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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LindafromFlorida

  1. LindafromFlorida

    Am I doing something wrong

    Keep up the good work!!!!
  2. LindafromFlorida

    tired lady

    We stopped all caffeine a couple months before surgery so we were detoxed. I felt so much energy after surgery and walked the malls (never liked to shop). Then in the past two months I have had periods of being a little down ....I think this comes after this surgery, as we are doing major life changes. It is a little scary to many of us. So my thought is you may just be having a little down in the dumps feeling and adjusting to all the food and body changes. Spring is ahead, and sunshine will warm our souls a bit and we can get outside. Hang in there. You are going to be just perfect!!!
  3. Maybe it is a one time event? But if not, I agree, ask the doctor. Good luck, probably nothing but be cautious and ask!
  4. LindafromFlorida

    Liquid vitamin suggestions

    I use SOURCE OF LIFE LIQUID GOLD MULTIVITAMIN - 2 T. a day. Recommended by a compound pharmacist. I compared the ingredients to the Bariatric Advantage multivamin and the liquid had more of everything. The BA multi was so chalky I could not do it. So my husband got that LOL. We had the sleeve. I don't know what surgery you had. We take Bariatric Advantage chewable calcium citrate (the chocolate is like getting a daily toosie roll), and Bariatric Advantage chewable Iron. I know you want to do what your doctor recommends, but maybe you can talk to the nutritionist about it since many of us use these different products with good results. Do not forget Biotin Vitamin for your hair. You can buy all this online. It is delivered in no time. Good luck, it is confusing for many, and we all were where you are trying to figure all this out. We are over two months out and doing great. Best wishes!
  5. LindafromFlorida

    Pills right after surgery?

    They took me off Metformin at the hospital following surgery and two months post surgery my A1C has dropped to 5 so no more for me! I found Source of Life Liquid Gold multivitam, and take two Tbsp. a day. I wrote down every ingredient in this liquid Vitamin and Bariatric Advantage awful chalky vitamin, and the liquid vitamin impressed me more with the content of the Vitamins. The compound pharmacist said this vitamin was the best. So many options. Keep reading and comparing. You can always change these out.
  6. Your weight fluctuated before surgery, right? I recommend not focusing on the scale, as the weight is not going to magically fall off. It will take time. Our surgeon recommended that we not eat three meals a day, eat only when we are hungry. Right after surgery we would have a shake every morning. Two months later we have nothing in the morning because we are not hungry. At lunch I might have a cheese stick or some cottage cheese. My thought is do you really need 3 shakes a day? I found also that a couple teaspoons of refried Beans would satisfy me for hours. I leave home for several hours and do not even think of food, which is a miracle and loving it! Best of luck!
  7. LindafromFlorida

    Ghrelin ? Still hungry?

    We have felt no real hunger. You can get bored just like before surgery and sit down and graze on things. But turn your new life into something positive, get out of the house and walk the malls, or join a gym. I find that if I am not busy I can be rummaging in the kitchen, then I drink some Crystal Light and re-focus. Reading posts here you will see where people say they are eating the same as before. Read and absorb and make this sleeve work for you. You will be so happy. When your friend keeps telling you she is hungry go the other direction, do not let her affect your way of thinking.
  8. LindafromFlorida

    Pills right after surgery?

    I needed one dose of liquid pain med at home. Bought a liquid multivitamin. All other pills I swallow without a problem. Seems like it was a psychological worry about swallowing at first, but swallowing pills has not been a problem. I take 5 pills morning and 5 at night, including a probiotic and Iron tablet I chew. Go slowly with the pills but get them down. The more you do it the less you worry about it. Good luck to you!
  9. LindafromFlorida

    Stall stories.

