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woo woo

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by woo woo

  1. Beautiful! Congratulations on ALL of your accomplishments this past year!
  2. I agree. It is bumming me out a bit. Maybe they will brighten up the color scheme?
  3. Commonly available OTC PPIs include Prilosec, Prevacid, /or if you get a generic/store brand it might say Omeprazole.
  4. woo woo

    Denied by Cigna

    Can't you transfer your stuff to another facility? You should be able to change without having to re-do everything I would think. Is there a qualifying facility near you that you can switch to? Good luck and I'm sorry this happened to you.
  5. As a previous poster said, unless you actually live or spend time in very remote areas, we can probably safely say this is an irrational fear. I suffer from these types of fears sometimes so there is no judgment! The best thing to do if the thought of this is really frightening you, is to engage in a conversation with yourself about it -- say to yourself things like, "I am perfectly safe. I live in a place/country where food and Water are very easily accessable at all times." etc.. Also, if it helps you feel less anxious about it, go ahead and stock some supplies for your home, just in case. Extra cases of water, canned goods etc.. Couldn't hurt. Hope this helps a little.
  6. woo woo

    Best Sports Bras for Running?

    The Frog Bra by Title Nine was hands-down the most supportive sports bra for running with large bust EVER MADE. Wearing it you could jump up and down and literally nothing would move, it was so amazing. Apparently it's currently out of production, but they have some suggestions for alternatives to the frog bra here on their website: http://www.titlenine.com/category/frog+bra.do
  7. woo woo


    You look great as you are, but if you want to lose another 10 pounds go ahead. You will certainly not look sick. You do what feels right for you.
  8. woo woo

    Progress :-)

    Congrats, you look great!!
  9. Wonderful!! Congrats and may I say, "Whatta Man!" too?
  10. woo woo


  11. woo woo

    What's the story behind your profile name?

    Woo woo was the name I used years ago in an online game called Sissyfight 2000.
  12. You just cut it in half and look to see if the middle looks pink. If there is no pink, it is done. Easy as can be.
  13. Have you tried shellfish (shrimp, lobster etc) or chicken? More dense than eggs for sure. I have read about something called mushy foods syndrome. Sounds like you are eating too much mushys and not enough dense. ETA: Get a george forman grill. You can make just about anything on it and it requires almost zero cooking skill.
  14. woo woo

    The Diva Sleeve is doing her job!

    So glad that it is working so well for you! Congrats!
  15. I am still holding a lot of stuff from the 90s (in sizes 2-6, talk about optimism) so I know what you mean. Would love to see a pic of you in those suits!! If you want to share
  16. woo woo

    Chest pains

    Whoops. Posted at the same time.
  17. woo woo

    Chest pains

    I would think at the very least you are dehydrated if you haven't consumed anything at all for 2 days. Not sure about the chest pains but my suggestion is to visit the ER. I think it's better safe than sorry and they can give you IV fluids while you are there.
  18. woo woo

    Vitamin Suggestions

    There are many gummy Multivitamins for adults on the market now, available pretty much anywhere. I have gotten them at grocery stores and Target. I would think any of them would be better than nothing while you wait for your bariatric gummies.
  19. I just read another book that is really good for nutrition and motivation, it's called "Ultimate Gastric Sleeve Success" -- which I mainly ordered based on the title. Also written by a doc/surgeon, Dr. "V". Recommended.
  20. woo woo

    Visiting my Brother after 2 years!

    Have a wonderful trip and enjoy enjoy enjoy!!
  21. woo woo

    Hidden Costs for self-pay?

    By the way, inquiring minds want to know what happened with the "cheating" original surgeon's office!! If you care to share.
  22. I think I read somewhere that recovery time was a big factor for his choice.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
