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Posts posted by goodlife

  1. hahaha...you crack me up!

    I didn't use any sort of sippy cup..I don't think that's necessary.

    I just drank out of a 16 oz Water bottle...works quite well.

    I also never used a pill crusher. I was sent home with two scripts and both were pills and I never had any problems taking them.

    Of course everyone is different. I know some people couldn't swallow pills right away whether because they just couldn't or their docs told them not to.

  2. Congratulations...doesn't it feel good to check things off the list and know you're getting closer?

    Just keep reading..it all seems overwhelming right now....but it's really not that bad. It'll all fall into place. Your surgeons office will give you their protocol on Vitamins...just as the post op food plans differ from doc to doc...so does their Vitamin regimen.

    Most people will tell you not to invest in Protein powders, drinks, etc. ahead of time because for so many of us our tastes change and what we liked pre-op we no longer liked post-op.

    That hasn't been true for me...at least not yet.

    You can try ordering different sample packs...there's a thread called where to get Protein samples or something like that I believe in the food and nutrition forum. At least that way you'll have lots of different things to try when you're post -op and see what you like.

    Good luck to you!

  3. I've been feeling hungry now and again lately. I think part of it is that I'm PMS'ing.

    My doctor told me to EXPECT to feel tired and even fatigued for a few weeks after surgery.

    It's quite normal to feel that way. Our bodies are healing and are adjusting to the big change in diet. It's temporary and will pass.

  4. I soooo miss chicken BLT salads from Wendy's with balsamic vinegar.

    I'm only 19 days out so I don't even know when I'll be able to eat salads again.

    OH and I miss boiled seafood. We're having our annual company crawfish boil this weekend..I'm going to be LICKING the crawfish just for the flavor and sucking the juice out of the pincers! LOL

  5. Lynette...that's perfectly normal too...

    It doesn't happen to everyone...but it happens to most I think.

    I weighed 13 lbs more when I came home than I did when I went in.

    Because I had read about that often where people gained in the hospital due to all the fluids they pump into you...I wasn't worried about it all.

  6. yep it was a good 10 days for me too...tummy just felt all bloated and swollen. It didn't hurt...it was just...there!

    My docs office told me not to worry about getting in all of my Protein right away that I had to build up to it. They were definitely more concerned with me staying hydrated.

    It'll get better and easier...you'll see. I think 30g a day at 5 days is great!

  7. I would check with your doctor on what they recommend....I had specific instructions beforehand to take a few sips of milk of magnesia everyday for a while.

    I did that as long as I could stand it but that stuff really makes me want to hurl so I stopped. I figure if I start having any problems I'll hold my nose and take a swig.

    But I think I will email my docs office tomorrow and ask what else they recommend I take.

  8. That's why when the scale didn't move for two days in a row last week I picked it up and refuse to get on it!

    Ouro..that smoothie you're making sure does seem to have a bunch of calories in it!

    I'm using the Gladiator powder...180 calories for 2 scoops, 45g of Protein, I use about 1/4 cup of Water in it, about a cup of ice cubes, and one medium banana thrown in. 2 of those a day and I'm at 90 g of protein!

    My biggest thing is that it seems like I can really take in a lot. I was able to eat a whole container of Dannon greek yogurt with strawberry in it today. I can eat about a whole cup of thin creamed Soup at a sitting...maybe 15 minutes or so.

    I know these are "slider" foods and pass through my sleeve pretty quickly but it's still worrisome.

  9. I wouldn't worry so much about it stopping your weight loss as I would worry that your stomach is not healed enough yet to handle stuff like that.

    There's a reason we're on liquids, then full liquids, and then mushies/pureed foods and finally moving on to solids.

    You really need to give your tummy a chance to heal!

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