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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by dfwtxmissy

  1. dfwtxmissy

    Is It Just Me?

    I have a problem with chicken also. Kinda breaks my heart. I don't get it. I love chicken in any way, shape or form. Almost have issues with red meat also unless it's really, really tender. Ground turkey is fine as is pork. I crave vegetables but I know they are not priority. I get my Protein in as I should because I can't tolerate the Protein drinks or powders. Those alone make me want to hurl and I would rather eat dirt.
  2. dfwtxmissy

    Is It Just Me?

    I hope it gets easier..at least I am able to get my Protein in. The advice is greatly appreciated. I am amazed however how my tastes have changed since the surgery. What I once liked, I avoid. What I would avoided, like mayo, I kinda like.
  3. 2 months PO and 32 pounds down.
  4. dfwtxmissy

    How Do You Know When To Stop Eating?

    I have learned that when I have eaten too much, my heart races....
  5. dfwtxmissy

    Is It Just Me?

    See..that's it....for instance: I cook dinner and make enough so we have lunch for work the next day. I can eat dinner and be fine. The next day, it upsets my stomach. So I go into a meal thinking..."Ok ..it's not going to settle." But it does and I'm good until the next meal..so it's like a crap shoot. I am however being very optimistic so don't think I am a Debbie downer...just interested if anyone else has this issue.
  6. dfwtxmissy

    Is It Just Me?

    Oh I know...I try to be excited but it's not there...it's like it's more about survival...but I am gonna overlook it today...Oh yes...LOL
  7. dfwtxmissy


    I was sleeved Oct 7th at Baylor Trophy Club in Texas by Dr. Adam Smith. Got a rocky start after surgery as blood pressure didn't want to come up and some oxygen sat issues but went home the next day. I have been on regular foods for 2 weeks and still finding what I can tolerate and not tolerate. eggs are a no go..never been a big fan but have tried. I have lost 32 pounds since my journey began and am loving it each time I fit into something I haven't been able to wear and getting rid of clothes that have outgrown me. My self esteem rises a notch every time I lose a pound. I find myself being a nicer person. I have learned my stomachs quirks and more importantly..not to gulp Water...lol Gonna go to bff's for thanksgiving dinner today. She too is a sleever from May...we should make a fun pair for dinner... Carry on y'all..it only gets better.
  8. dfwtxmissy

    Im no longer a pre sleever

    Congratulations...welcome to the party!
  9. dfwtxmissy


    Oh good one..I can blame my hubs..men always make weird noises..that is until he has his surgery next year..then we can blame the dogs..lol
  10. dfwtxmissy


    I think of it as the noise water makes going down the drain...LOL
  11. dfwtxmissy

    Clothing Question

    I shop resale...that way I can recycle it. Either Goodwill or one of several resale shops around my house. I also have a friend that as she loses, she gives me clothing. I also reach out on the Freecycle sites here...There are so many avenues to take so you don't spend a lot of money but you can get nice clothing.
  12. Sleeved October 7th. Down 25 pounds and starting soft foods.
  13. dfwtxmissy

    Talk me down

    I keep telling myself that I have a goal and don't you dare screw it up.....lol...
  14. dfwtxmissy

    Odd question but Help!

    Could it be the vitamins you are taking?
  15. dfwtxmissy

    Talk me down

    Oh no...I was at the store getting a few things today. I get to start soft foods. I was able to walk past all the little stands and display areas offering samples...even my favorite, the sushi area. I was so proud. I am 4 weeks post op.
  16. dfwtxmissy

    Thanksgiving.. What to eat.?

    I will be on regular foods by then...Turkey and ham with some veggies...hopefully.
  17. dfwtxmissy

    Always cold!

    I am constantly cold and my hubs laughs at me because I will be sitting at my computer and have my hoodie on and covering my head..with really thick socks on....
  18. dfwtxmissy

    What's the story behind your profile name?

    My name is Melissa but grew up being called Missy and I live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area so DFWTXMissy...
  19. dfwtxmissy

    4 weeks post-op troubles

    I am in the stall period..not a big deal....
  20. I am 3 weeks out. No problems. I had minimal pain. Some nausea, no vomiting. No constipation. I walk everyday. I eat what I am suppose to and everything as agreed with me. Not so much the protein drinks but I am getting my protein in with high protein foods allowed on my progression. I drink the amount of fluids I need. I went into this being positive. I think that helps a lot. I have plenty of cheerleaders and my hubs has been so supportive.
  21. Yep...dumping syndrome..go sslllooowwww.
  22. I work with several folks who had issues with their bands and had to have them removed and had the sleeve done. That made my choice for me. I got sleeved on the 7th. As I am reading the issues, I am so thankful I didn't change my mind. Bless you all that are having issues.
  23. No...I just knew I couldn't take the calcium and multi vitamin togeter...
  24. Here is my schedule: First thing...hot liquid, 2 horse pills, ie: bariatric chewable vitamins, bp med, prevacid, zyrtec. 2 hours I do one chewable calcium with Vit D..sugar free chocolate..a little sweet fix, biotin and B12 sublingual. Bedtime...repeat calcium and good to go for the day.
  25. Ok..no...anything that makes me have to work up a sweat to put it on is a OH HELL NO. I just wanna wear something that fits, not something two sizes too big cuz I have so much fat to hide.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
