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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    KeeWee reacted to GENNYOSKINNY in Post Op-ers You're killing me!   
    Oh my it feels better than I could put in words...thank you so much
  2. Like
    KeeWee reacted to nursekimberly89 in Did you know that we now have a forum for family and spouses!?!?!?!?!?!?   
    I saw that board when I was on my laptop but I can't seem to find it when I'm on my iPad or iPhone... So strange. But I agree, it is a great help for concerned family and loved ones
  3. Like
    KeeWee got a reaction from susis in Did you know that we now have a forum for family and spouses!?!?!?!?!?!?   
    This is the perfect place for anyone who plans to support your journey or has questions, doubts or concerns. Some may even just need someone who can relate. Please have your supporters finally enter our world and get the support and resources they need to support you better!! This excites me since its hard to answer all the questions and concerns myself, now they can just hop on in!! I've planned a lunch today for my husband, mom and daughter and we are gonna make them a family page and explore the site together!!
    Hope to see u there!!
  4. Like
    KeeWee got a reaction from back2barb78 in Name some of the most difficult things you experienced after vsg surgery   
    Your feelings are always valid. Even if no one else values them or doesn't understand or can't relate. I do notice an abundance of positivity and happiness by most users here but that's only because most come to get support, encouragement and positivity away from the possible negative environment and people who disapprove, we try to be that place...
    You're extremely valid in your thoughts because I would feel the same way if that was my results after all the build up to lose so much. U had expectations that were not met so disappointment is a valid response. I still want to only encourage you to not be defeated, get your workouts in, adjust your diet accordingly, continue to track your eating habits and have your nutritionist discuss other options.
    We are here to help u thru this...some people hit stalls and feel the same and need a little encouragement when they feel sown about it. I can't wait to see ur update...when u least expect it..the loss will probably creep up on you!! Good luck..
  5. Like
    KeeWee got a reaction from susis in Did you know that we now have a forum for family and spouses!?!?!?!?!?!?   
    This is the perfect place for anyone who plans to support your journey or has questions, doubts or concerns. Some may even just need someone who can relate. Please have your supporters finally enter our world and get the support and resources they need to support you better!! This excites me since its hard to answer all the questions and concerns myself, now they can just hop on in!! I've planned a lunch today for my husband, mom and daughter and we are gonna make them a family page and explore the site together!!
    Hope to see u there!!
  6. Like
    KeeWee got a reaction from Alex Brecher in Welcome to the Family and Friends Forum!   
    Good morning!!! Great minds think alike but I guess yours works faster!!! This morning my husband and I began to discuss an episode of Dr. Phil that he watched because the topic was She had weight loss surgery, now I want a divorce...he began to question and look for reassurances this morning so adamantly. I told him that he should make a page and explore the site. His suggestion was, there should be a space for spouses to exchange with other spouses about their experiences. I said, Alex has thought of everything, let me go and message him and see if he can work that out...but when I picked up my phone, hit the app and scrolled down....there was this!!!!! Absolutely perfect. My mom, my daughter and my husband are getting together this afternoon and we will make them a family page for all their questions and concerns. Reading the forums will be exactly what they need to calm their nerves since it worked for me!!
    Thanks for everything you do. This site is amazing and when I tell people about it, I also tell them how attentive you are to the community. You are appreciated!!
  7. Like
    KeeWee reacted to Roo101769 in Name some of the most difficult things you experienced after vsg surgery   
    The Good:
    1) Much less knee pain. No longer take anything for arthritic knees. And I can even wear heels again without hurting the knees!
    2) Shopping my closet. Many things I haven't worn in YEARS and things that were given to me that I never wore before. ( Too small) Flip side to this will be cleaning my closet when I need to go down another size!!!
    3) I have gone from a tight 26/28 to fitting a 22. I look forward to the 22 being too large soon...
    4) I can do more. Walk further. Play with my daughter. Get up and down off the floor. Sit in chairs more comfortably. FIT (with room to spare) in the bath tub.
    5) I am less worried about developing another DVT. I will forever have to live with the after effects of the two DVTs and PEs I had, but I know I have cut down my chances of more occurring.
    The BAD:
    1) Hunger. As soon as I was far enough out that my swelling had gone down I have had hunger. Some may be head hunger but a lot is stomach hunger. The flip side is it is much easier to make go away than before. ( much less food needed)
    2) Ketosis stink. Yeah, I had it
    3) hair loss. Mine is pronounced because of other issues. I have been wearing a wig since Thanksgiving. I also have a couple head covers for chemo patients for times I don't want to wear my "hair hat".
    4) Realizing once and for all I am a carb addict. Even with the sleeve, once I gave in to them I had to fight to get away. The sleeve may limit the quantity, but not the desire for or ability to eat. They slide down much easier than lean Protein too.
