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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ladybug222

  1. ladybug222

    Broke Down

    Sorry it has been a while since I've been on but I moved n have had a lot going on. Anyhow, I am 5 months out n have lost 95 pounds so far. I have another 15 to go. It seemed slow but as I look back it seems fast. I have so loose skin in my arms, thighs n stomach but the worse is my breast. I feel good for the most part. I don't have the strong urges for food anymore. Eating is not pleasurable for me anymore its more a task to stay healthy. Rarely do I eat something and really enjoy it but I don't regret doing this. I wish u the best n hang in there...it is all worth it
  2. ladybug222

    I Need Some Advice.

    It sounds like u may have a stricture or closing. Call ur doctor right away just to be on the safe side...I experienced a lot of pain n discomfort at first until I discovered that I had an intolerance to dairy. Best wishes to u
  3. ladybug222

    New To Site

    I am only 4 months out but understand how easy it can be to get off track n loss focus. U will get back on track. Just keep telling urself that u did it b4 n u can do it again. It's discouraging to gain weight becuz weight signifies a lot of other issues for most of us but remember that u r strong n if u endured for so long u can n will loss the pounds that u regained...best of luck to u
  4. ladybug222

    Having Rny 4/20/12

    Good luck to all of u...for those of u who r a little nervous, that is normal but u will do fine
  5. ladybug222

    2 Days Till Surgery

    Hope ur surgery went well...best of luck to u... This is the start of ur new beginning
  6. ladybug222

    Feeling Like A Failure

    Don't get discouraged....everyone goes thru mini plateaus. I would stay away from the soup for a while only becuz ur probably not getting a lot of protein from them plus the liquid n solid thing isn't a good idea. U r drinking the broth first and then eating the contents right? Drink plenty of fluids n get that protein in. Ur body does through shock so that why we plateau at first...it happens to every1 but u will start losing again. Slower weight lose is great becuz u will feel better n have less lose skin at the end...hang in the n best of luck to u
  7. ladybug222

    Broke Down

    I think every1 freaks out at one point during the liquid diet b cuz we all love food...if u slip...get back on track n tell ur self that this hardest part...u r conditioning urself for the future...after surgery u will heal n it will be fine...u will b able to eat with family n friends like normal buy obviously with smaller portions...u will b ok...it will all b worth it on the long run...we r stronger than we give ourselves credit for.. if u endure years of all the "crap" that come from being obese u r strong enuff to get thru this...hang in there!
  8. ladybug222

    Need Help!

    Don't beat urself up...u are doing fine. I had the same thing happen to me n u will see the weight loss slow down a lot which only makes sense becuz u have about 12-18 months of weight loss after surgery...I have lost 90 pounds including my preop weight loss n I am 4 months out. And now I am glad that it is slowing down...u will be fine...everyone goes thru plateaus.
  9. ladybug222

    15 Months; 157 Lbs Later

    So sorry to hear about ur difficulties...I am 4 month out n have been doing well for the most part. U mentioned u almost died at ur 6 months out, can u share with us what exactly happened so those of us can be aware in case we experience any similiar things. Thanx

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