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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LindafromFlorida

  1. LindafromFlorida

    Vitamins! Choices, choices, choices

    First month I was nervous and bought the Bariatric Advantage from the surgeon. Then I went to a compound pharmacy with an excellent Pharmacist, who recommended Source of Life liquid Gold. Iron is the only additional pill we take, plus B-12 shots weekly. The Source of Life Liquid Gold covers almost every Vitamin. Can be found online, but compare prices!
  2. LindafromFlorida

    Protein drinks

    We have tried many Protein powders. Premier Protein shakes are the favorite. Also, be sure and check out SF Torani syrups, or adding Crystal Light powder or SF pudding powder to flavor your shakes. So many choices! Walmart sells EAS powder and it was okayed by our nutritionist. It does not have the awful chalky taste of Bariatric Advantage powder.
  3. LindafromFlorida

    Fish question!

    I agree, you would spend more time trying to chew it to death than would be worth it! Try for cup of Soup or baked/grilled fish. Twice I was out for lunch since surgery 11/18, and it was comfortable with a light soup. It felt great! I am almost 8 weeks out and have not attempted shrimp. I have some ready to chop into a good seafood chowder I plan to concoct when I get an urge lol! I am not getting any urges to cook because I know when I cook I will eat more!
  4. LindafromFlorida

    doreens decision

    Doreen, please stay involved with this group for wonderful support. One year ago I did not have the asthma either. As we age, new health problems arise. I was diagnosed with diabetes 6 months ago. My husband has had many years of failing health. Get healthy while you can. My poor husband was scared as hell. He had me go first LOL. I honestly think he was worried and had to take care of me. It was a breeze compared to what we expected. We have watched elderly friends gain weight and become hermits, and die. This started happening to us, becoming hermits, and I honestly saw that was our future. I was more scared of my husband not having the surgery and what would happen to him. So happy we made this decision. So happy we did not give up! Keep me posted!
  5. LindafromFlorida

    Strongly considering the sleeve.

    Rae, for 10 years my husband and attended seminars on every kind of weight loss surgery, different doctors and hospitals. We know a lot of people who have had different surgeries. My husband's health really worsened in 10 years, but until the sleeve came along and was covered by our insurance, he was not willing to take that step and I sure did not push him. It is a big decision, especially as our health went downhill with diabetes, HBP, asthma, and age. In the past year I qualified for the sleeve and I am so glad. I saw nothing but doom and gloom for us without this surgery. Our doctor - we loved from the get-go!!! Some of his staff who assisted him at the first seminar, told us he had done the sleeve on them. Everything combined, we knew the sleeve was right for us. We are both less than 2 months post op, and life is wonderful. Our only regret is that we could not have had the sleeve 10 years ago! We do not feel like we had surgery. We feel great. No pain once we came home from the hospital. No issues. I am off the med Metformin for diabetes. My husband's issues with diabetes and HBP are much better, we are off a few more meds. I love not having that constant feeling of being hungry!!!!!!!! It was like my stomach kept telling me to feed it. Thank God that feeling is no more! Best of luck in your decision. Linda
  6. LindafromFlorida

    Unjury and baking

    You might check the unjury web site as they have a lot of info KC. Good luck!
  7. LindafromFlorida

    Worried and scared, feeling alone

    Christy good for you! We developed an instant rapport with our surgeon. Since we live in a large city, he has a TEAM that has led us several months to surgery and now post op. Trust your gut instincts with your doctors, you get to pick and choose!!!!
  8. LindafromFlorida

    6 days post op

    Acampbell, my husband has had significant drops in blood pressure since our sleevings less than 2 months ago Caution, he has passed out in the shower because of the low blood pressure, which really has left him feeling tired and weak. I think the dreary winter weather that has kept us inside also contributes to us feeling blah with no energy. I agree, being on liquids also is not giving you boosts of energy. Relax, I think you will be feeling great when you get on the mushy/pureed foods! Best wishes!
  9. LindafromFlorida

    Worried and scared, feeling alone

    Dear Yasmine, I hope you have a surgeon who came well recommended, and if not, please check him out so that you firmly believe/trust in him. I think that is most important. You have a journey ahead, for sure, but the great thing is you will find many people here with your same issues who you will be able to relate to. You have to have support, and if you do not have it where you live make sure you have it through this wonderful supportive group. My husband had serious weight issues, like you, and I was also sleeved. This surgery is a life-saving venture for a lot of us. I wish you the best of good luck, happiness and FAITH to get you to where you need be. God Bless Yasmine!
  10. Really sounds like you need to see your doctor! Best wishes and feel better!
  11. LindafromFlorida

    60 years young today, 2 yrs PO, GOAL

    Happy Birthday! I am 67 and loving life also. Wish I had done this at 50 LOL! Have a wonderful day!
  12. LindafromFlorida

    Surgery is at 7:30 tomorrow!

