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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LindafromFlorida

  1. LindafromFlorida


    Honestly I think you might be pretty agitated with the stress of it, and please just relax and rest. We were pretty scared, being 65 and 66 with extreme health issues. Drink plenty of broth and use the SF popsicles. They got us through those first few days. I had a piece of mushy chicken at 4 weeks and it got stuck. The pain was horrible. So at 4 weeks I went back on liquids and decided no more crockpot meals because I wanted to eat more because it tasted good. Now at 2 months we just eat light, when we get hungry. You will be fine. And in no time you will feel wonderful and start losing weight. You will be so happy. Best wishes!
  2. LindafromFlorida

    Did you keep it a secret?

    We are happier that we told 3 people and we have constantly lived on a diet so it is nothing new to friends. My husband is very private and asked me not to tell all. I have learned I do not want to have my health and eating the topic of conversations. Even now, when we say we are dieting, it is question after question. Gets old. Good luck!
  3. LindafromFlorida


    We were also told no straws. I would really take it easy on liquids a few days and "rest". We were told at 3 weeks we could have mushies, and to add protein powder if it was mashed potatoes. I have found that I am not interested in the puddings and mashed potatoes I bought. Since we have diabetic issues, I made a decision to keep carbs and sweets out of my life and out of my house because I am so excited to make this new change in my life. Good luck and make wise decisions!!! Hope you feel better soon.
  4. Hevnbound, good luck to you. My husband had terrible health problems prior to the sleeve 2 months ago, and he is doing really well. It was sobering looking at him having the sleeve and even going under anesthesia. He did well, and down from 320 to 278 I believe. While he is still on insulin he is off 1 BP med, and we know we did the right thing in both of us having the surgery. Probably like you, we did not want to sit in a chair and wait to die because of weight issues. Life is so sweeter, we feel much better, we have experienced eating to live, not living to eat. Yay! God Bless, I will follow your progress.
  5. LindafromFlorida

    Chocolate and Junk Food

    I don't keep a thing in my house to tempt me to snack except SF popsicles. Thankful there is no one around except me and my husband, and we do not cook regular meals. Working out great.
  6. LindafromFlorida

    Im scared

    Eyoung, it is the unknown that is scary. Relax, follow your instructions and rest. We are 2 months post op. I think everyone worries about stretching. We had no pain at home requiring meds, guess because we took it easy. I was out shopping 4 days after surgery, feeling like a million dollars now. Take care!
  7. LindafromFlorida

    Worry over nothing?

    Megabob and Hatters, thanks for responding. My husband is very private about any of his business so there is no changing this and telling all. I respect him and his wishes. What I have to do is quit worrying about it - because it is what it is. Darn weird how everyone wants you to eat BIG, LOL!! Okay, dinner in 2 hours, I will survive. At least we are finally seeing these dear friends, and for us who choose to keep our surgeries to ourselves, this is what we will deal with. I mentioned once that when we see the three people I insisted we tell, all the conversation is about is our surgery, and I finally have to say ENOUGH! Lets talk about you!
  8. My husband decided we would not tell friends about our sleeve. We are two months post op. Invited to longtime friends three couple dinner tonight and menu is steak. They know we have dieted for 6 months. Alerted them we were not eating heavy. I have had two other instances where someone mentioned I did not drink water with my meal, and a lunch this week where I could not eat a huge bowl of soup and got comments. We do not eat out very much. We shared a small filet last weekend, and did great but barely finished it. I know I feeling stupid with this worry.
  9. LindafromFlorida

    Im scared

    Sounds like you are doing great, going to the concert! I too was out of the house shopping 4 days after surgery. I experienced that head hunger and we ate a ton of popsicles, it seemed. We make sure we always have water around, and keep drinking. Our NUT and surgeon said do not eat 3 meals a day. Eat only when you are hungry. Sounded weird, but, at 2 months post op, it works especially well. We stay busy, and when each of us feels the need, we eat something. Thank God no more binging. You are probably a little nervous like I was, I felt I really was tiptoeing around with the sleeve, scared of this or that. But everything gets better every day, I promise! Best of luck!
  10. LindafromFlorida

    Just joined....

    Hi Jujub, welcome. You will learn everything (almost) here! My husband and I are two months post op and life is sweeter! So thankful for the sleeve. Best of luck!
  11. LindafromFlorida

    Pre-Op Diet Starts Today

    Edward, my husband and I were sleeved 2 months ago (10 years of looking at scary WLS). He was 320 lbs with diabetes, HBP, sleep apnea, heart stent, back problems. He was very afraid because of his health. He is 65. I was scared he would die if he did not have the surgery. Two months since surgery now, he is down to 273 (post op and pre op), and we are better mentally and physically. Wish we could have had surgery 10 years back but he wanted them t perfect it before he let them operate on him. God Bless. The longer you wait the worse it gets. Read and read more on this site, you will learn everythng!
  12. LindafromFlorida

    Changing ins. Want to have sleeve.

