OK especially since I came home from the hospital weighing 13 lbs more than I did when I went in. But then 2 local girls I had met who had surgery right around me lost a lot more than me..

    I absolutely refuse to let that get me down. Neither of them had pre-op diets....whereas I had pretty much been dieting for like 5 weeks before my surgery and had lost 24 lbs.

  7. The PA told me to stop taking mine when I went for my post op because I told her I was feeling fine. I didn't take it the next day but took it yesterday. Didn't take it today...and am kind of playing it by ear. If I start feeling like I need it...I will definitely start taking it again.

    I have noticed I have felt a bit more bloated I guess today..not sure if it's related at all...but I haven't had any burning or anything.

    I don't have any experience with acid reflux so not sure what all the symptoms are.

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