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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About imready77

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  1. Help!!!!had VSG in 2012 lost weight and was stable until 2016 after the passing of sister and cousin. Became an emotional eater and gained 30lbs How do I get back on track and is it possible my sleeve has stretched. Also i feel like I'm always hungry.

    1. ProudGrammy


      sorry for passing of your sister and cousin

      you will never forget them, but you must go

      forward in your life. easier said then done.

      you were successful before, you can/will be

      a success again . drink shakes for a week or so

      Water and protein are essential (you know that!)

      in losing weight. you will get a jump start on losing again

      condolence and a hug sent your way

      good luck kathy

    2. imready77
  2. imready77

    African American Sleevers

    Hello All, can anyone recommend which brand of chewable vitamins that they are taking?
  3. imready77

    Fibroids and sleeve.

    Thank You, And i will update once i find out.
  4. imready77

    Fibroids and sleeve.

    Well when i was at my OB office i forgot to have the conversation with her. I know what was i thinking. I was shocked because i was there for something else.I did call my VSG surgeon office and talked to the nurse and she said probably not but said i needed to see what the specialist said.
  5. imready77

    Fibroids and sleeve.

    Ok Thanx, I posted it in the Power Room.
  6. imready77

    Fibroids and sleeve.

    Hello Ladies, 6 month into my VSG process i recently found out today i have fibroids. Have anyone had vsg surgery with fibroids? I have to go see a specialist in Nov, which seems like along time. Ive completed my 6 month diet plan and passed my psych eval, now waiting on insurance approval. Please Help!
  7. Hello, i just found out today that i have fibroids, my OB doctor is sending me to a specialist. I started my vsg process months ago and last week completed my 6 month process and passed my psych evaluation. Now just waiting on my insurance to approve me. But i dont know if my fibroids will affect my vsg surgery. Have anyone had vsg survey with fibroids? My appointment with the specialist isn't until November, So my mind is wondering!

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