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Posts posted by goodlife

  1. I am probably speaking out of turn as I've not even had my sleeve surgery yet, but here goes.

    I do not understand why a doctor would release a patient who can't even swallow enough Water to prevent dehydration! This is something I will be discussing at my surgical consult June 17th.

    Is it because we are having an elective surgery? Like I said I may be speaking out of turn, but I think you should still be in the hospital on an IV till you can at least swallow water! :001_smile: Shame on your doctor!!

    Kitty...she can drink Water just fine...it's the amount of Protein she's able to get in now that she's worried about.

    Nobody is going to drink 64oz of Fluid a day when they first come home nor do they expect you to.

    The hospital will make sure you can drink an adequate amount to stay hydrated before they release you.

  2. I have creamed Soup once a day...usually for dinner and about a cup at a time..but they were thin. I had it not for it's nutritional value but just for something different to eat. In other words, I didn't want to fill up all day on that knowing I needed to get my Protein in.

    I got all my Protein from protein shakes. I still do mostly although I'm moving on to soft foods so slowly getting protein from real foods now.

    I can't stand the Isopure drinks at all and I don't like the unflavored Proteins either at all.

    I mix all of my Protein Shakes with Water even though they told me I could mix them with skim milk or carb countdown milk. I figured the Water was working for me why change it.

    I'm really into gladiator smoothies right now. I bought a tub of the vanilla and a tub of chocolate. When I have the vanilla, I add a banana to it..depending on how many carbs I've had that day. If I don't need anymore carbs for the day I'll make a chocolate smoothie.

    My surgeon told me to expect to be tired and low energy for a few weeks. I still get pretty tired in the afternoon/evening but it's getting better.

    The longer out you get the easier it should get you to drink more and get in those amounts.

    Good luck to you!

  3. I really think it's true that we need to give our bodies a jolt once in a while so that it doesn't get too comfortable in a routine.

    What are your plans for here on out? Are you going to go back to your regular eating habits and then just do the increased calories every few days or once a week or something?

  4. I think it's totally normal. I didn't have a whole lot of the gurgling and growling...probably cause I burped like every 5 seconds non stop for the first week or so. I still burp but not nearly as often...after every meal I burp a lot though. It's quite funny.

    Also liquids go through our tummies pretty quickly. Even if you take a sip too fast or drink too much to quickly and get that pretty full feeling...for me at least it goes away within just a minute and I go right back to drinking.

    As for low long it takes you to drink a glass of Water...it seems that everybody is different. I never really had a problem drinking and could drink pretty normal drinks within just a few days. Thank god for crystal light and sf koolaid cause I really don't much care for plain Water unless I'm really hot and really thirsty!

  5. I ordered a DVD from Amazon.com to learn some of the Water aerobic exercised. My pool is finally finished being repaired and I'm about to go and get in it right now!

    I have bad lower back problems so I figure this is a good way to start that would be low impact on my back.

  6. Goodlife--SOMEONE that likes Crawfish-finally! I am much farther along and I can eat almost 2 lbs of them...they are LOVELY, and so LOW in fat etc.

    Sorry Immore, for some reason I thought you were 11 days out--I think that was the previous post I had read. At 6 weeks my doc told me to eat it all--I was adament I could NOT eat anything but soft stuff, he literally had to make me eat soft fish, told my husband to go directly to Luby's and purchase me a dinner. After I got over my fear that my sleeve would somehow unravel I have been able to eat all my protein--not drink it!

    HA! I'm a coonass through and through...I was born eating crawfish in my momm'a milk! LMAO.

    By the time I can have them again, crawfish season will be over....but I'm already looking forward to next year!

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