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Everything posted by sophiepants

  1. OK, 3 months post op and I just wonder if any one else post op has had sudden anger, just anger period outta the blue, mass irritation or anything like it? I don't know how else to word it. Lately I feel so emotionally impaired. I'm not sad and its not close to my TOM. I just had a ugly crying break down to my husband about it today. He's at a loss. I have my 3 month apt tomorrow and I'm going to bring it up then. But right now I pray I'm not the only one and a freak. I try'd to look on line. I came to a few things about it for bypass patients. I know we are not very different from each other as in we both have WLS. But is there a difference the two bypass and sleeve when it comes to this? I don't have a history of depression. That said I have been on anti depressants twice. Once when my husband was in Iraq at the start of OIF. I was a mess and cry'd all the time. Justifies I think!! And then a few years ago, about year after I had our baby. I took something for a few months. Then was weaned off and had been fine. HMMM is that a history I just said I didn't have?? Now I just feel like a train wreak some day's. Am I the only one?
  2. sophiepants

    Anger Anyone?

    OMG I just got really personal. Yikes
  3. sophiepants

    Anger Anyone?

    At my 3 month ck up this morning. I told the PA about my issue. She was not positive on the exact cause for the anger. She said she has heard of it more in men but in a few women also. One from up in Bellingham area where I live. (could it be in the Water?? JK) Anyway. She said she there was a gentleman in the place she works that deals with hormones. She was going to do some checking for me to find out if its something that's common. She also thought that its hold mirth that the release of hormones in someone whos losing quickly could have a rapid response. Ok I also have a history of not dealing well with any mass amount of hormones released in my system. We went through infertility treatments back in 04' 05'. I ended up taking Clomid for a year!! Anyone unfamiliar with the treatments.... its a hormone you take pill form to help increase your chances to conceive. You are only supposed to take it for a few months because of the increase in hormones it pumps into the body. With my Dr out here and there and other timing issues I ended up taking it for a year. I was young and following what I thought was the best advice of our Dr. We ended it and gave up on having a baby for another 5 years because of the reaction I had to it. I had what we refer to as a Roid rage. I freaked and smashed stuff and even tryd to attack my husband in my blind rage. Not something I'm proud of . Thank God my husband understood the whys and Enlightened me because I was appalled with myself crying for days. I was ok after that rage. So we were done. I also have angry pms. Ok I know I sound like a nut and maybe I am. IDK. Anyway thanks for listening. I'll keep you updated as to what the blood work says and what my PA finds out talking to my surgeon and her quest for more research on the matter. Crazy's going for a walk!!
  4. sophiepants

    Anger Anyone?

    Journaling was not something I have thought to do. It's worth giving it a try for sure tho. I used to years ago. But I might just have a cuss life journal . Told the husband I wanted to take an hour for a walk early this morning. "Still haven't made it out" I just want to put my ear buds in and escape for a while breathing in the cold crisp air!! With my night stick in hand lol Date night has been suggested often but I just never made time for us to be alone. We always thought we had 10 years alone together well be fine. I'm have been rethinking my sanity tho. My girlfriend has offered to keep my "monkey" over night if we needed and I think I'll take her up on it now!! Misty thanks for your comment! Everyone is making me think. Not quite sure why it's all the sudden working "me thinking " again but It's AWESOME!! lol
  5. sophiepants

    Christmas - New Year Challenge

    Oh you know I'm game!! I'll be back the 27th to give my weight. Thanks Bea!!! I just love your charts your such a wonder lady doing this!!
  6. sophiepants


    I have my 3 month check up this morning and I WILL be dressing in yoga pants and a thin longsleeve shirt!! They WILL count every pound I have shed lol just sayn
  7. sophiepants

    Thanksgiving Challenge

    I had a 4 pound loss this week pushing me through to my Turkey Day goal today!! 190 I made it!! This is such a great way to keep us accountable and I too love checking in to see everyone's progress! Bea are you setting up a new one......
  8. sophiepants

    Thanksgiving Challenge

    Had a 4 pound loss this week pushing me through to reach my Turkey Day goal today.... down the 12 pounds!!! 190!!!
  9. sophiepants

    Anger Anyone?

    It's nice knowing it's not just you huh! Idk when this will end but I hate to be this way through the holidays here with a toddler! I feel like I'm going to be a Grinch! I'm going to fight it damn it! My husband hunts also. So I totally get that! He Had just returned from his elk hunt (thankfully it only lasted two days instead of the whole week) and had only been home for a few minutes when I broke in to a snotty ball of tears and self loathing! I'm sorry about your MRSA. I know it's a hard thing to fight. I hope you heal quickly and the moods pass just as quickly!! ((Hugs to you, your not alone))
  10. sophiepants

    Anger Anyone?

    The advice above is a huge help!! Especially about reflections!
  11. I feel like I'm the only one who's not had a stall. I read Butters 3 week stall on his signature when I first joined. At the time is was my only knowledge of there being a stall. I thought crap I'm a month out its going to happen any day. I was scared. Then my heart went out to everyone who had a stall!
  12. sophiepants

    Anger Anyone?

