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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by murmart

  1. I was sleeved 10/1. One of the struggles I had was forgetting you have to take small bites now. It's very easy to fall into bad habits if you don't focus on eating, you can forget you just took a mouthful of food and if you swallow a large amount that's gonna cause some pain. When you are eating focus on the act of eating it will help change old habits. Best wishes to you.

  2. Why in the world would she associate with that? I will forever feel fat no matter how small my body is and I can't imagine being around a group the belittles overweight people. I'd feel guilty by association.

    It's not a choice she made. She was disgusted and has address it with them. Don't get me wrong I was in no way condoning what they do just citing an ironic situation. It made us both sick. Pathetic!

  3. My wife who had the sleeve last year and lost 130lbs now finds herself being included in the fat gossip with the skinny office staff about other over weight employees. I guess it's a compliment because they are including her but god knows what they saying about her a year ago. She tells me she is flattered but shocked at the comments they make.

  4. Before anything - ask for an itemized bill not just a drs or facility charge but an itemized list of how they came up with the charges. Talking to your insurance may help at least they will be very interested in all the member responsibility you seemed to have accrued. Usually your insurance company will have an amount that is the patient responsibility and they account for that when they pay the hospital above and beyond that is called ' balance billing' they may or may not be allowed to do that but your insurance company will know that. Good luck I'm sure this is one pain you could do without!

  5. I agree, take your time your stomach has to relearn what you want it to do so it takes time. There are liquid Proteins out there that you can add to Water and it's like drinking Vitamin water and it's not chalky like the powders are. Popsicles are great for keeping your fluids up. When you can, try strained cream Soups the flavors are great after the initial water and broth you are probably on. Best wishes on your journey.

  6. Was sleeved 10/1 struggled getting in my 60 g of Protein, - do not like the chalky shakes - I recently switched to a Liquid Protein ( New Whey liquid protein ) 42 g of protein in each bottle comes in different favors - they taste nasty drinking it out of the bottle but I mix a third of it with Water in a sports bottle now it just taste like Vitamin water it last a day or two. At Walmart cost about $2.50. Acts as a great supplement to other Proteins and no messy blender!

  7. So far lost 32lbs had a rough first week after surgery but now I feel stronger each day. Had to but some new work pants and jeans as my existing pants were falling off me! A little trick to consider when buying clothes go to Walmart they have work pants that have a hidden 2" adjustable waistband. I bought them so they were a little tight but knowing it won't be long before they will fit perfectly.

  8. I'm 3 weeks out so this is all new to me but one thing I have realized it is really important to stay focused on what you eat.

    Don't have distractions when you sit down for a meal.

    This next part sound dumb but as I take a bite of something don't forget that you took the bite - stay with it! . I realized that before surgery I had become this unconscious eating machine; bite, quick chew, then swallow. Now I take my time stay with the fact I just put food in my mouth until I chewed it and swallowed it. This is helping me take smaller bites and get all the nutritional value out of what I eat by chewing more! Hope this helps. Best wishes..

  9. 2 weeks out from surgery one thing I have become very aware of is what is in food especially Protein ; finding milk that has 2x the protein, Greek yogurt, off the shelf shakes. It has become a detective game but learning a lot from it. My colleagues at work want me to teach then what I learn about foods when I return to work. This has given me a goal to learn what I can and have it be a part of my life from now on!

  10. Finally home on a liquid diet for about 2 weeks slight pain from one of the sites but nothing major. One thing I have noticed already is my awareness of EVERY drop that I swallow and how it impacts my stomach. Warm chicken broth is my favorite so far and taking very small sips.

    Temptations of other foods my family is eating are all around me. Pre-surgery I would have eaten many of them now I resist knowing the severe consequences if I did. The behavior modification has begun.

  11. Had my surgery on Tuesday it was the sleeve and hernia repair. On the 2nd day in hospital I tried taking in sips of Water 30ml/30 minutes. I had some problems even keeping that small amount down. The surgeon said I was probably swelling so the recommended I stay another night in the hospital. The nausea has now subsided so I'm eating small amounts of Jello and chicken broth and it is staying down. It's amazing how much more aware your stomach you become I can hear and feel every sip.

  12. I stared the process of quitting caffeine a month before surgery. Caffeine is a VERY powerful drug and it takes time to wean off it. I first cut down my intake to 2 cups and spread them over a day next week I went down to 1 cup and started Decaf. The next 2 weeks got myself down to zero caffeine. That last week was the worst. Headaches, irritability but I could control it pretty well. But I'm so happy I did it is making my recovery that much easier you do not want caffeine withdraw after surgery.

  13. Well done mate my story is just like yours and it is definitely not the easy way. .. I'm due to be sleeved here in the uk on 9 th October .. I just want to not be noticed in a crowd . Not have the seatbelt extension on a plane and experience every ride at a theme park as been to fat in the past so I just did not go .. Been big since I was 5 and missed out of so much life has to offer and wish I had done this at 29 not 49 .. Rich
    I am from the UK originally been in the states for many years. Good luck with your surgery.

  14. Today's the day have my surgery set for 7:30am it's now 4 am. Not feeling nervous but eager and excited. My colleagues at work were great so supportive when I left I look forward to getting back and showing off after my surgery. A colleague who had the sleeve recommended I take a month off so I have October to recover and can take my time adjusting to my new life.

  15. Diary of a Fat man.

    All my life I have been heavy, fat, overweight. It's simple, I eat too much and I stay fat. What's not simple is changing that pattern. I've dieted many times and they work each time, but eventually they don't and the cycle continues. I have tied exercising regularly until my overweight body said no more!

    So here I am I'm my Mid 50s father of an active 2 year old. My large body aches it creaks and weighs the same as 2 over weight 20 year olds. So what do I do? get another diet because the next time "it will work"? Exercise until I injure myself and can't recover? That's why I decided to look into an alternative way.

    On Tuesday October 1st I'm scheduled for the sleeve. To some it probably seems like a cop-out - the lazy way out. Sure they can believe that if they want, but the truth is, after 40 years of being the big guy, barely able to sit in an airplane seat, out of breath after a few steps embarrassed at my size and memories of constant teasing as a child, It's time to take a radical step.

    You see, I don't want my son to grow up fat I don't want him embarrassed at his Dad's size I want to run along side of him, I want to be around for him. I want to live a healthy lifestyle and raise him him up in one. I want to be a good husband for my wife to stay as young as my body allows. To be there for her, to support her, to be a active partner for her.

    I want this for me for ALL the reasons I stated. I want to take the fat kid I was show him there is a way. To take the fat teenager I was and push through the embarrassment I felt. To take the fat adult I am and get to a point I can embrace life with open arms again.

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