    Everything seems so different but my husband has Medicare/BCBS. I have Medicare/Avmed and Medicare required 3 months of classes, doctor visits, 1 psych visit, nutrition classes, bloodwork, etc., and the 3 months flew by quickly and we were both sleeved. Happy as can be! Best wishes!
  13. LindafromFlorida

    Pre op diet

    What I learned 2 months ago prior to surgery is that it is feast or famine with the surgeons for everyone here, either you eat normally, that is no diet, eat moderately, or eat sparingly with much restriction. Whatever your plan is, deal with it. Distract yourself, find things to keep you occupied, shop, read, eat many popsicles lol, because before you know it your surgery time will be here and you will barely remember being deprived!! What is wonderful right now is that screaming hunger pain I always felt has gone somewhere else, and I am so thankful. You will be so thankful you suffered a little to get this end result. It is wonderful! God Bless!
  14. LindafromFlorida

    I took 2 aleves

    Poor girl, I remember those horrible days. I could not have functioned without pain meds.Advil was my lifesaver. I took a ton in my lifetime. God knows what all those meds did to my liver. I sure hope you find relief.
  15. LindafromFlorida

    Headaches and pre-op diet

    Looking back, I believe it was due to dehydration, and when I was at the hospital I was dehydrated. (I did not think I was dehydrated, like you). After surgery 2 months, my husband and I goth still get those headaches at times, and I still think it is dehydration. We are stepping up the water right now. Good luck!
  16. LindafromFlorida


    Hi Janet, Not sure, but I got gout for the first time one month post op sleeve. Worst thing ever! I was told over the phone by my surgeon's partner (emergency call at Christmas) the Indomethecin would eat up my sleeve. I went to the Emergency Clinic and was given steroids, antibiotic and tylenol with codeine. No relief for 2 weeks. Went to my primary doctor and he said I had to have the Indomethecin and Colcrys to get rid of the gout so for the next month I was on those. Scared to death. I read wls was a cause of gout (I guess diet and limited water intake). I am trying to take in more water now, and I am off the meds. I felt my surgeon should have helped me but his nurse scoffed that he did not treat gout.I would really discuss in depth with your surgeon before surgery! Good luck!!!
  17. LindafromFlorida

    Just joined....

    Hi Fred, my husband was scared to death, but I was more scared what would happen to him if he did not have the sleeve. We are both 2 months post op and extremely happy. I am off Metformin, and we are both off one BP med each, and both have lost over 40 lbs in 2 months. This surgery has been a Godsend. I don't know your age but I wish we had done this 10 years ago. Best wishes!!!
  18. LindafromFlorida

    Happy... but I miss rice. I shouldn't, right?

    Actually we are experimenting a little more these days. I just had 1 horrible episode with a piece of crockpot chicken that I ate too fast/or swallowed without chewing well enough and it felt like a heart attack at 4 weeks postop. So I have been food-shy since. We used to eat a lot of fresh vegetables, every meal and I miss that most. We did try a very small salad recently, with no problem. Gives me hope. Since my husband and I were both sleeved there is no need to cook a lot. Good luck everyone!
  19. LindafromFlorida

    Happy... but I miss rice. I shouldn't, right?

    I never cooked rice, now I would love some LOL! Not going there, however. I will make no more pasta or rice. Good thing I am really afraid of eating these foods that have made others sick. That is what I love here, learning from others.
  20. LindafromFlorida

    my 600 pound life-pennys story

    Yes, watching the episode made me very sad. But look at it as a learning tool of how not to live your life, and to take the steps to help yourself. Unfortunately, people like Penny are takers, not givers. But we all know her life is short, so just pray for her and that little precious son of hers.
  21. LindafromFlorida

    Just joined....

    Amen Art. My husband was so afraid he made me afraid! But all is well, about 2 months out, and so happy GG that we made this journey ours! You will love it here and the help is amazing. Just ask! Best of luck to you!
  22. LindafromFlorida

    Struggling & Scared

    Hi Mary, I am so sorry you are having so many aches and pains, and that must be terribly frustrating. I think this awful freezing weather (even here in North Florida), makes your health problems much worse. Just keep warm as possible, and sometimes the bed and a heating pad is the only place to keep warm. You have done fantastic in your weight loss journey so you can overcome that little setback. While you are incapacitated all I can recommend is to give up the carbs and sugars completely til you are able to get up and moving. When it warms up I hope things get better, but til then hand in there! Hugs!
  23. LindafromFlorida

    Newbie saying hello!

    Hello Kiara, and welcome. You can find excellent help and guidance here. Good luck on your surgery, deal with the pre-op diet you are required, and before you know it, it will be done! I am a little over 2 months post-op and could not be more happy and healthy!! Best wishes!
  24. Fiddleman, Me and my adorable hubby were sleeved together after looking at 10 years of wls seminars for the sake of his health and morbid obesity. Thank God for the sleeve, and due to asthma, HBP, diabetes, I qualified for the surgery also, and decided it was do or die or I would lose my husband. Not joking. I decided I could be the leader. He was nervous. We could not be happier! God is good. We have been married 21 years and I want to squeeze in another 50 years with the most precious man on earth. Wishing you years of good health and happiness!
  25. LindafromFlorida

    Surviving when life sucks

    My mantra for you is GOD'S GRACE. My 30 year old son had this tattooed on his chest 6 months before he died of a heart attack in November 2006. He knew. I will never be the same, the pain will never stop. God Bless. You will find your way and I wish you so much comfort, and lift you up in prayer.

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