    You have been a help in more ways than I can say!! you are such a great reader. Yes a lot has happened in a short time you are right. I don't have the best patience in the world. I need to just relax sometimes remember why I love my small family and breath......deep breaths. I explained my anger to him today in my melt down. It's hard for him to see me all (crazy) he panics. lol I have read these posts to him and I believe it makes him feel better knowing I'm not alone and have support .I do love him most. But sometimes...... sigh
  13. sophiepants

    Anger Anyone?

    I relied on sweets cake mostly ( my husband would buy me a whole cake sometimes when I asked for a piece. I never complained mind you) and I would eat it in 2 days. Thank you for being a reasonable voice here also!! Anger is not bad your right! I just felt like I have no valid reason to be so mad. All the reasons you mentioned are prefect examples of why it's ok to be angered sometimes. I am being treated differently if I really think into it. More people look you in the eye. I have even got longer looks from men (and to be honest I really don't like it) But that's just me now. I don't know what to do when I get those looks. My husband and I had a talk about what may have triggered my weight gain. We pinned the start of it back when he was in the military and his soldiers would (apprise) me more than I was comfortable. He was fine with it knew I loved him and I'm sure felt proud in some way. It was shortly after a night where a few said I was acting in a way I would never act. (It was how they seen it in there eyes) I was just being me. My husband was amazed they thought that. And I must have in my head freaked out. I started to gain to keep the unwanted attractions away. MMM I haven't thought bout that in so long. Anger at missing the last 5 years. Holding me back from functions, activities I enjoy is another. I am thinking about things I haven't in years. You all are such a huge help! I feel like this is therapy and I must need it because releasing these thought free in my head are helping me understand myself more again! I suppose that's why we call it a support site!
  14. I just found it thanks to your BUMPING LOL Great articles. I haven't had a stall yet (DONT BEAT ME UP)!!! But if I do I'll know where to look again!! To reread and educate myself again!
  15. sophiepants

    Anger Anyone?

    Oh that does sound heavenly to just be chill for a month
  16. sophiepants

    Anger Anyone?

    GG This is why I like you so much!! You really look into what people say! I know that others on here do not know much about me. We have PM'd a few times and you know more of my history than most. I never thought about that aspect either. (lordy you'd think I was a simpleton....not that there's anything wrong with that) But I think with the surgery I lost a few brain cells. SIGH... It is was stressful having no husband and no support from him (if that makes since. he did support me everyday while away but no physical support ) from a few days after my surgery. Until 3 months out. It is always difficult when he leaves, is gone and comes home. I understand he needs to work and I always support him when we have to chose that he must go, but I almost resent it if that makes since. It is a catch 52 if you will. I'm a freaking mess!!!
  17. sophiepants

    Anger Anyone?

    Oh thank you for that! I see them tomorrow and they will be ordering blood then. I do take a drop of vit D 2000 IU a day but here in Northern WA we don't get to much natural vit D. I do not take Thiamine was not required to..."yet". I will add that to my questions also.
  18. sophiepants

    Anger Anyone?

    Thank You ! That's me!!! You brought up great points! I think your on to something here. I'm going to try a "pep" talk when I feel myself getting all pissy! I have angry pms as is but this crap takes the cake.....(pun intended)
  19. sophiepants

    Anger Anyone?

    Any Idea "I know people are different" On when it will pass!! Because I'm hating myself right now snapping at my husband and son!! I feel horrible!!
  20. sophiepants

    Anger Anyone?

    You must educate me when you find anything
  21. sophiepants

    Anger Anyone?

    Now do any of you guys think that people who lose quickly are more likely to have these mood swings? Rapid loss and all? I've lost "including per op diet" 75 pounds in 3 1/2 months?
  22. sophiepants

    Anger Anyone?

    I try'd to find a post like this but couldn't. I might help if I could get around here better HA! At least I know it's gotta get better. Thanks
  23. sophiepants

    Anger Anyone?

    Ok the last bit made me laugh!! BC aint we all!! I did walk often but lost my ability to feel joy in that too. I loved it even tho it was boring sometimes. Gah Speaking of wine that was the first thing my husband try'd bring me. I could even take a sip didn't want it. Plus it was cooking wine yuck ha
  24. sophiepants

    Anger Anyone?

    Yes!!! After I had my melt down I see now I have been headed that way these last few days. Snapping and had it out with a best friend who's not been being a friend for years. Only now was I able to let my feeling out and tell her how I really felt. I don't like confrontation I just get to nasty. I let it rip that day! gah I need to ck myself! So glad I'm not alone in this
  25. sophiepants

    Anger Anyone?

    Good point! I don't think about eating food to deal with my emotions anymore. I really didn't think about that or the fact I am an emotional eater even reading all the threads and topics. WTH!! I ate sweets cake mostly all the time and haven't had a single bite in 4 months of cake or ice cream or candy!! I was stressed before my husband came home from Alaska a week ago. Maybe it all just surfaced and anger is my outlet? Thank you for the comment

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