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Posts posted by goodlife

  1. I can swallow pills just fine....I really want to know if I can go back to the swallow kind. I think I'm going to call my surgeon's office and ask them or wait until my next appt. in a few weeks.

    I didn't even take them the last two nights because I was already not feeling good because of the pain I'm in due to my back. UGH.

  2. Today is 4 weeks out for me....my one month will be on the 28th.

    I hit my goal of losing 20 lbs in the first month this morning for a total of 44 lbs lost since I started on this journey.

    I'm still quite tired most days but my back is out and being in constant pain is just exhausting.

    Other than that everything is going great and I'm loving my sleeve!

  3. Does anyone know if it's ok to take a muscle relaxer?

    I bent over to pick some clothes up off the floor this morning and felt my back go out. I went to a new chiro today and he took a bunch of x rays.

    He actually thinks we can reverse some of the damage of the degeneration and also the bulging disc. He noted that my right hip is lower than the left and that the pelvis on the left side is tilted and that my left shoulder is higher than the right and rounding to the front instead of straight. Also the curves in my spine aren't where they're supposed to be since I'm all out of whack.

    What does all that mean? EXTREME PAIN!

    I normally don't like to take things that make me feel cuckoo but I'm really hurting here.

  4. Did you use the same scale to weigh both times?

    Did you have a pre-op diet and lose any then?

    I think those who don't have a pre-op diet or just do one day of Clear Liquids the day before surgery tend to have a big loss right off the bat.

    I lost 24 lbs pre-op. I came home from the hospital weighing 13 lbs more than I did when I went in and by my 1 week post op appt. I had lost that plus 8 lbs.

    But I know several others who had lost a lot more than 8 lbs but they hadn't lost anything pre-op.

  5. :crying:Hey Gang, thanks for your prayers & thoughts. I made it through surgery without a hitch. I thought I was home free...until they took away the morphine. I was doing soul train walks down the hallways around 3am LOL. I'm home and was sent with tylenol w/codine. I'm in pain. Don't know if I'm just wimping out or need something more for tonight? Any thoughts out there???:001_smile: Happy Destiny

    What KIND of pain are you in? Is it incision pain? Is it internal soreness? Is it gas pain?

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