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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Nibbles

  1. Six weeks from my one one year anniversary, and I am 20 pounds away from my goal. What a difference almost a year has made. I am 105 pounds down since the surgery, and I have never felt better. I still catch sight of myself in a mirror and wonder who that person is. I have sagging skin, but it doesn't bother me. I play on getting a Tummy Tuck in the near future to get rid of that annoying skin that I will never get rid of with just exercise alone, but I consider that a small price to pay for my weight loss.

    Shopping for clothes has become a joy. Sales clerks treat you differently... sad, but true. I often will ask for the wrong size, just because I am not used to my new body. Hard to go from a size 4x and size 24 pants, to a size 10/12. It's a major head adjustment, and I find myself still asking for the largest size they have. It is still an amazing feeling to go into a so called normal sized clothing store, and find pretty much anything to fit me. I don't know if I will ever get used to that, especially after being overweight since I was 9.

    I have gone down a shoe size and a half, which I didn't expect. More than anything, I realize how much my weight kept me from doing things I wanted to do. I was imprisoned by my own body, and it irritates me that I spent too many years unhappy with myself. This surgery has been a great tool for me... because it is a tool. I still work on it every day, and I still fight to make the right choices with my eating. But without this surgery, I would never have been able to lose the weight as I have done this last year. Best decision I have ever made, and I don't have one ounce of regrets. Thank you to all my fellow sleevers for your support and encouragement through my journey. I know when I was trying to make my decision about this surgery, I surfed these boards religiously, and every success story helped to convince me that I could also do this, and succeed where I had failed before so many times. I have posted a couple of pictures to show what a different 10 months makes. Can't wait to lose that last twenty pounds. Onwards!



  2. I was a huge sweet eater before my surgery. I think it's safe to say I was addicted. One of the keys to the sleeve to me is that I am not allowed to eat sugar, which the more I read, is pure evil.

    After I detoxed after the surgery, and got the sugar out of my system, I couldn't believe the difference. All my cravings are gone. I have lost 78 pounds in four months, and just hit Onederland. My skin is better, I have way more energy, and best of all, I don't feel the cravings that have plagued me for years.

  3. Four months ago today, I started my journey. Today I'm down 78 pounds. 33 more to go to my goal! Today when I stepped on the scale I made it to Onderland for the first time since I was in my teens. I've never felt better.

    This surgery part was easy.... Afterwards it is work, but thanks to boards like this I was prepared for it. Every day I think about what I'm putting in my mouth, what nutritional value it has, what my best choices are. Not wanting to eat junk all day has been liberating. Sugar was my big addiction, and I have very, very little in my diet. It has made an enormous difference.

    I'm fitting into normal size clothes12-16 depending on the store, style, etc. It still feels strange to try on clothing in stores that don't have plus sizes, and have them fit. The changes feel like they are happening so fast, it's hard to even know what sizes to buy.

    Looking forward to reaching my goal in a few month!



  4. My family was happy that I was getting the lapband removed, but not as happy that I was getting sleeved. They were concerned and worried, especially since the lapband had been nothing from trouble.

    I was also concerned because I didn't think the sleeve was really going to work. In the back of my mind I thought that it would be the same failure as the lapband.

    After 3 months, I have never been happier. Getting the sleeve was the best decision I made.

  5. I was one of those who thought I still wasn't going to lose weight. I'm still shocked when I get on the scale and I'm losing. I've been surprised at a lot of things. My recovery was smooth and easy. Back to work in a week. No nausea, no pain, no throwing up. I have zero food intolerances so far.....quite a change from the band. I do have hunger, but no cravings. If I feel hungry, I eat something and I'm full. That has been life changing, as I never felt full in my life.

    I chart everything on fitness pal, and I count every calorie. I stay within 500-800 calories per day, and I work out with a trainer twice a week. I try and stay active as much as I can. I didn't realize until after how easy it can be to sabotage yourself with slider foods. You can eat lots of calories if you choose. I had one cookie over Christmas. That was my treat.

    Just bought my first pair of size 14 jeans. I'm fitting into size 14/16 regularly. Going into regular stores is a joy....not to mention people treat you differently. Trying on clothes and going out is a pleasure. I no longer feel like people are looking at my size first.

    Boards like this have been a godsend. We are all in this together!

  6. I'm having my band removed on October 15th, and having the sleeve at the same time. My doctor did inform me that there was a %5 chance that I could not get the sleeve done at the same time… it would depend on the amount of scar tissues present, which he cannot tell until I am on the table. I am scared to death that I will be the 5%. Fingers crossed. The surgery is two weeks from tomorrow.

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