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woo woo

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by woo woo

  1. Although he still has a ways to go I thought he looked pretty good this morning on TV. Agree that the band seemed like an odd choice for someone of his size, however.
  2. woo woo

    6 Month Pre-Diet?

    Well that doesn't sound bad at all Seriously though, is it possible that "your" diet was lower than 1200 cals/day? Maybe you are actually taking more cals in now than before. If so, weight loss could stall or stop.
  3. woo woo

    6 Month Pre-Diet?

    Have you tried following whatever you were doing before that helped you lose the 40?
  4. woo woo


    I just read "Ultimate Gastric Sleeve Success" which was very motivating and is almost 100% about nutrition and eating. The author has developed a Texture scale which I think is useful when looking at how your diet should be with the sleeve, long-term. The doc is also very much into motivation and support and offers a lot of good things to consider and think about when it comes to making food choices. He talks a little bit about sleeve surgery techniques but this is really a book about eating habits and for motivation to succeed. It's the kind of thing you could re-read later when you needed a kick. I also ordered the Big Book which I believe was written by the owner of this site, but haven't gotten it yet so I can't comment on it either way
  5. woo woo

    help me

    Agree go to ER. Sounds like severe dehydration is a strong possibility.
  6. It can take some time (I waited several weeks) to get the CPAP from the medical supply company. I agree that your focus should be on getting in touch with a company asap that can get your equipment to you as quickly as possible. Good luck!!
  7. I was told to expect to lose about 90% of the weight in the first 6 months.
  8. woo woo

    How to tell dehydration

    If you become severely dehydrated it's difficult to keep anything in your stomach including water or other liquids. Not sure of other symptoms but that's a big red flag.
  9. woo woo

    Java the Hutt

    Modern research is now showing that not only is caffeine in moderation not bad for us, but actually has some health benefits. Of course I don't have a source for you on that, but I have seen a few different pieces on the news about it in the past couple of years.
  10. woo woo

    Java the Hutt

    LOL I thought so!
  11. woo woo

    Java the Hutt

    I have heard this no caffeine business around here, and I am curious as to why this is not allowed post-sleeve? Or is it just during the healing stages?
  12. woo woo

    self pay Houston Texas

    That seems very high for Houston. I was considering Htown and researched several of the doctors and found the prices to be from $7200 or so to around $15,000. If you do a google search for gastric sleeve houston several come up. There is also a list on the internet of self-pay docs that give prices that was helpful to me: http://selfpaysleeve.blogspot.com/ Good luck!
  13. woo woo

    Sleeve vs bypass

    I wonder if your doc isn't as comfortable with doing the sleeve procedure. If not and that's what you want, you could always seek out a doc that is more experienced with the sleeve. Just a thought.
  14. woo woo


    That's the best feeling ever!
  15. I am thinking maybe she is talking about the visit to your doctor after the 1-2 sleep study nights where he/she looks at the results of the study and prescribes the cpap machine if needed. As someone else said, if you are obviously having apnea, the technician will fit you for the mask and pressure the same night as the initial study so that would save one night.
  16. woo woo

    Insurance and self pay conondrum

    You might want to call the Dr's office and ask about this. He may have been giving you the self-pay rate for hernia repair, whereas the insurance pay rate could be higher. I think that self-pay patients are often given a break in price. Better safe than sorry. Also, the insurance company would probably figure it out eventually. Just my thoughts.
  17. That's a big difference! Nice cheek bones!
  18. This is a paper I found from the American Society for Metabolic & Bariatic Surgery website discussing the use of WLS in the "lower" BMI patient population -- i.e. for those that are "just" obese. Apologies if this has been posted before, but I thought it was interesting reading. Here is the link to the ASMBA Position Statement: http://asmbs.org/201...bmi-30-35-kgm2/
  19. woo woo

    I am doing this

    Most insurances will pay if the person has a bmi between 35 and 39 with at least one weight-related co-morbid condition. No idea on the requirements for your specific insurance though.

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