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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    KeeWee reacted to indecision in SEX!   
    And I suspect the next line will be something to do with a big ole "fishing" rod......Sheesh
  2. Like
    KeeWee reacted to pokeychic in SEX!   
    Now, now girls..
    Just because I caught myself a fine specimen of a man, no need to be accusing me of cat fishing!
    Oh yummy, I like my catfish just like I like my big abs all buttered up and glistening..
    Mmmmm.. I can just eat it all up!
  3. Like
    KeeWee reacted to angry in SEX!   
    i feel like im watching an episode of catfish in real time LMAO
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    KeeWee reacted to A_New_Lily in SEX!   
    Yes theres an IM option xD
    We need a hookup forum, sheesh.
  5. Like
    KeeWee reacted to Mrs.FullerRN in SEX!   
    This is hilarious!
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    KeeWee reacted to Butterthebean in SEX!   
    Is it something to do with steers and.....oh nevermind.
  7. Like
    KeeWee reacted to cejiogu in Kaiser please don't do this to me....this is not fair and if your nutritionist was pregnant, better re-verify your appointment!   
    I had to do my nut over! I went to the 6 months then my PCP changed groups and I had to use their nut. Would not accept the one I did. Long and short re did it was sleeved on May 1 2013. I have lost 126 lbs and met my goal weight. Also just got off all diabetic meds. Keep up the struggle girl it is worth it!
  8. Like
    KeeWee reacted to Tangy in Kaiser please don't do this to me....this is not fair and if your nutritionist was pregnant, better re-verify your appointment!   
    Yes, Miss Mac, I can't wait to do the survey & will sign my full name on it.
  9. Like
    KeeWee reacted to Miss Mac in Kaiser please don't do this to me....this is not fair and if your nutritionist was pregnant, better re-verify your appointment!   
    Oh...and another thing......medical service providers rely a lot on Press Gainey reviews and other surveys that their administration subscribes to for patient feedback. If you get one in the mail for Kaiser, fill it out and LET THEM HAVE IT! The surveys are there for you to have a voice to an third party. And don't worry about being anonymous. Someone from Administration should respond to you if you provide your name and address.
    Also, for anyone having a positive experience...hardworking staff really appreciate it if you actually have something good to say.
  10. Like
    KeeWee reacted to PdxMan in Oh, do please shut up!   
    I just gotta add a few comments.
    If someone really thinks they have it figured out ... they are delusional.
    If someone got the VSG and doesn't think they have issues with food, I also believe they are delusional. If I use the word addiction, that creates a shat-storm so I will say "issues with food". Those who can go the full route by facing the truth that they are addicted to food are WAY ahead of the game. Food addiction is something to be managed. Some days are better than others. Some demons scream louder than others. Those who deny this drive me crazy.
    Denial ... the fastest way to not reach your goals.
    I'm over two years out, been at goal for over a year and a half and was panicked at the thought of going on a cruise and being surrounded by food just a couple weeks ago. I don't have my demons beat, by any means. As soon as I think I do, I'm in trouble.
  11. Like
    KeeWee reacted to Butterthebean in Oh, do please shut up!   
    In before this thread gets locked for breaking forum rule number 1.....starting a thread for the sole reason of criticizing other members. Don't get me wrong....I agree. You don't know how many times I've wanted to reply...."yes, you are a total failure and you just exploded your sleeve." Even to some who have posted in this very thread.
    But that would waste even more time than what I wasted reading the OP.
    But me having an emotional reaction about someone wanting that sympathy/encouragement/validation? That is a definite waste of spirit.
  12. Like
    KeeWee reacted to LipstickLady in Oh, do please shut up!   
    I may not know what bloody pudding or sponge is, but I've read enough trashy chick lit to recognize whinging and BALLS!
  13. Like
    KeeWee reacted to imfatpat in Oh, do please shut up!   
  14. Like
    KeeWee reacted to Madison in Success With PCOS   
    Hey everyone - It's been a while but every often I remember to find this thread and post any updates. I remember what it was like before the surgery, searching through forums for anyone who shared my issues. I hope others can benefit from this.

