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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gladster12

  1. gladster12

    surgery in Tx or Mexico?

    Hey firecallie, I am a Dr. Jay patient also. He does my fills. I really like him and his staff. Nice you are doing so well!!
  2. gladster12

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Happy Holidays!! I have not posted in a really long time, but I do check it from time to time. I was banded on July 17 and have lost 54 pounds without really exercising. I can't figure out how to change my ticker. I am on my third fill which I got on Halloween. I was VERY tight and worried. I haven't gotton another one since. I am just now getting were I can eat a normal lunch. I am very tight in the morning and at night. Does anyone else notice this? Also, I haven't lost any weight in about 3.5 weeks. I wonder why? If I was tooo tight, was I eating or drinking too many calories or not enough? I need to start exercising. I bet I have lost all I can without exercising. My goal for the New Year is to get to the gym and drink more water and protein!! We have to be healthy bandsters!! Keep up all the GREAT work you all are doing!! I am so impressed! Smiles,
  3. gladster12

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hey Brandy, I was looking at your stats and noticed that I was banded the same time you were and started at the same BMI. We have lost about the same amount of weight and I am also moving out of size 14s. I bought a size 32 waist pair of Seven jeans....and now they are tooo big. What was I thinking...I should have waited. Are you in Dallas area? I am in Frisco. We should get together sometime and chat!! Michelle
  4. gladster12

    dr jayaseelan dallas texas?

    Are you saying I should check Dr. Jay with the medical boards and be cautious and about how clean things are at Dr. Jay's office? or the other doctor you were talking about?
  5. gladster12

    dr jayaseelan dallas texas?

    I get my fills done by him. He and his staff are very nice. I was banded outide of the US. Most doctors I talked to were not so nice and wanted to charge me a WHOLE LOT more. He treats me like one of his own!! I appreciate that about him!!
  6. OK....I just got up the guts to post my BEFORE and NOW pics.......and in a swim suit!! YIKES! I was banded July 17, 07. I have lost 45 pounds. I didn't really notice a difference in how I look until recently. People are starting to comment on how much I have lost. I plan to loose 45-50 more!! Just wanted to share!!!
  7. I am only 5'2, but I lie and say I'm 5'4!! I hate the thighs, too!! Good luck on your weightloss!!
  8. I was called a "skinny mamma" today. :omg: Naturally I looked behind me to see who they were talking about. It couldn't of been me.....but it was!! I have never been called "skinny" anything!! It is great for people to notice!! I just wish I could see what they see! Thanks for the comments!!! I still have a LONG way to go!!
  9. gladster12

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    How many WW points to you eat in one day? Do you eat as many as you did pre-band??
  10. gladster12

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hello Brandy, I wad banded the day after you. I have only lots 28 pounds. What are you eating each day to loose 4 pounds a week? Can yoy give me an example of one of your days? How much protien? water? exercise? Thanks!!
  11. I was banded by him in July. He and his staff are FABULOUS!! I felt like I had the best care. They took great care of me. I did lots of research and found him to be one of the best. I HIGHLY recommend him. Please feel free to ask any questions.
  12. gladster12

