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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. bwierz

    One Week Post Op!

    My energy is now great! i had surgery march 1 and on the 6 i was up out and walking. I did 1.7 miles that day then 2.5 the next. So far my experience has been awesome. Best of luck to you!
  2. Good luck to you all! let me know if you have any questions! im one week post op and would love to hear your stories!
  3. Hey guys! Well im officially a week and a day post gastric bypass surgery! My new life officially started March 1 2012 Its been a rough week to say the least. Ive gone through ups and downs and the buyers remorse but I know I made the right choice. Its been hard not having any real food I think thats where Ive struggled the most. There have been a few occasions where Ive chewed up a piece of chicken then spit it out just so that I could chew something. I felt sooo pathetic but I didnt swallow it! Today I kinda had a realization after putting clothes on and them fitting differently. I can finally see a difference. Im down 28 pounds from my highest weight so Ive been waiting for hear and see I look different. I told myself why should I be sad I cant have that pizza those people are eating on TV .. Im the one losing a pound a day while they gain? Its the results that will keep me going and motivated. Im hoping to find some people here who just give some advice to help through it but Im also more than willing to answer some questions about pre op and such

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