    It's been almost 3 years since the sleeve. I lost 180 lbs total and stayed in "onederland" for a year. 2013 was a very difficult year and I ended up gaining 30 lbs. I've worked hard on a low-carb and restricted sugar diet, and I'm almost back to my lowest weight. I'm still very active and enjoying life. My closet is filled with nice clothes and shoes I've dreamt of having, sometimes I just stare at my closet like it belongs to a different person. Where are the Old Navy 3XL sweats?? lol

    Sometimes I get depressed that I had the surgery done, but only because I want to eat a lot but can't! It should be good news that the restriction is still there, but I sometimes feel so left out of social events. I have so many new people in my life who don't know that I used to weigh almost 400 lbs. Right now, the most I can eat is two small slices of pizza and some wings (which I only have once a week).

    My hair is still thin (it used to be so thick and full of volume) but at least it's regained its shine and health. I don't have any bald spots, which was my main worry. It doesn't seem to be either falling out or coming back, which is annoying since I exceed my Protein intake guidelines all the time. But, it's something I'm willing to accept in exchange to finally wearing clothes from Forever21 or CharlotteRusse (yes it is superficial, but it's life-changing to be able to shop in the mall and try on clothes with friends. I haven't been able to do that my entire life).

    I have very little hair on my face/chest after a year of Diode laser sessions. I only do a quick shave once every few weeks (compared to twice a day), and that's only because I like to be completely hair-free. I go in for a laser touch-up every few months. No medication ever helped with the facial hair. It will hurt badly at the first few sessions, but then it's practically painless and over in 10 minutes.

    All the labwork comes out fine, and I recently discovered that all the hormones affected by PCOS are actually at a normal level for the first time ever. This was without medication, and simply keeping up with an active and healthy lifestyle. I still don't get my periods, but it did come briefly when I tried birth control.

    My life has changed, not just because of this surgery, but because of how much I believed in myself. I believed that I could do that, and I tried my hardest to follow all the guidelines. I didn't break down when I failed, I just kept on going. I hope you remember to keep going through struggles, especially if you feel you are alone in this.

    There were hardships and obstacles along the way, but that's how life is. I'm very happy with where I am right now. If anyone has any questions, please leave a comment and I will check back on this thread.