    Dallas Fill Doctor

    I was banded by someone else. I get my fills done by Dr. Jayaseelan at Medical City. He charges $250, but does them under fluroscopy. I really like the ladies in his office.
  13. Name............Chall. Start Wt........Current......Chall. Goal......To Go losingjusme..........273......................275. .............238................37 faithmd................303.....................300 .3.............283..............16.7 mpalen.................229......................22 9.............200................29 want2beme...........225......................225.. ............195...............30 mcgreen...............236..................... 236.............210................26 wombat712...........179..................... 179.............155................24 Suzzzie. ...............346......................346....... .......315..............31 Chris_NJ...............284.......................2 84.............250...............34 Cherrybomb...........311......................310. ............291..............19 legster..................261.....................2 61..............235..............26 Desertbunnee.........232......................207. ............180..............27 areellady...............232......................228...............212.............16 sweethot143..........197......................197. ............175..............22 gweniper...............253......................25 0...............223.............30 Jeni 85..................237......................237.. .............207.............30 dacer123...............243......................24 3...............223.............20 momlambert..........207.......................207. ..............185.............22 Rainer..................298....................... 292..............258.............34 glindab.................277....................... 277..............250..............27 Soniacan..............198.5....................198 .5.............175.............23.5 ladydi..................233....................... 233...............208..............25 argon...................162...................... 162..............142..............20 jazzystouch...........246......................246 ....... ........220...........26 BabygotBack..........164.....................164. ...............145.........19 Denise...................170.................... 170............155.............15 marcar35...............277....................277. ..... .......257..............20 Ariel ....................207......................207. ..........182..............25 lisa_in_toronto.......180......................180 ...... .......160............20 josiebies...............188......................1 88.... ..........165............23 DonnaD...............185.........................1 85.. ..........170..........15 hf2havefun...........240.........................2 40.. ..........210..........30 Amelia40...............270........................ 270 ............240..........30 METALBAND...........187........................187 ........ ......167..........20 luvinke..................225...................... ..225.... ..........195..........30 JulieNYC................155......................1 49.................136............13 wen.....................288......................2 88.... ..........255...........33 LeslieLee...............216.....................21 6...............186...............30 robgoblin87............279.....................279 ..............250..............29 Babygrl1234...........215....................215.. ..............190................25 Stacy73...............259.................259 . .................230............29 aussie_jode...........212.............. .212... .................190...........22 chickatee.............203..................203....................175............28 katalin.e...............230.................179........ ..........150..............29 Whosyadaddy........388.................388............. .....335..............53 Becky42................253................257......... ........220...............33 sdakotaRN..............254...............254.... .. .........225.............29 jadrad7.................224................224.... .. ..........200..............24 eclipse..................215................212... ..... .........199............. 16 alwayscurious........245.................245.. ....... .......212..............33 chocolate_snaps.....344................344.. .... ... .....299..............45 Kaelin's G-Ma..........272.................272........ ....... .220..............52 Peache8887............330................306...... ............275..............31 tanderson..............231..................231... .............199............... gladster12 ............206..................206..................181..............25
  14. Have you considered have surgery in Mexico? I was too denied by my insurance company due to low BMI. I did lots of research and found a great Dr. that has been doing it for 12 years and have trained many of the US doctors. I wonly paid $7900 which incuded everything except airfair. I highly recommend my doctor. Let me know if you would like more info. No...I am not a patient coordinator recruiting new patients.....just happy to send along my experience. Good Luck!
  15. Hey bubblebelly, My doctor sent me a list of after care/fill doctors that he recommends in the dallas area. Dr. Jayaseelan, Dr. Maese, Dr. Dobson in Denton. There are others that I can't recall of hand. I decided to go with Dr. Jayaseelan. I talked to the nurse. SHe told me they do the fill under fluro and a barium swallow. Also, they allow you to come in and get an adjustment for free for two weeks after your fill. Other doctors I talked with would make you pay again if the fill was too mcuh or too loose. Good Luck finding one that you like.
  16. gladster12

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hello Riberty, I was banded on July 17. I had the same pain that you are talking about. It didn't hurt all the time. Only when I sneezed, laughed, or bent down. I called my doctor. He told me it was possible that gas had settled there and that it was gas pains. Mine was always in the same spot....on the lower right side away from my incisions. I hope your pain goes away.....mine is almost gone.
  17. gladster12

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I asked my doctor why there is such a difference with the pre and post op diet. He said that maany doctors have thier Lapband patients follow the same post op diet as a bypass patient. I makes since. I wish you all luck on the very strict post op!!
  18. gladster12

