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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Annie68

  1. Annie68

    Stupid pain that wont go away

    Had my Upper GI- results showed GERD. No problems with the sleeve otherwise, thank goodness! They want to keep me on the Prilosec. Since I'm still having that weird left shoulder pain off & on after eating, they are going to do an Abdominal Ultrasound to check my gallbladder. Hope you are doing better?
  2. Annie68

    Stupid pain that wont go away

    I've still been having the pain, but it's much less with the PO Prilosec. I agree- there is no way this isn't related to our sleeves. My UGI is next Monday. I'm wondering if somehow it's referred pain from the gallbladder? I agree the the suggestion of endoscopy (I'm an RN & asked why we wouldn't skip the UGI if we were suspecting GERD/ulcer), but my weight center doctor called the surgeon & they wanted to start with that to rule out any possible leaks they said. My surgeon appt is next Wednesday. I'll update when I find anything out!
  3. Annie68

    Stupid pain that wont go away

    I'm 14 months post op & having the exact same issue- has been about a week now. I saw my physician yesterday, who put me back on PO Prilosec twice per day & ordered an Upper GI study. My labs drawn yesterday were normal, just showed a very low elevation in my liver enzymes. White count & Hgb were completely normal. Today the pain seemed better- I only noticed a dull ache after breakfast & again tonight after my last snack. Doesn't seem to correlate with any particular foods.
  4. Annie68

    BMI 31-32

    I had my surgery May 6th, 2014. Initial weight #221, Hgt 5'4". I was #211 the day of surgery. I was on 2 meds for hypertension, so BCBS approved me after a 6 month waiting period. 1 year later I weigh #126 & have never felt better!! BMI is now healthy and I'm off all meds ????. I can honestly say I would do it again in a heartbeat. Good luck to all the pre-ops out there!
  5. Annie68

    May Sleever Roll Call

    I was sleeved 5/6/14. 5'4"- Pre-op weight #221; current weight #127. No more BP meds!! I take Centrum Vitamin for women twice per day, Oscal w/Vitamin D twice per day, Biotin in the AM. For food- I focus on Protein, then veggies, then fruit if room. I eat very minimal carbs. I love the Think Thin Protein Bars, and Quest bars. Haven't had Protein shakes in awhile- my nut wants most protein (65/day) to come from "real food." I drink 16 oz of Water at least 4x a day. I walk the dogs 3-4 miles 3x per week. My summer goal is to start going back for weight lifting and swimming at the gym at least 2x per week. I work 8a-4:30p M-F, so I think I'll start going on my way home from work? I'm starting to hear the "you look amazing, but getting too skinny" comments. My nut says I'm right where I should be. If I drop below #125, then we will add more calories. All in all, I think this surgery was the best thing I could have done for myself ????. No more size 16- I'm buying 2-4 now! I'm considering an arm (loose skin) and thigh lift (wrinkled inner thighs & no tush), but haven't decided yet. Has anyone else decided on plastics? It's so nice to be able to hear from others who had surgery the same month!
  6. Annie68

    Help I broke out in hives

    I had a horrible case of hives a few weeks post-op! Ended up in the ER because of them . They gave me IV steroids and Benadryl, then sent me home on oral- nothing helped. After a week of misery, a doctor prescribed oral Zantac and Certizine- hives went away within 12 hours!! No problems since May . The Dr suspected the hives were a reaction from the Thiamine (B1) shot they gave me 5 days before the breakout. He said people react to the red dye in the injection.
  7. Annie68


    Surgery the beginning of May- 5'4", starting weight #221, currently #158. Off all BP meds! I eat every 3 hours- protein first, then veggies, fruit/healthy carbs. Walk 3-4 miles, 4 days/week. Keep meaning to start back at the gym for weights, but working full time & never seem to make it. I promised myself I would start in September, and now it's here- no excuses!
  8. Woman's life changed from side effect of bariatric surgery http://wjbk.m0bl.net/r/1yht4a
  9. Annie68

