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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LindafromFlorida

  1. LindafromFlorida

    Atkins Meals

    I think we pay a lot more attention to salt content now than ever. Even soups endorsed by Weight Watchers are loaded with salt. My husband and I both have HBP and are off some of the meds now and BP is awesome!
  2. LindafromFlorida

    Atkins Meals

    There are so many inexpensive options I have found, and so easy. Refried beans can be prepared many ways after surgery for your protein. Also, crockpot meals can be prepared inexpensively in quantity with chicken breasts, FF chicken broth, beans, carrots, etc. and frozen for quick meals. I ate Lean Cuisine/Weight Watchers meals for 10 years while working and I wonder why I never lost weight. Never again will I eat a packaged meal when so little fills me up. I know a lot of people have trouble getting around and have different issues though. Best of luck to you!!!
  3. LindafromFlorida


    Living in Jacksonville but today I want to move to Miami where it is 20 degrees warmer lol!!! Sleeved and loving it.
  4. LindafromFlorida

    Questions - Sleeve 2/10/13

    Hubby and I were sleeved Nov/Dec. 2013. Very minor pain (1 dose pain med at home after sleeving, no acid reflux, no heartburn, no spasms, no hunger pangs. Within a few days hardly felt as if we had surgery. We take Omeprazole only I think to prevent an ulcer. Biggest problem? Little burps that tell you when to stop eating LOL! Best wishes. We bypassed all WLS for 10 years til we could have the sleeve. The band stories really scare me. I know there are thousands of success stories, but even so many revisions..... Just so happy with the sleeve. Our only regret is that we did not have it before our health worsened.
  5. My husband is a very private person where I am an open book. We were both sleeved. He decided we would tell no one, including his 30 y/o son. I decided my daughter had to know, a niece who had wls,and a nurse friend. My husband has lost 50 lbs since 12/2 surgery. No one has noticed! Not his closest friends. We tell everyone we are on a life-changing diet, which is very true, or we would both be dead before long. I was uncomfortable not telling dear friends, but respect my husband's wish. It is not a problem. We go out with friends, we just do not drink and we eat lightly (our forever diet). When we talk to the 3 people who know, the topic is the weight, the food, the surgery, etc. etc. I would hate to know I had to discuss all this with more people. Let's face it, women can be snarky and love to spread the news. We are completely at ease with the truth, we are on a diet to change the direction our health was taking us. Good luck Benny and everyone, and Kindle, I loved your post. LOL!
  6. LindafromFlorida

    taking it off

  7. LindafromFlorida

    Discouraged after Seminar last night

    I am curious as to what you do for follow up if you have problems, if you have surgery in Mexico. I was told by someone in my town that local bariatric surgeons will not take these patients. Is there any truth in this? Important to know when making a decision.
  8. LindafromFlorida

    Wanna Rant About Spouses & How Clueless They Can be sometimes?

    If you have a good marriage this should not apply to you. Treat your wife like a queen and she will treat you like her king. A good marriage is wonderful. My husband could weigh anything and I would adore him, and vice versa. Do not let those words scare you! God Bless.
  9. LindafromFlorida

    Discouraged after Seminar last night

    Check online also by researching self pay in your area. If you have no insurance, self pay will be out of sight with your BMI and health problems down the road, so make some comparisons. We have a combination of HBP, diabetes, asthma, back problems, knee replacement, heart stent. Heart problems worsen as you age. God Bless and best wishes!<br />
  10. LindafromFlorida

    Tooth problems before surgery

    I would sure get the dental work done first. Less problems to deal with! Good luck!
  11. The first step I would encourage you is to talk to a professional counselor. Weight loss surgery will not solve everything. Your husband obviously loves you very much or he would not have married you girl, so try to remember those wonderful days of why you married him and give each other some love and hugs and support. I sincerely wish you the best of luck. There is hope and help for you! Best wishes, God Bless!
  12. LindafromFlorida


    I doubt I would trust anyone in a gym to make a shake unless I watched them lol. Have you tried taking your protein shake to the gym? We are told no fruits so I keep juices in mind with that. Diluted maybe okay? Sounds like overload of chocolate, PB and fruit. I keep hearing sugar will do us in like that and I guess it is true. Thanks for sharing with us, that is how we learn! BTW, you are doing great!
  13. LindafromFlorida

