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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by planetheather

  1. I'm down 125# from my high weight and almost 100# from surgery day. I'm below my original goal and officially have a BMW that isn't overweight for the first time in 15 years. I'm happy with my current weight, appearance and size but I've set a new goal that involves getting more toned. I assume that will involve some more changes in the way clothes fit. I keep an eye on the scale now just to make sure I'm not creeping back up but I'm very happy with my new habits.

  2. Ok PlanetHeather, so how do you make cauliflower crust pizza????

    There are a lot of recipes out there. I use this one:


    It really is great. I substituted 2 egg whites instead of 1 whole egg. I tried it once with frozen cauliflower instead of fresh. I think the fresh is superior. I bought a nut bag from Amazon and that made a big difference too.

  3. Black Beans are healthy, naturally occurring carbs. And a great source of Protein. I eat as many Beans as I want.

    I love beans, but especially black beans and they are my favorite carb source aside from grilled vegetables. I don't have a problem with being hungry when I make them part of a dense Protein meal (alongside eggs or chicken). But the brownies in particular feel like a "gateway drug" for me. I suspect the culprit is the honey and oats and not the beans. But a strong contender is "brain hunger" since I've had to peruse so many recipes and pinterests to locate my new recipes. Because I'm still so early in this journey, I'm trying to concentrate on not only good habits but learning to recognize when I'm adding in bad or unhelpful habits.

    And BTW, I was a huge fan of Arctic Zero (150 calories for a whole pint) until I realized I could eat a whole pint. I'm done with that now too.

  4. I'm not a believer in "all things are ok in moderation." I'm happy not to eat these things now. I'd rather fill my belly up with other things. <br> And now I order sushi / rolls without rice- yum! :)

    Curious about riceless rolls. Can you explain or describe? Thanks

    I thought it was a reference to sashimi. Is it not?

  5. I'm with you guys...basically not adding Pasta or bread to my meal plan...no need...basically :)

    I have spaghetti squash, yum... or smashed cauliflower for mashed potatoes... zucchini for layers in lasagna; there are ways to still be satisfied with similiar textured foods to make you feel like you are having the "real thing" lol... I made a pizza the other day with a cauliflower crust...believe it or not, it wasn't bad :)

    One of my favorite Snacks are parmesan chips that I make and a little salsa... crispy and delicious ...

    I don't EVER plan on putting them back into my plan like before sleeve... bad for me, bad for tummy ;)

    I love your "alternates"! I've made cauliflower crust pizza twice now. It's so good that I haven't even opened the CarbQuick that I bought and I don't know that I plan to any time soon.

  6. Heather, I'm with you. I have the occasional half slice of whole grain toast or cracker, but heavy carbs just don't sound appealing to me anymore. The exception is tortilla chips/salsa and pizza. I rarely eat pizza, but it does still call my name (at least my favorite NY style pizzeria does - the others do not tempt me at all).

    I am relieved, to say the least, because refined carbs were a real problem for me pre-sleeve. Loved rice, potatoes, bread, etc.

    I used to be all about the carbs! Rice, potatoes and especially cakes and breads. This is why I was wondering how permanent this was. I admit that I have been playing with some black bean brownie recipes and although there's nothing inherently "no-no" about the versions I've made, having just one a night has significantly increased my carb intake for the day and I've noticed that I have more trouble being hungry soon after and more willing to look around for other things to snack on. So, I've decided that for now, I'm going to stop baking those--maybe keep the recipe for holiday time.

  7. I'm almost 6mo post GS. On other places in our forum, I've seen recipes or other types of references to things like whole grain pastas, Aldi light wraps etc. I have had a few pieces of sushi and about half a corn tortilla, but other than that, I really haven't had a grain-based carb since surgery. To be honest, the idea of something like Pasta or bread-like substance does not sound good at all. For some reason, it makes me feel like--well "over-full nauseous" just to think about taking a bite of pancake/waffle/flour carb of your choice.

    I'm curious if this is "normal"? Does it go away; I mean will I eventually be able to eat half a sandwich? I'm just as happy if the answer to the last question is no. I love spaghetti squash and I don't see the need to add breads back in. I'm just curious. Thanks!

  8. I drink a lot of Water during my workouts because I get so thirsty, so I don't eat solids. I start my morning by making a 1.5 serving (by scoops) of Protein powder in 20 oz. I drink about 1/2 of it over 30 minutes while I check work emails from overnight or plan my day. Then I get on the treadmill for 30-90 minutes and drink about 10 oz for every 30 minutes I'm working out. Then I finish my shake. I've had low blood sugar in the past but this routine is working for me now.

