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  1. Like
    KeeWee reacted to bloreorbust in Don't compliment me   
    Step 1: Put down the poptarts.
    Step 2: Pick up a Protein Shake.< /p>
    Step 3: Head to the gym.
    Step 4: WORK THEM chicken LEGS, CHUBBY! IT'S GO TIME!
  2. Like
    KeeWee reacted to Southjerzjoy in I thought this was a good thing   
    First of all Good for you girl! Your doing great. I'm a new loser but fear I will soon be dealing with some of the same issues you are having. I was thinking of looking into therapy for myself. I believe in outside opinions. Maybe support groups. These boards are great for helping us feal understood and not alone. I wish u the best and I am so proud of how brave you are to make this change. In no way is this "the easy way out".
  3. Like
    KeeWee reacted to MsVictorious1020 in SEX!   
    I've always had an extremely high drive. With exceptions of brief periods of depression I've always been ready and open sexually. BUT since being sleeved, I have been a total nympho and there is no shortage of hot young studs to oblige. Which was a huge ego boost after being married to a lying, cheating addict that showed no interest in me. I did notice I had to get a grip and slow down a bit because all the attention was becoming an addictive rush. But I guess I'm making up for lost times. Lol
  4. Like
    KeeWee got a reaction from Bec101 in SEX!   
    I don't care how late I am to this thread...its officially one of the best yet!! You guys are a funny bunch...and I see the same few people like a little gang...making me laugh hysterically!! I love it even if I cant catch my breath!! I see it died down a bit after yall called Pokey out...I wonder if I can make her re-appear!! #teampokey
  5. Like
    KeeWee reacted to southernsoul in SEX!   
    Oh, come on...way back at the beginning of this awesome thread we all got to watch as the love bloomed between you two frisky kids. It was a beautiful thing! :wub:
  6. Like
    KeeWee reacted to zenandnow in SEX!   
    I can't articulate why this thread makes me so happy, but the dirty-minded juvenile in me is just beside herself!
    C'mon Pokey, post more BCA stuff!
  7. Like
    KeeWee reacted to Butterthebean in SEX!   
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    KeeWee reacted to LipstickLady in SEX!   
    Jeez, people! Can you warn a girl before posting nekky glamour shots? I just shot Protein Shake out my nose and NOT in a sexual way.
  9. Like
    KeeWee reacted to SleevedSylvynn in SEX!   
    I think fiddlebiscuit is my newest curse word
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    KeeWee reacted to Missylaneous in SEX!   
    I have never been more hungry in all my life.
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    KeeWee reacted to Butterthebean in SEX!   
    What would you touch with fiddlemans biscuit?
  12. Like
    KeeWee reacted to No game in SEX!   
    Lol... now your messing with Fiddlemans biscuits??
    Dang you get around!!

  13. Like
    KeeWee reacted to JourneyToLife in SEX!   
    Pokeychic, your back! Yeah...
  14. Like
    KeeWee reacted to pokeychic in SEX!   
    Oh my!!
    Oh hunnys! I feel like I have fans!!
    Well my little crumpets! It looks like that hunk of burning abs and I are at the end of the road!
    Things.... Shall we say "petered" out!
    Let me tell all of you little love muffins! Not "EVERYTHING" is bigger in Texas!!
    Don't fret though! I've been latched on to my new matzah ball (you know the big cheese of this place) for the whole weekend!
    Pork and beans! He is yummy!
    Oh and there is also the cross fit king here that's whetting my parched whistle!
    Oh I know there was an elderly woman here that wanted me to drop my food talk! But I must tell you my little day old pastry (aged but just as yummy) I am a foodie at heart! Don't let my little pouch fool you!
  15. Like
    KeeWee reacted to LI Gemini NY in SEX!   
    I think BCA is afraid of her...
  16. Like
    KeeWee reacted to JourneyToLife in SEX!   
    Looks like a stall has happened...
  17. Like
    KeeWee reacted to JourneyToLife in SEX!   
    Come out? I think they've both been out, LOL
  18. Like
    KeeWee reacted to LI Gemini NY in SEX!   
    Where are those two gravy covered love birds anyway? Private weekend retreat?
  19. Like
    KeeWee reacted to zenandnow in SEX!   
    We haven't heard from Pokeychic or BCA in awhile....I wonder if they ran off together? The world's gravy supplies may be dwindling as we speak!
  20. Like
    KeeWee reacted to Juciilyps:) in SEX!   
    All i wanted was to know how sex was after u've been sleeved..and i get all this entertaining post..im love it..that's all continue.
  21. Like
    KeeWee reacted to Butterthebean in SEX!   
    LOL......took me a minute. But question.....who's getting checked? Pokey or BCA?
  22. Like
    KeeWee reacted to DonRodolfo in SEX!   
  23. Like
    KeeWee reacted to Sofficial in SEX!   
    No, I think you might be right. I mean that pic of her seriously, blahahahahaha, that can't be real, and she's just way too funny. (Team Pokey all day!!!)
  24. Like
    KeeWee reacted to dlareme in SEX!   
    I said awhile ago I think she/he/it may be trolling everyone. Seems awfully suspicious with all the food references. I can't help but think someone is making fun of us and this forum.
  25. Like
    KeeWee reacted to LI Gemini NY in SEX!   
    Roflmao....big country's alter ego is pokey? That's beyond funny.

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