    Frightening story

    I didn't realize this could happen so far out, the article said 6 years post bypass . I hope she is able to find a treatment that works. My heart goes out to her!
  10. Annie68

    May Sleever Roll Call

    I was sleeved May 6, 2014. My starting weight was 221, this morning I weighed 179 . I eat every 3-4 hours, Protein first then veggies and fruit. I haven't really felt hunger- just heartburn if I exceed 4 hours between meals during the day. I walk 3-4 miles, 4-5 days/week. I feel wonderful, I'm off my 2 BP meds for good! I was wearing a size 16 pants pre-op, now I'm wearing size 12! I can't wait to hit my goal of 140#.
  11. Annie68

    Could my body reject surgery?

    I broke out in head to toe hives 2 weeks post op. We suspected the Vitamin B1 or B12 injections I received just a few days before, but the doctors tell me it could have been anything. I suffered with them for one week, until a wonderful covering physician at the hospital (I was admitted due to the hives causing shortness of breath- needed Epinephrine breathing treatments) sent me home on oral Certizine and Zantac. The combination of these 2 medications resolved my hives within 12 hours. I had received IV Benadryl and IV Solumedrol during my hospitalization, as well as oral steroids and Benadryl at home, but the hives didn't resolve until the Certizine and Zantac were started.
  12. Annie68

    What did I do?

    I was sleeved on May 6th. The first week I was nauseated and broke down in tears a few times. Week 2 was better, but I ended up with a severe case of hives (they suspect a reaction to Vitamin B shots) week 3 . I was miserable, told myself over & over that I never should have had the surgery. The steroids for the hives caused several bouts of hypoglycemia once discontinued. Now, week 5, I'm 100% better. I am walking 3+ miles/day and enjoy eating. I'm able to meet my Protein & Water goals and have lost 33#!! My husband asked me last night if I still had any regrets and my answer was no. Hang in there Monique, you will be feeling better soon!
  13. I went to copy something from my last post but edited/deleted my post by mistake . Just wanted to update to say I turned a corner the next day, am feeling so much better these past few days! I've managed to walk 3 miles/day and meet my Protein & Water reqs. I think the eating every 3 hours made the difference. I hope you are doing better Laurie?
  14. I return to work on 6/17 & am looking forward to reading the responses to your question . One great tip I got from these boards was to order the Bento lunch box from Amazon, it comes with all these different sized containers to pack food in. I'm so excited to use it! Hubby thinks I'm a little nuts, LOL! http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0088N2YYG/ref=redir_mdp_mobile?camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B0088N30YO&linkCode=as2&redirect=true&ref_=as_li_ss_tl&tag=bentoboxlunch-20
  15. Wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I was sleeved on May 6th, 2014. I advanced to puréed foods yesterday & am finally able to meet my Protein & Water goals. I went to my bariatric center 5 days ago for a checkup- they gave me an injection of Thiamine and another of B12. I started with 2 small hives 2 days ago on my abdomen, which advanced to my chest. Yesterday the hives spread to my groin & legs. I took oral Benadryl as instructed, which gave me some relief. I woke up at 2 am this morning very short of breath, went to get a drink from the bathroom & saw that the hives were around both eyes & on the eye lids. Went straight to the Emergency room- the physician suspects a reaction to the Thiamine injection. I've been admitted to the observation floor, on IV steroids, Benadryl, and Pepcid. I can't think of anything new that I've added food wise, no new detergents, etc., so I'm thinking it must have been the B Vitamin shots.
  16. Annie68