  15. Like
    KeeWee reacted to PurpleDiosa in February/March 2014 sleevers   
    law001: I hear ya! I'm supposed to lose 10 lbs before the surgery, and since I don't know my exact date yet, I'm having a tough time controlling the urge to EAT ALL THE THINGS.
  16. Like
    KeeWee reacted to law001 in February/March 2014 sleevers   
    Starting the pre-op diet on Saturday.... Eating like I'm going to the electric chair!!! Anyone else doing the same?? Lol
  17. Like
    KeeWee reacted to LeighAnneF in February/March 2014 sleevers   
    My psych eval results are in and the surgeons office said they now have everything to submit to the insurance. She said it will be submitted by this Friday. Sooooo excited . The count down to approval begins
  18. Like
    KeeWee reacted to PurpleDiosa in February/March 2014 sleevers   
    Had my first consult today, but if all goes as planned per my advocate, I should be able to get it done in March. Oh My Holy Cow. I have to set up my psych eval, hoping to get that done in the next week or so, all other appts are set for 2/10 (all day at the doctor's office for testing, nutritionist, the whole shebang done at once), then, as long as everything else goes OK, we can then submit to insurance. Keep your finger crossed!
  19. Like
    KeeWee reacted to SuperFab in February/March 2014 sleevers   
    I know it's a hassle, but in the end the trip will be worth it. I go 3 hrs to each of my appointments Bc the surgeon I use is one I really am comfortable with. It's all worth it in the end. Hang in there
  20. Like
    KeeWee got a reaction from CrazyJaney in February/March 2014 sleevers   
    Because my NUT went into labor and left all her patients hanging, seeking help from nearby facilities when she covers all 3 immediate vacinities, now my appointment has been pushed back AGAIN and I have to go to DC from Baltimore just to get my 6th and final appointment. I'm sure hoping to not get a bunch of issues and just move this thing right along..such a difficult and stressful process but soo worth it.
    Looking for an early March date!!
  21. Like
    KeeWee got a reaction from CrazyJaney in February/March 2014 sleevers   
    Because my NUT went into labor and left all her patients hanging, seeking help from nearby facilities when she covers all 3 immediate vacinities, now my appointment has been pushed back AGAIN and I have to go to DC from Baltimore just to get my 6th and final appointment. I'm sure hoping to not get a bunch of issues and just move this thing right along..such a difficult and stressful process but soo worth it.
    Looking for an early March date!!
  22. Like
    KeeWee reacted to Photo925 in With Kaiser's 6month program...did u have a weight loss requirement?   
    Yes...Im halfway through my 6 months and am required to lose 10% of my weight. What we have been told is that not accomplishing this doesn't mean that you will be denied, but rather that it slows down the process. If we don't meet the requirement then its an additional visit with the doctor who assesses where you are at and may tell you to wait until you lose the weight, or may send you through if you were close to the 10%. My goal it to hit the 10% for sure.....I don't want to be forced to wait any longer than I have to...especially over something I have control over!! My sister also had the surgery via Kaiser and she didn't reach her 10%...she just had to meet with the doctor, but after that they sent her to the next step.
  23. Like
    KeeWee reacted to Shells_Almost_There in Everyone may have different answers but im curious about what I should expect..   
    Here's a rundown for me: My first visit included: a blood draw (full panel w/ fasting), EKG, meeting with the exercise guy, meeting with nutritionist, got my required sleep study equipment (for a home sleep study) and I met the surgeon's PA. Next appointment, I had to do the psychological testing at a nearby clinic, then a week or so later went back to meet with the psychologist and go over my results. From the sleep study, I was diagnosed with moderate sleep apnea so I had to meet a few times at the sleep clinic to get the CPAP machine and get a few different masks, as I had trouble adjusting. My insurance required a 5% weight loss within a 6 month period in order to qualify for surgery, so I went back to the surgeon's office twice to weigh in, so that I would meet my weight goal. Finally, I met with the surgeon and the PA once again, as I was just a few pounds from my goal weight for surgery. Once I met the goal weight required by the insurance, the surgeon's office got approval for surgery. I could have had surgery the very next week, but I opted for 2 weeks so that I could mentally prepare and get my life in order. By the way, I started this process in June and had surgery in September.
    Since surgery I have had a follow up with the surgeon and the PA, 2 follow up phone appointments with the NUT, and a meeting with the metabolic specialist. He ordered a full blood panel again and metabolic testing. I just did that testing today, Seems like time is flying!
  24. Like
    KeeWee reacted to Bufflehead in Everyone may have different answers but im curious about what I should expect..   
    My insurance required six months of pre-surgery weight loss efforts, and psychological screening (my surgeon requires the psych visit too). My surgeon also required: metabolic rate testing, H. Pylori, upper GI series, and EKG. I didn't have to do a sleep study because I have no symptoms of sleep apnea. I also had multiple blood draws to check things like pre-surgery Vitamin and mineral levels and to see if I had any problem with blood sugar levels (I don't). I think that's it. Good luck!
  25. Like
    KeeWee reacted to JerseyGirl68 in Everyone may have different answers but im curious about what I should expect..   
    The last thing I had to complete was the endoscopy. Right around the same time, I had my psych eval.
    You are right, everyone's requirements are different, my doctor was able to use some labs/tests that I had don within a few months. Good luck .

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