    I do not focus on the scale not moving. Keep eating right, working out, and focus on your weight loss, enjoying the already new you. The constant stall cries of help let me know this is something I would go through, like everyone else. I am sooooooo happy with 50 lbs. dropping off my behind lol!!!!! You might want to change your diet around a little, and maybe you are eating some things you could do without. If you are straying now and then......that might be a problem. Some days I just do yogurt and shakes when I feel I ate too much the day before. Also, I was told by the NUT last week to eat more veggies. Have you discussed with your NUT? Best of luck to you!
  10. Best wishes Joy, and welcome here. I think everyone covered most of the foods we relied on. My husband and I never pureed any foods, we relied on soft foods and Soups a little longer than usual, and forced ourselves to chew extremely slow and cautiously. I found some sugar free Polaner preserves that went well with the cottage cheese. I hope you find some good choices in Singapore. I spent hours in the store reading labels. The very best to you!
  11. LindafromFlorida

    Family can be difficult

    Charlie, you are choosing a new, healthier lifestyle. My husband looked at WLS 10 years (he has been overweight his entire LIFE) and only when I qualified for the surgery did he finally decide he would do it. Too bad we had to wait til we were 67 and many comorbidities later. He made the decision it was his business and has not told his 30 y/o son, friends, or neighbors. I am glad now that he decided that, because I don't want to listen to anyone's opinion about our life and choices. Good luck. Your family is just scared for you. Hope the cpap machine leaves our house one day!
  12. LindafromFlorida

    How long before driving?

    My husband and I spent one night in the hospital. I took 1 dose of pain med at home, and the next day was driving. Absolutely no problem whatsoever. After 3 days I was shopping, and in 7 days I spent 4 hours walking the mall. The only restriction was to remember not to lift anything heavy for about a month. A few days after surgery I never event felt I had had any surgery. Good luck!!!
  13. My husband and I were both sleeved. Life is great. We keep things very simple in our home, not much cooking. My husband was 320 lbs and is now at 265 lbs. We keep no bread in our house, no junk food. You can get tempted by things so it has been easier for us because we have no kids in the house. Best wishes for a healthy new life. Each day has been an adventure and we have had no problems with the sleeve.
  14. LindafromFlorida

    March 3rd....4 days away and getting nervous!

    Keep busy and keep your mind occupied. It will be over before you know it. I cleaned closets, and my pantry. I took all the rice, sugar, and boxed carbs, and put them in the car and took them to a friend with two children. I could not sit still. Here I am 3 months later and loving life! Best of luck!
  15. LindafromFlorida

    Nothing bothers me!

    Donaboss, I was 220 in August, sleeved 11/18, now 170. Scale hasn't moved in 30 days. Scale has crept down since 11/18, barely moving. I am going to try to do more activities when the weather warms a bit. My husband feels the same, did I get sleeved? We are both feeling very little restriction. The best part is we do not have that terrible hunger pain nagging away all the time. You are not alone in this journey, so hang in there! We have bigger rewards ahead, I promise! Linda
  16. LindafromFlorida

    Please help.

    Hello there. Find your diet from a couple weeks from surgery and revert back. Please do not allow this gift of the sleeve to fall by the wayside. You have been through too much to let it go......... Soda is liquid/water is liquid. Switch to Crystal Light peach tea if you need something besides water. Be strong, please be strong for your health's sake. For your child or childrens' sake? YOU CAN DO IT.
  17. LeighAnne, I went to some urinary specialist last year recommended by my gynecologist, because I wanted bladder surgery to stop the awful incontinence I experienced for a few years. This so called specialist did about $6,000 worth of worthless -- I have no idea what to even call it. Tubes, probes, lol, junk. Once I lost 50 lbs, I have no problem any more, and I am so serious. No more pads, no more thoughts of surgery. I am normal again. I can cough again. I do not have to plan going to the restroom every THIRTY minutes. I do not have to plan groceries and shopping around restroom visits LOL. Hope this helps. Linda
  18. LindafromFlorida

    NO REGRET! love the new wrinkles!