    Yikes! I haven't been taking that yet- I have it ready to go, but the surgeon told me to hold off until he sees me. My appt is today, looks like it may be delayed a day or two.
  17. Please call your surgeon, you may need a stronger anti nausea medication and/or IV fluids. I had terrible nausea the first 2 days home, called my surgeon & he called in a script for dissolvable Zofran. Those pills were a lifesaver!
  18. Call your surgeon and ask him to call in a script for dissolvable Zofran tablets. That was a lifesaver for me. I'm 10 days out today & feeling much better!
  19. My story so far . I was sleeved on Tuesday, everything went smoothly they said. I was feeling good on Wednesday, able to tolerate PO liquid pain meds and small sips of Protein shakes. They sent me home with instructions to follow my full liquid diet x14 days. I noticed Thursday AM that the nausea was pretty intense- even with the PO Prilosec. I was only able to do small sips and barely managed to get 20 grams of protein in . By that evening I had dry heaved & was convinced I had caused a leak. I was in tears and kept saying "what have I done"- but my husband was a trooper. After checking to see that I had no temp, he called the surgeon. The surgeon called in a script for dissolvable Zofran pills at 11pm that night. What a miracle those little pills have been!! Yesterday and today I have managed to slowly increase my intake. I am sipping on Protein Shakes, and making creamed Soups with a scoop of powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury unflavored Protein powder added. I have also had sugar free pudding and Popsicles. I have to force myself to drink Water, but am doing better by adding Crystal Light. What is everyone else eating? I am amazed at how people have gone back to work so quickly, I get worn out just showering and taking small walks! I think I will be using the full 6 weeks of leave my surgeon put on my HR paperwork. I am so thankful for these boards- when I was in full out pity party mode, reading other's posts helped snap me out of it .
  20. Annie68

    4 days post op

    Me too! I try to have 4 of my HMR protein shakes/ day, then eat creamed soups, SF pudding, SF jello, and SF Popsicles. I would kill for mashed potatoes and/or puréed meat!!
  21. Annie68

    4 days post op

    I'm jealous . I'm on full liquids until next Tuesday, the puréed. Today I'm feeling dizzy & weak. I have been getting around 60g of protein in, but not enough water. First post op appt tomorrow.
  22. Annie68

    Surgery 5/6/2014

    I was sleeved on 5/6. My first 2 days home were pretty rough, lots of nausea & unable to tolerate much in the way of Protein shakes or Water. I spoke with my surgeon late Thursday night & he suspected the nausea was due to the liquid pain med (Lortab). He called in a oral dissolvable nausea medication (Zofran), and asked me to try to avoid using the Lortab if possible. That worked! He also asked me to start taking PO Colace, to help to soften my stool. He told me that he likes to see his patient's have a small BM by 3-4 days post-op. If no BM by day 5 on Colace, then he asked that I let him know. I had my first on day 4, thank goodness. I also have the bubbling feeling, but I've noticed the PO Prilosec I take each morning helps. I try to eat every 3 hours, then sip water in between. The water is the hardest part for me! I'm on full liquids, so this is what I've had so far today: 0700- Protein shake 1000- Cream of chicken soup & SF pudding w/unflavored Protein powder 1300- Protein shake 1600- SF Jello w/unflavored protein powder I am getting tired of liquids- can't wait for puréed in 8 days! I've been walking about 1/4 mile, I just get so tired! I'm waiting for the storms to stop so I can try for more today . I am so thankful for this board, makes me feel like I'm not alone on this journey to a smaller/healthier me!
  23. Annie68

    4 days post op

    I am looking forward to those! My surgeon has me on full liquids for 14 days, then puréed x 14 days, then soft. I bought the Premier Protein shakes from costco for post-op, but am finding that I tolerate the HMR protein shakes from my weight loss center better. I'm bummed because the HMR has less protein, but the dietician gave me some recipes that allow me to use skim milk & fruit in the shakes that still fall under full liquid umbrella.
  24. Annie68

    4 days post op

    I am in awe of you, there is no way I could go back to work yet! I went to the grocery store yesterday with the hubby to get a few things, while we were in the check out line I became very lightheaded- felt better once I got home and laid down for a bit. I have been doing a Protein shake 3x daily, and making the recipes the dietician gave me for high protein SF pudding and soups. I love sugar free jello! I'm trying to walk every day, just a little more each day. How are you all doing?

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