    Best of luck, time flies by before you know it. It will all be much easier than you expect (the entire process). The fear is what is the worst I think, but relax, you will be fine.
  13. LindafromFlorida

    Shoe size changed?

    amazing our feet get fat too. Plus swelling goes down.
  14. LindafromFlorida

    How long to take off work?

    Sleeved and happy! Would have never considered any surgery til the sleeve came along. Please pay attention to all the posts when you are looking to have WLS. Everything is right here. Best wishes!
  15. LindafromFlorida

    doreens decision

    If you did not worry you might not be human! This is a big step. My thought is it is more dangerous to live being morbidly obese with diabetes, HBP, asthma, etc. Best of luck!
  16. LindafromFlorida

    The Boomer Chat Room

    Cheryl I am with you on going back to liquids at times. I think that gives out stomachs time to rest, and it sure takes pressure off us. That husband problem......Hmmmm the only solution I could see would be you get to pick the place and find a place with a menu you can tolerate. Over the holidays we went out two times and had a cup of soup. Does not bother me to watch others eat thank goodness! Maybe he figures this is your diet, not his. Whatever the reason, I think personally I could order a side of baked Beans, cup of vegetables, etc., relax, and play with it lol. It might be doing you good to get out among others (spoken from someone who rarely goes out the door). I am way too content, my husband also, to sit home. That is why I am counting down for some Florida sunshine to return. Also Cheryl, the pain pill problem worries me. I was told the Indomethacin for gout would eat my stomach. Scary as hell. But I had no choice but to take it 5 days. Your arthritis is ongoing. Sometimes I think we have to be the ones to research and figure this out. Have you considered a new thread, Help, Arthritis Pain, Need Meds! And see what comes up that others are doing in this situation. I think this would be a common problem. All my life I have lived on Excedrin for stress headaches, extreme meds for hay fever that would put me to bed for a week in misery, and other drugs I didn't think twice about taking. Now I know I won't reach for a bottle of medicine without researching it. Guess that is where this chat program is going to beneficial to our reaching out to other people for their help and advice. No matter where we look, someone is having a worse problem than we are. Stay healthy everyone, and be thankful.
  17. LindafromFlorida

    The Boomer Chat Room

    Hi Sassy (and everyone else). I count my blessings I have not had shingles, and got the shot when I saw what it did to a friend. I saw my Mother cry one time I believe, and it was from gout in her little toe. :-( Today I quit all the meds and I know I will try to get out of this house for the first time in 2 weeks. Sassy, proud of your weight loss. You have to be one happy woman! No matter how much overweight we have been, it has had a profound affect on us, and our lives. One day Sassy I hope you can slide in that little kitchen and make your little meals and learn a new way of living. That being said, even though I can still get in my little kitchen, I choose to have our meals simple. Boiled egg, Protein Shakes, cheese stick, bouillion, Soup (still), and the simpler the better. There are days we will be faced with meals outside the home, but right now I don't have a desire to experiment because I know I will eat more if I cook. So we are still grabbing a SF popsicle and a few dry roasted edamame to nibble on. I made my first tuna/light mayo/chopped egg this week. Sassy, they have those small tuna packets (premade) with crackers. The amount you can eat sure makes for less waste so you can eat the smaller pricier things. That being said it would be nice if someone could come in once a week and boil you some eggs, make tuna, etc. for you to grab. Sure would not take long to do this. Do you have family that is helping you? I see a lot of posts where people are eating everything, trying everything. I am scared that the more I venture off the straight and narrow, I won't lose weight. As it is, I am creeping along on the weight loss because I can't exercise or walk very well right now. I plan to get the cobwebs off the recumbent bike (great buy at $100 when I had my knee replacement) now that my toe is not killing me and move a little more. Well, happy Saturday everyone. Hope no one is experiencing awful weather today!!! Linda
  18. LindafromFlorida