  9. I thought there was a "recipe" swap forum but I can't find it. I wanted to share one that I'm quite happy with. It's now in My Fitness Pal under "Heather's Banoffee Protein Muffins".

    1 banana

    1/3 cup Now whey Protein (Toffee Caramel Fudge)

    1/3 cup oats



    1/4 cup skim milk (or less)

    Slice up the banana and blend all the ingredients in a Magic Bullet. Spray a mini muffin pan and spoon to fill 2/3 (makes 16 mini muffins). Bake at 350 for about 6 minutes.

    Each is 30 calories. I listed the serving size as 4 muffins.

  10. I'm stranded in an airport and missing being able to fly my daughter to her college interview tomorrow (so my husband is driving her 8 hours tonight). I'm feeling pretty low, and for the first time since my surgery 5 months ago, my old brain came out with the food addiction cravings. But I had a Nicoise salad for lunch anyway and I'm headed out to buy a large bottle of Water for my Protein Shake for dinner on the flight. My new jeans are already baggy so I just kept grabbing the extra material as I worked past the brain saying it needed something fatty and chocolatey.

  11. Went to Joe's Crab Shack an had 2 Lobster claws and 2 king crab legs... It seemed like I ate a plate full of food... But nope just that!! It was heaven!! My hubby ate the rest!

    Oh my! A world of YUM! I was in Boston recently and got to have Legal Seafoods' appetizer crab cake. One was a enough for lunch and afternoon snack. I haven't been up there in so long that the day I flew out, I got another one for my flights to CA and one for the fridge and dinner the next night. I'm going to suggest Joe's for date night this weekend!

  12. Wow! Great (and inspirational) posts! My HW was 275 and I was a 24/26 in pants. The "girls" were 42DDD. I'm 4 1/2 months post op today and the girls are 36DD and I'm wearing medium sweats from Walmart. Jeans--good heavens, when did jeans get SO complicated?? I've been to Old Navy, Levis and Target. At Target I'm a 10. At Old Navy I'm a 32 "Sweethear" --who the hell even knows what that is. At Levis, I got a bootcut 14 (which I assure you, did not endear me to them). But I love knowing that I'm shopping without the "W" any more!

  13. I got on my treadmill as soon as I got home from surgery--I did the hospital shuffle at 0.5 miles/hour--but I did 10 minutes every 2 hours during the day and added some time and some speed as I was able each day. By week 3 I could do 2 or 2.5 miles/hour for 30-60 minutes at a time. It did that twice a day--the main goal was to rebuild my stamina because at week 4, I was on a grueling 6 week trip to 6 different countries (12 flights, 10 cities, and two 10-hour car rides) for a business trip. I was on my feet all day most of the work days and hiking/site-seeing the other days. You're doing this to get healthy and to be able to do more things with your family. I would say to plan for it and work for it to make it happen! Just get your fluids and your Protein and walk, walk, walk. I can't believe how good I have felt --since 4 days post op--don't hold the 1st 4 days against me! :-)

  14. I'm right there with ya chicka! No loss but thank gawd no gain!! :) Next week WILL be better you'll see or we'll see :)

    Sophiepants, I noticed that we were sleeved around the same time and have the similar weight losses. I was wondering what you're up to these days in terms of eating patterns/habits and exercise routine. I've been pretty steady (stair-steppy but steady) but I'm definitely slowing down. It's like that elongating hallway, I'm just so close but not quite there.

    I'm doing really well with cardio (treadmill 75 minutes/day). I'm not as good about keeping up with my arm weights and I rarely do the other things on my "To Do" list--tricep dips and core exercises. I'm doing ok on eating. I'm not able to get 700 calories but I have managed to cut out sugar, grains and wheat. I've had a forkful of quinoa but mostly all my carbs come from vegetables.

  15. <p>Tonight the kids have asked for breakfast, so I'm going to be making my version of huevos rancheros, grilled mushrooms, and I'm going to try a recipe for cream cheese pancakes.</p>

    I found this recipe one day while having a craving for pancakes. By the time I found the recipe the feeling had passed so I have not tried the recipe but it sure does look good! Here's the link


  16. Mine were the same way. Luckily I only had to attend 3 and got to do them by phone instead of being in a group class. I have not been back to one since 6 weeks post op and found them all of limited value. I agree with Cupcake. Take a notepad and try to come with questions that you think are relevant. Or at least so you can doodle...

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