    5) Realizing the sleeve won't save me if I don't do what I need to. I knew it was only a tool going in. But there was still a secret little place in me that hoped it would do things I couldn't. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt now that I have to be accountable for me, including my sleeve.
    6) Vitamins. Have to take, don't like.
    The UGLY:
    1) My body. It may be smaller but I think it is less visually pleasing than before. Between the sag and scars and my bald noggin...Well let's just say either I stay covered or the lights better be off!
    2) Not being where I want to be. Again, all on me. I love I have lost weight. I love I will lose more. I hate that it isn't going as fast as I once imagined it would. Part of that is my body and how it lets go of the weight, a lot of it is on me. I have not ate totally to plan and not exercised enough, so what do I expect?
    Overall I would do it all again in a heart beat. I imagine in a few months this entire list will have changed so stay tuned!
  8. Like
    KeeWee reacted to gottalose100 in Name some of the most difficult things you experienced after vsg surgery   
    Jdmama911 congratulations on identifying your emotional issues. I'm guessing that's the hardest part.
    I quit smoking 4 years ago and was a maniac. I would cry, just cry over stuff. It was like PMS x 100. I remember telling my husband that I felt like my best friend had died. It was tough. But I got through it. Now I can't even believe that I ever smoked.
    The lozenges were my life saver. I slowly weaned off of them. When you are ready, you can do it!
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    KeeWee reacted to LipstickLady in Name some of the most difficult things you experienced after vsg surgery   
    Bad: Stopping to check myself out in every mirror I pass.
    Good: Stopping to check myself out in every mirror I pass.
    True story!
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    KeeWee reacted to odessallen in Name some of the most difficult things you experienced after vsg surgery   
    - I can exercise for thirty minutes without feeling like I am going to die
    - I love the feeling of loose clothes
    -I have four sizes in my closet and enjoying getting to wear my favorites again
    -I do not like having to eat/drink all day to get the Protein consumed
    -it hurts when you don't chew your food enough
    - Constipation -milk of magnesia gies me diarrhea. Going to try the Smooth Moves tea.
    Still no regrets. Glad I made the decision. Hopefully most of this will subside in time.
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    KeeWee reacted to isleeveinjesus in Name some of the most difficult things you experienced after vsg surgery   
    1. im hungry all the time because i drink Water 30mins after i eat
    2. i can fit my favorite belt anymore its a levis heavy duty belt
    3. i have trouble eating slow but im learning
    4. chicken is no longer my favorite
    5. i had to buy a coat because i get cold now
    1. I LOVE to put on my shoes now less belly in the way
    2. the clothes that i buy only fit for a short time
    3. I look damn good in a suit and everybody get tired of me talking about how good i look lol
    4. meals dont cost more than 7 dollars at resturants
    5. sex is better
    6. i can walk long distaces without my back hurting
    7. i can start to see my muscles again
  12. Like
    KeeWee reacted to isleeveinjesus in Name some of the most difficult things you experienced after vsg surgery   
    lol its good to see that we all are having the same issue's minus the yeast infections i dont think i can get those lol..have anyone been expericeing joint pain or back pain due to weight loss
  13. Like
    KeeWee reacted to gomekast in Name some of the most difficult things you experienced after vsg surgery   
    For me...
    Not being able to drink all the Water im used to having. That one is tough for me, but getting better.
    My scalp is now much much drier now and it grosses me out.
    Watching the amounts of food my husband eats and the way he eats. A sandwhich is gone in 3 bites. .how disgusting is watching someone inhale food? !
    Friends who now confide in me telling me their so unhappy with their weight..the same person daily and she wont do anything about it.
    Cleaned out my entire closet for the first time in 6.5 years!
    Throwing out crappy fat clothes.
    My mom telling everyone she knows I had the surgery. .shes proud!
    My kids being proud of their Mommy now. Im not the fat mom anymore!
    Half of my fridge is now veggies, lean meats n healthy stuff.
    Grocery bill has been cut in half.
    My skin is amazing now!
    I can almost NOT remember a time where I ate so much food in one sitting or day. Seems like a lifetime ago.
    My boobs have deflated. I started at a F cup. Their flat now. (Im happy about this but my hubby is not)
  14. Like
    KeeWee reacted to Alex Brecher in Welcome to the Family and Friends Forum!   
    Welcome to the Fan Forum: for WLS Family and Friends! This is the space in BariatricPal that is specifically for spouses, other family members, and close friends of weight loss surgery patients. Unconditional love and support get WLS patients through their journeys, and close family and friends are the main sources for many WLS patients.
    I introduced this forum to welcome all WLS supporters and give you the support you need to keep being strong for your own WLS patient. This forum is for family members and friends of WLS patients. I also encourage potential and post-op WLS patients to post here. You can provide first-hand advice on how to be a more effective supporter.
    These are some of the suggested topics for this forum.