    Sleep apnea and c-pap machine

    I do not plan for my husband to quit the cpap until he is medically authorized. He is breathing normally since his cpap 2 months prior to sleeving 12/2, but he just had to have a new sleep study last week because he is having issues with the oxygen. I used to not be able to sleep in the same bed with him because of horrible sleep apnea. Thank God the sleeve required him to be tested and get the cpap! Lifesaver. I am loving being back in bed with my heart.
  14. JEEP<br /><br />You have done so well losing almost 100 lbs and I encourage you to get a grip and take charge of yourself again!!!!! Please do not keep sabotaging yourself. Since you have not exercised maybe now is time to bundle up and take a good soul searching walk. If (and you may) have a daughter, or best friend, what would you tell them in this situation? Get motivated girl, that junk food is in your way! Find some alternatives with a veggie lasagna and start living!!!! Best wishes!!!!! You are awesome!
  15. Hi Mag. My husband has been diabetic 35 years and just retired recently. One of the reasons I wanted him to have the sleeve is so I would not ever wake again at 3 am and find him unconscious, another Rescue ride. He has also dealt with back problems and back surgery, and high blood pressure and heart stent. I have asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure, and a knee replacement, and just retired after 47 years of working. It has been a hard road for us both. I think you are suffering from depression as you have a lot of issues, and I hope you can find someone to talk to. That would help you tremendously. Eating small meals, we sometimes do not realize that chicken pot pies (frozen), have so much carbs, fat and sodium and not so good for us. On Weight Watchers, I learned the soups they recommended were loaded with sodium so I gained weight. There is so much to learn about these foods. Please try to switch to unsweetened iced tea! Better yet, water. I know you feel so bad about yourself from your post, and I have felt like that too, being overweight, barely able to walk after knee surgery, and being depressed. I have read many posts like yours. Make a decision how you can help yourself. There really is light at the end of the tunnel and I will pray that you find the answers and help you need. Linda
  16. LindafromFlorida

    Day 8...and really struggling

    Eat to live, don't live to eat, is our new motto! It is amazing how our tastes change following surgery. The small mashed potatoes packets, the 1 container of premade mashed potatoes, and 1 raw potato I bought to cook, have sat lonely and unwanted. The SF chocolate pudding containers I bought for convenience are lonely too. I cannot think of anything I am craving. Maybe some homemade chicken and dumplings or 1 chicken wing! But I am smarter than that. I read someone 2 months out had a pickle with turkey wrapped around it. Have not wanted that yet. I did have Cream of Wheat twice and did not die of happiness like I thought I would!<br /><br />Purple kite, relax. You just had a weak moment. I was going to the grocery store every 2 days prior to surgery and now I have not been in 7 days. Love the new way of eating!!! We do not eat out much so thankfully I am not tempted a lot.<br /><br />Every day will get easier, I am 2 months post op and loving this new life with no cravings. Good luck everyone.
  17. LindafromFlorida

    does it get better?

    I was in the store 4 days after surgery and shopping 6 days later and felt amazing! The first could days the fear was real! But very little real pain. Try to rest it will be great soon!
  18. LindafromFlorida

    My Journey

    No but since you have to eat to live can you eat on a rigid schedule whether you are hungry or not? I am sure your surgeon has given you a lot of information particular to you. Best wishes.
  19. LindafromFlorida

    Gout Attacks Post Op

    Thank you! Indomethicin is my real worry, but I do plan to get on the allopurinal when this gets under control. Congrats on your weight loss!
  20. LindafromFlorida

    Wanna Rant About Spouses & How Clueless They Can be sometimes?

    Be proud of her and supportive, and of course love her. What more could we ask for? Best wishes to a healthier life for you both as she goes through this!
  21. LindafromFlorida

    Hubby surgery tomorrow!

    God Bless. I was terrified when my husband went into surgery and he was too. Everything was great. He did fantastic except for a prostate problem. Your hubby will be taking steps tonight. Pray and pray more, for you and for him. Praying for you both.
  22. LindafromFlorida

    Gout Attacks Post Op

    This is an old thread but I am hoping someone might respond with help. I was sleeved 11/18/13. Came down with gout 12/26, first time ever. Research scared me to death. Went to "street clinic" and was given prednisone, antibiotic and tylenol. One week later much worse and got in to see my internist. Said I had no choice but to take Colcrys and Indomethacin (even though sleeve surgeon's partner told me by phone it would "eat" my new sleeve.<br /><br />Took these a week and feeling great, came off them, but gout came back with a vengeance. Pain is horrible. Back on the Colcrys and Indomethacin one day now. Everything I read scares me. My sleeve surgeon says he doesn't treat gout (LOL - everything I read says sleeve/diet caused gout). I know there is allupurinol to ward off gout.<br /><br />Desperately seeking any advice.
  23. LindafromFlorida

    400 lbs of pain: My story

    Your story is you, unique and personal, yet everyone's story. God Bless you for reaching out for help and taking this wonderful journey that will lead us all to a better place. One day there will be no childhood sexual abuse. One day. We will all follow your journey because you are in the right place now. Best wishes, and today really is the first day of your new life. Rejoice. Best of luck!
  24. LindafromFlorida

    I remember when.....

    Lark, like you I do not cook anymore. My husband and I were sleeved and decided we would eat when we felt we needed to, per our doctor. He likes smoked salmon, I like shakes and refried beans with a little melted Laughing Cow Cheese. We more or less grab what we like. I make mini quiches without the crust, and they are microwavable in 20 seconds, and I keep boiled eggs on hand. Also mini crabcakes, and lowfat chili. Works for us. I cooked one crockpot meal and felt we over ate, so we decided this plan. Surgeries were 11/18 and 12/2 and doing great. Good luck everyone!
  25. We are told no fruit or juice. I wish this diet was universal! they confuse us all! LOL

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