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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About meaganchuckran

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    Expert Member

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  1. meaganchuckran

    Honeymoon phase?

    What is it and how long does it last around ? Thanks
  2. meaganchuckran

    Itching like crazy!

    Yes I had the same issue only on my back... It's because ur dehydrated .. believe it r not... i was goig crazy thinking i had a allergic reaction... and ur skin is doing that because ur body is absorbing as much moisture as possible. Keep hydrated and also put some lotion on it regularly it should help!
  3. meaganchuckran

    October 2013 Sleevers Roll call!

    Surgery weight was 236 Surgery was oct. 23 2013 Current weight is 196
  4. meaganchuckran

    Extra skin...?

    Sw was 236 .... When I eventually lose more weight will I have like alot of extra skin?
  5. meaganchuckran


    How long did u wait before drinking alcohol after surgery ?
  6. I'm barley eating but I deff feel like I eat way more than alot of people on here for 7 weeks out... Also in a stall so am I eating to much? Will I eventually lose weight again?
  7. meaganchuckran

    What Are You Eating 5-7 Weeks Out?

    Pretty much anything except raw veggies! My sleeve never gets upset... I've always had. Strong stomach tho going thru 2 years of chemo therapy
  8. meaganchuckran

    Orange Juice...

    Nothing bothers my sleeve lol!
  9. I'm almost 7weeks out and please correct me if im wrong because idk if I can even have it ... But I am getting most my fluids in via orange juice (all natural squeezed) make myself and idk what it is but it's so addicting ... Should I stop? Is their to much natural sugars in it ?
  10. I have trouble getting all my liquids in. I also have trouble getting all my protein in.. I was sleeved oct 23 2013 and thru out the day drink as much as possible... I eat at dinner protein packed food just till I feel full. I've been in a stall for like 2 weeks and feel like I'm not even losing inches. I'm so nervous I think to myself did I stretch my sleeve ? Am I eating to much (I stop when full) or am I not loseing because I need more protein? I hate protein drinks ew my taste buds have changed so much and they make me gag... I just don't know what to do... Someone please ease my mind
  11. meaganchuckran

    Day 13 - Dizzines/passing Out?

    Make sure ur taking b12 and calcium vitamins. I had same issue and had g2gatorade and it helped
  12. meaganchuckran


    I'm not on puréed and never was. I can basically eat alot of things
  13. meaganchuckran


    I wnt guacamole so bad. Can I eat it with cucumber chips or something haha I'm 6 weeks out
  14. meaganchuckran

    Stalls..? Why?

    Nope me either lol
  15. meaganchuckran

    Stalls..? Why?

    Why do people go thru stalls and what can u do to prevent them?

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