    Thanks friends, and to each and every one who reads this thread I encourage you, I cheer you, and I pray for those trapped in a world who cannot be so lucky to have this surgery. Our world consisted of HBP x 2, Diabetes x 2, Asthma, Neuropathy, Cellulitis, Heart problems with Stent, Knee replacement, I was considering bladder surgery (not now woohoo!); and I hope everyone who is considering WLS does not wait until they have all these health problems before they find the strength to go for it. I may never lose another pound but I feel like a million dollars and know that I can maintain. God Bless.
  19. A few years ago I was encouraging a friend's Mother to get off the sofa, turn off the TV, and get outdoors. She did not. Soon she was in a nursing home in front of the TV, bribing the nurses to bring her sweets. Then she died. So I retired Dec. 2012, at 66 after working 47 years, and found myself sitting on the sofa, depressed, eating, and watching TV. I felt myself heading in the same direction as that lady I mentioned. Went to another WLS Seminar last year for my husband, and oh dear Lord when they said I qualified I could not believe it! I have been shouting hurray! ever since I was sleeved. No matter what, I wanted to be mobile and not die a fat old lady who could not walk or move and ended up in a nursing home, wheelchair, and scooter. I have watched the lives of people I know end this way, so I have NO REGRETS. I will spend the rest of my life trying to encourage others. My husband was very scared to have WLS. There was a reason I guess, that he didn't, he waited for ME to lead him. I for one, am very thankful I was able to have this surgery, and my heart breaks for anyone who has fought their weight for a lifetime like I did, who cannot discover this newfound happiness. Wrinkles be damned, I can walk instead of SHUFFLE, and I feel 10 years younger!
  20. You might miss two games because you have surgery, I might have missed one because I felt GREAT! My husband and I have told three people about our sleeve and we are around lots of friends at functions, and our neighbors, and even my husband's 30 year old son do not know about the surgery, and his family have not noticed the dual 50 lb. loss over several months. Having spent years at baseball parks, tell one and they all will know. Loving our privacy in Florida!
  21. LindafromFlorida

    was told to stop the prilosec by surgeon

    I have read posts where some say they will be on Prilosec the rest of their life, and others are not on it at all. Hmmm, interesting to see what our surgeon says next week. We feel no acid problem so hopefully it will be another pill to go by the wayside.
  22. LindafromFlorida

    How long should it take?

    Start with one egg and you will find you do not want another. My big husband and I both eat either 1 boiled egg or 1 scrambled. We are 3 months post op and have both regularly eaten spicy food including salsa and have no problem whatsoever. We started slowly with the spicy. We also take Prilosec daily.
  23. Our surgeon's office handled everything with Medicare and we never had to contact them (thank goodness! I think if you diligently study the posts here, you will decide what is best for you. Three months post op and we are loving our new life. Thanks to Bariatric Pal, every bit of knowledge is at your fingertips. We spent 10 years at seminars, until we found a fantastic surgeon at a seminar who discussed every surgery and convinced us the way to go. Best wishes!!!
  24. Taking Source of Life Liquid Gold vitamin. I compared the ingredients to Bariatric Advantage multi, and with the recommendation of a pharmacist friend at a Compound Pharmacy will stay with it. Also doing Bariatric Advantage chewable Iron, and Calcium Citrate. We take the B-12 shots, Biotin for the hair, and Vitamin D capsules. Lots of opinions here. We get bloodwork done tomorrow and will see how good our choices have been! Just do not over buy and you can change out! Good luck!
  25. LindafromFlorida

    Post op comcerns

    My husband and I both had hiatal hernias and from what I read they are pretty common Anita. Since we were both sleeved we hear each other's gurgles, grumblings, hiccups and burps.We did not feel the need to vomit, except once when I did not chew well enough. I would "guess" the Prilosec may help. We are almost 4 months post op and have been on Prilosec since surgery. Some say their doctors keep them on this forever, others not. Hopefully this will stop - but wonder if you might get this feeling from something not agreeing with your sleeved stomach? Good luck!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
