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Posts posted by goodlife

  1. Congratulations on getting your date! I, too, was self pay and the process went very quickly.

    I'm now 2 months out and loving my sleeve and feeling so much better already physically from having lost a portion of the weight I have to lose.

    I am also a smoker.

    I did the Chantix before and it really works but to be quite honest I didn't WANT to quit so I stopped taking the Chantix. I started taking it again a few weeks before surgery as they wanted me to quit at least two weeks. I failed at that. I did cut back a good bit and stayed that way for a week or so after surgery but now I'm back to smoking as usual. My doc isn't real happy about that. He is encouraging me to try again and gave me a list of all the bad things that could happen to me...strictures, etc. but yeah..that didn't give me any motivation to quit.

    I'm hoping that once I've lost the weight and can become more active that I'll have a desire to quit then.

    Best of luck to you...I think you're going to be pleasantly surprised with your sleeve. I know I am!

  2. I didn't include these things in this post as I think I did in my 1 month post but it bears repeating. In just two short months my blood pressure is completely perfect. My cholesterol is NORMAL and my sleep apnea is GONE. My feet and ankles no longer swell.

    Those things are MORE important to me than my physical appearance. Before this I was really getting scared that I was slowly dying and wouldn't be around to see my children marry and have kids of their own.

    I truly feel like I've been given a new lease on life!

  3. Yesterday made 2 months since I had my surgery. As of this morning I'm down 34 lbs since surgery and 58 lbs since I started this journey back in the middle of March. I lost 20 lbs the first month and 14 the 2nd month. I was really hoping for 20 the 2nd month also but it just wasn't to be! At 1 month out I took measurements and I had lost 24.5 inches at that point. At 2 months out I've lost an additional 6.25 inches for a grand total of 30.75 inches.

    I love my sleeve and have had NO regrets whatsoever. There's definitely a learning curve and one thing I have to learn is to slow down when eating and learn where the overfull line is so I'll quit crossing it. Being overfull now is a different feeling than before. It can be quite uncomfortable for a bit.

    I've not ever had a single problem with nausea and I've never vomited. My stomach is pretty tough that way. I have to say it's been pretty easy so far.

    My husband and I just got back yesterday from an anniversary trip to Niagara Falls. I was worried about it a bit knowing I'd have to try to get all my Protein from food alone as I didn't bring any Protein drinks with me and there was no smoothie king there. I did fine. I made good choices and it wasn't hard at all. I didn't keep track though. I know I didn't get in enough fluids. Eating out for every meal for the last 4-5 days really hit home though just how little I could eat. I wasted a LOT of food.

    Foodwise I haven't cheated but I have had cocktails on occasion. I don't stress about it. I had this surgery to change my life and force a lifestyle change..I accept that and EMBRACE that but I plan to still enjoy the things I like and that means having a drink at dinner on occasion or when I'm vacationing at the beach with friends. Hey...I'm a coonass from South Louisiana....we drink. It's just part of who we are! lol

    A few observations I've made about how I've changed for the better so far.

    1. When at the beach a few weekends ago, I could walk from the end of the walkway through the sand to the beach without having to stop and take a breather.

    2. Hubby and I this past weekend in Niagara Falls walked a LOT...uphill and downhill...up and down steps and I handled it fine. If we had done that a year ago I would have had to stop and take breaks, my back would have been killing me and I would have hated it.

    3. Sex is much more enjoyable now. I have way more energy, stamina, and uhh..mobility. We can do so much more than we could before and just feeling better about myself allows me to enjoy it more. We just "fit" better now! LOL

    4. I've started trying on clothes in my closet that hasn't fit in a good long while and today I'm wearing a pair of jeans that I haven't been able to fit into in over 2 years. SCORE!

    5. I was comfortable in the airplane seats and the seatbelt fit with room to spare!

    Things to work on and general observations.

    1. Exercise. I'm barely doing any exercise but as I start to gain energy and feel better I'm finding a little more motivation to do some. Baby steps.

    2. That time of the month. So I've noticed that my body seems to do better at losing weight the first two weeks of my cycle. From the time I ovulate until I'm finished my period, I pretty much stall out. Then I'll have a fairly big drop and then steady loss for the next two weeks....Weird huh?

    3. I need to work on my Vitamins. All my Vitamin levels were good for my last bloodwork but I'm not so good at taking them consistently. I couldn't take those chewables anymore and my surgeon said I could start taking the regular Vitamins as long as I could swallow them. Well hell yeah I can swallow them. I just forget to....sigh. It's on my needs improvement list.

    Well that's all I can think of right now. I was going to post a before pic and a now pic but we've misplaced the before pics. Don't ask...way too many cameras and computers. We'll find them eventually I suppose.

    Oh and I'm finally down to under 100 lbs to go...heehee.

    Thanks to all of you here for your support and friendship. I would be so lost without all of you guys!

  4. It's probably Water retention from being on your period. Your friend is right...put the scale away. It will drive you crazy! I try to force myself to weigh only once a week...yeah but what ends up happening is that as long as the scale's moving I get on it everyday..when it stops moving I stop getting on it and week for my weekly weigh in. LOL The mind games I play with myself! SHEEEESH!

    Stalls are very frustrating...I didn't lose anything between weeks 3 and 4 and then I didn't lose anything between weeks 6 and 8 either. But yesterday the scale moved and today it moved again.

    Hang in there...it'll move. I promise!

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