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hello All, Glad to see everyone is doing well!! I am 11 days post op. I have been on liquids and soft foods for 11 days. Anyone notice a change in their breath. My breath tastes bad. so, I am sure that it smells bad. The only other time I really had this kind of bad breath was when I did the Adkins diet. What do ya'll think? Also, did anyones' doctor tell then how long to wait before having sex. I really shouldn't even think about it.....especially with my stankky breath ....
  19. gladster12

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hello all! Today is day 6 for me. 4 of my 5 incisions look good. I am a little concerned about my longest one. It feels lumpy and has a place that looks like it busted open a bit and is white like if I put some hydgrogen peroxide on it. What should I do?
  20. gladster12

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hey all, I am 5 days post op and feeling much better. The only pain I still feel is at my two larger incision sites. The other 3 are tiny, so they don't hurt at all. Here is my question..... My belly is gurglin, like a deep loud, rumblin sound. Is that sound gas trying to get around, or is it my lower stomach or is it something else? Just wondering if any of you experienced this also?
  21. gladster12

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Where can I find the recipes that you all are posting?
  22. gladster12

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hey all!! I got back yesterday, but after a long day of travelin I was very tired. I feel good, just sore and bloated. I have been walking which definantly helps. I started to have some dirrehea (sp) today. I would think that is normal since I am only putting liquids in my body. I had a great experience/ I loved Dr. Arturo Rodriquez. The hotel I stayed in was a 5 star place. It was very nice to be treated great when you feel kinda crappy!! :0) I did have the hiccups last night. I nver used to get the hiccups. Wonder if I drank tooo quickly?? Lynette, so sorry to hear about your pancake experience, but it is all part of a learning experience. you are making great progress on your weight loss. Did you have to clean your incisions or just shower normally and let them airdry!! Danny, It looks as if my expereince was as positive as yours. The only hard part was the loooooonnnnngggggg walk at the Houston airport. I finally gave in and used a wheelchair. Thanks for you all for you support and advice!! Off to eat some jello and drink some juice!
  23. gladster12

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Thanks Chimboree for your thoughts and prayers!! I am off to the airport to depart at 5:45 AM. I will be back on Thursday. I will check back in when I return. I am not at all nervous because I feel like you all have helped ease my worries...... I am more concerned about the deep gum/teeth cleaning :omg: I have to get in August. That makes Lapband surgery sound like a walk in the park. I hate going to the dentist. Thanks to you all!! I am scheduled for 1:00. :whoo:I will be a bandster....maybe I should change my name to bandster12 instead of gladster12...... Take care! Dini, I love the shirt idea!!
  24. gladster12

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I am being banded this Tuesday. (YEAH!!) My mom will come to Dallas on Thursday, the day I arrive back from my surgery. She think I will need her to take care of me.....( I love my momma!!) So here is the situation....... My uncle is a psychologist. He does all the psych. evals in his area for people considering Lapband or Gastric Bypass. A couple of weeks ago my whole family was having dinner. After dinner, the issue of weightloss and his patients came up. My mom very jokingly said she thought I was getting the Lapband (she had no idea at this time that I was) in Mexico. My uncle very quickly began telling me and my mom that I should never do that because I was not 100 pounds over weight and so on.......He gave me the speech I am sure he gives his patients when he tells them they have been denied for the procedure. So, all that to say he is coming to Dallas 3 days after I get the Lapband for a medical convention and wants to have dinner with my mom and I. SO...... when I don't each the huge amount I used to he is going to know. Do I: 1. Not go to dinner and avoid seeing him the weekend after my surgery. He will know when I don't eat my normal amount. or 2. Go to dinner and tell him and face his opinion of having a surgery done in Mexico that I couldn't qualify for in the US... (of, course that is his opinion) I need a little help here.... THis is my family...not just people I work with or friends. What would you do?
  25. gladster12

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Has any one posted a pic of their scars or even looked at the posts of the stages of scars? Search scar stages if you are interested.... quite interesting....

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