    My sleeve Day 1

    ADD TO chocolate SHAKES: GOT MINE AT WALMART: PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter PB2 is made with premium quality peanuts that are slow-roasted and pressed to remove the fat. All natural with no artificial sweeteners or preservatives. Same consistency as full-fat peanut butter with all of the roasted peanut flavor, but with more than 85% less fat calories. Bell Plantation has succeeded at perfecting the all American staple - peanut butter. Gone are the days of denying oneself the pleasure of a PB&J sandwich because it has too much fat and calories. The perfect lunch item, snack, and kid's preference has just gotten healthier without losing any of the flavor of traditional peanut butter. Through a unique process created by Bell Plantation that does not involve the use of any chemicals nor does it alter nature's balance in peanuts; over 90% of the fat is removed from the peanut. Essentially the oil is squeezed out of roasted peanuts and what remains is a peanut powder. The resulting all-natural product is unbelievable. Two tablespoons of traditional peanut butter contains about 180 calories, while two tablespoons (approximately 12 grams) of PB2 powder, and contains just 53 calories. PB2 also contains approximately 40% Protein by weight. PB2 is a powdered peanut butter that can be reconstituted with Water or any liquid of your choice - juice, jelly/jam, or honey. Dip fruit directly into the powder, mix PB2 with a non-dairy frozen topping, make a milkshake or smoothie, or add it to a Protein Drink for improved flavor and increased protein content. Mix 2 tablespoons of PB2 with 1 tablespoon of water and stir until smooth. Can be mixed directly with jelly or jam for a PB2 and Jelly sandwich. Use your imagination with other liquids to develop your own unique flavors. Also, have you tried all the flavors of Torani SF syrups added to your shakes? Lots of options for us!
  19. Our doctor advised us not to eat unless hungry and relax with it all, and eat Proteins. Working!!!!!! Nothing to plan and taking it easy. Doing great.
  20. LindafromFlorida

    The Boomer Chat Room

    That is awesome Lynda seeing you at 135. I know you are so happy. We have flown 1 time in 10 years and bought 2 seats for my husband, I could not bear to have him embarrassed. So fitting in a regular chair is a simple wish for us. I don't want people to stare at us, and watch the fat people eat (us) anymore. I don't think he will cure his leg weakness and instability with his back, and ever walk like a normal person, but I feel we can deal with more weighing less. Proud and happy for you and everyone who is a success story and inspiration here. We had the guts to do this thank God!!!!
  21. Sbailey, do not worry. This will be a piece of cake. You are on the road to the surgery, and your cardiologist eval was more important than the psych. The evals are routine and insurance companies/doctors want you to be prepared for this surgery. It is not to be taken lightly. It is a forever lifestyle change. Thankful for the surgery! There are good people here who will answer your every question. Best of luck!!!
  22. LindafromFlorida

    Oh boy! I need some support folks!

    Every emotion everyone else has had! I led my husband through the sleeving because I do not want him to die with this dang diabetes that is out of control. Scary, you have no idea. I was diagnosed diabetic last year. I am more scared of diabetes than sleeving. I held my husband's hand through this, our surgeon agreeing that the co-morbidities would kill him quicker than sleeving would. Ten years looking at gastric bypass, and the band. Wasn't for us. I finally qualified for sleeving to with asthma, HBP and diabetes, and am happy that my husband and I can have a quality of life these last years instead of languishing in a nursing home. You will have a fabulous vacation and LOL food will not be your focus!
  23. LindafromFlorida


    Hi Mn, Very happy for you! You will find so much help here as you heal and rest. Thank goodness for all the experience and advice that helps us all. Relax and rest and everything else will work out for you. Keep us posted on your progress!
  24. LindafromFlorida


    Lynn, I think this sounds weird, but when I saw no calorie or Protein guidelines 3-4 weeks after surgery, I called the nutritionist. She said your doctor wants you to learn to eat healthy and is leaving it up to you to make good choices. That being said, we eat Proteins for the most part. I rarely eat anything without protein, and even the small container of premade mashed potatoes I bought at Christmas went to the trash. I thought I would die to have a bite of potatoes. I know my tastes have changed. I think this had made me not seek out things other people keep asking about, but just sticking to the basics. I nibble on little wedges of Laughing Cow cheese and dry roasted edamame which I love. So I measure nothing, I count no calories, and we avoid carbs, both being diabetics. I am off Metformin and my husband takes a base amount of insulin now rather than living on fruit to keep himself conscious and his blood sugar up. His blood sugar averages 110 daily, not 40 or 400 day and night. Guess we will stick to this since the diabetes has been the scariest part of our life and he had gotten so bad off. We have a Premier Protein shake every morning.
  25. LindafromFlorida

    The Boomer Chat Room

    Thanks Lynda, I am not so sure we should ever quit Prilosec because of medicines. Guess it is on my ask list with the surgeon in 2 months. I thank God that I only have a toe issue. I do. My asthma is great, I can walk without panting, I am not peeing on myself everytime I walk, no that is a blessing and a cure. I am off the Metformin, I am off 2 HBP meds. The neuropathy pain has lessened. I wold love to hear how everyone has been affected by their weight loss. I am counting the days to summer weather. I want to see if I can walk on the beach again........

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