    What are the most important steps you can take to support someone who is preparing for weight loss surgery or who is following the weight loss surgery diet? When do WLS patients want your input, and when do they want you to be a silent supporter? What you need to know to know about the weight loss surgery diet and lifestyle to be able to encourage the best choices. Where can you go for more information? Taking a break from being the strong one…because sometimes supporters need to be supported. What to do when you need a little attention instead of focusing completely on your loved one’s weight loss all the time How can you prevent frustration with the new lifestyle? You support your loved one’s efforts, but you have made your own sacrifices, such as spending less time with your spouse because he or she needs to exercise, or giving up your favorite foods because they are no longer allowed in the house. Enjoy the forum! I hope it helps us all become better aware of each others’ needs and ultimately helps us all become healthier.
  15. Like
    KeeWee got a reaction from Tangy in Post Op-ers You're killing me!   
    First off, let me say, I love my post op-ers, they are great answering questions, eliminating pre op jitters and have great hints and tips and more BUT when you post answers filled with wisdom, helpful tips, funny responses or comments or even your own personal progress, I look to your page to see your personal details or "Your Story" and some don't fill out all the information and MOST OF ALL......
    NOOOO PICS?!?!?!?!?!? and in this order this is how I feel when I want to see post op updates and before and afters and progression pics and there are NONE!! You all know how us Pre Op-ers are...we wanna see!!!
    Feel free to share here.....Thanks guys
  16. Like
    KeeWee got a reaction from Sherylnkent in What do you want to say that you can do 6 months after your surgery?   
    I haven't had my surgery yet but I'm so proud of my current weight loss and all I see and feel is all the things I couldn't do before now looking very possible...
    I can stand with my feet together(touching)..always a challenge with huge thighs
    I crossed my legs half way...looking forward to the full cross
    I ran for a bus...like took off and left my husband standing in amazement!!
    I ran as a workout instead of my normal brisk walk
    I can pick my 16 year old up off the floor, she weighs 115
    I want to be able to beat my husband in a foot race
    I want to be a pro at Yoga, daughter got me started on intermediate level
    I want to wear an all white form fitted dress
    I want to sit on the bus and not take up so much of the seat that no one else wants to squeeze in
    continue to add to the list...let me see what I haven't thought about....Thanks
  17. Like
    KeeWee got a reaction from RJ'S/beginning in Post Op-ers You're killing me!   
    Then there's your power!!! Power over your life to make the things happen that you want to see happen. Keep that control...now you WIN and not the obesity!!
  18. Like
    KeeWee reacted to RJ'S/beginning in Post Op-ers You're killing me!   
    So it's a no to the jacket....hehehehehe
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    KeeWee reacted to gmanbat in Post Op-ers You're killing me!   
    We have fake flowers out of our love of vegetation...we are lethal as gardeners. I never had dolls as a boy, just dug in the dirt and blew up G.I Joes with firecrackers like any normal kid.
    It sure is fun dressing up this little doll though. I used to dread going shopping with her. She normally came out of the dressing room and bought nothing and was very depressed. Now she shops with a smile on her face...trying stuff on is just a formality. I actually don't mind watching her purse.
  20. Like
    KeeWee reacted to GENNYOSKINNY in Post Op-ers You're killing me!   
    Surgery may 8 2013 sw 253 cw 163 gw 140


  21. Like
    KeeWee reacted to VSGAnn2014 in Post Op-ers You're killing me!   
    Gosh, you all are so impressive! And just look wonderful. Thanks to the OP for starting this thread. It's really wonderful to put faces to names and keystrokes. Thanks, everyone.
  22. Like
    KeeWee got a reaction from Tangy in Post Op-ers You're killing me!   
    First off, let me say, I love my post op-ers, they are great answering questions, eliminating pre op jitters and have great hints and tips and more BUT when you post answers filled with wisdom, helpful tips, funny responses or comments or even your own personal progress, I look to your page to see your personal details or "Your Story" and some don't fill out all the information and MOST OF ALL......
    NOOOO PICS?!?!?!?!?!? and in this order this is how I feel when I want to see post op updates and before and afters and progression pics and there are NONE!! You all know how us Pre Op-ers are...we wanna see!!!
    Feel free to share here.....Thanks guys
  23. Like
    KeeWee reacted to susis in Post Op-ers You're killing me!   
    Ok, here are my pics, I am 3.5 out from surgery:
    Height: 5'5"
    Starting weight:275
    Current weight: 225
    Goal weight: 170  
  24. Like
    KeeWee reacted to RJ'S/beginning in Post Op-ers You're killing me!   
    Holy are you ever a hot dish!!!!!!!!!!! Holy crap!!!!!!!!!!! gorgeous
  25. Like
    KeeWee reacted to RJ'S/beginning in Post Op-ers You're killing me!   
    I wouldn't say I feel powerful..I guess I feel that despite everything, what I wanted to happen in the end is happening

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