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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LindafromFlorida

  1. LindafromFlorida

    2 week liquid diet

    BTW he is diabetic so the biggest challenge was keeping his blood sugar stable, so the doctor allowed him to have fruit at bedtime and fruit in his shakes. His surgery was 12/2/13. We started the program in October (he was 320), lost about 15 lbs pre-op, and he now weighs 259.
  2. LindafromFlorida

    2 week liquid diet

    Big Joey, this site will be tremendous help for you so every answer you can find here. My husband was 320 lbs., 6'1. He followed the plan. He either starves himself or stuffs himself all his life, so he was able to keep himself occupied and drink cup after cup of broth, and a lot of SF popsicles, along with the shakes. I added a lot of SF syrups to the shakes to change them up, along with SF pudding powder added, or Crystal Light powder sprinkled in vanilla shakes. SF Jello also was a lifesaver. I do remember at some point after surgery my husband went for some beef Jerky, and chewed it to death. He is able to chew longer and slower than I am. Most of us have been where you are and we made it. Don't know how sometimes, LOL. Best of luck!
  3. LindafromFlorida

    Pre-op diet sucks

    Yes. Most of us know. Just a memory now. It is worth it. Look at the positive side and keep busy and focused on projects, not food!
  4. This is what I give my mayonnaise addicted husband now and he likes it. I also use it for Tuna salad.
  5. LindafromFlorida

    3 weeks post op

    Good luck Steve, there are meds for that nausea. I promise this is a short minor problem.
  6. LindafromFlorida

    5 months out & struggling

    I am thankful it is just me and my husband, so I am able to have a house with no Cookies, bread, candy, carbs, or other temptations. Don't buy it and you won't eat it. Don't go shopping when you are hungry!!!! Agree, go back to basics. Wishing you the best! Summer is coming and you have incentive!!
  7. LindafromFlorida

    Boiling Inside! Incompetence runneth over! Beware!

    Let go of that stress you have been through, you cannot change stupid. Buy her some goofy, flowery little card and say "thank you soooooooooo much for your help and support, you have made this process so much better for me....blah, blah, blah!" LOL. Then smile
  8. LindafromFlorida

    Anyone having trouble with friends?

    I say eat before you go anywhere with your "friend" and let her buy the food she wants. or Order FIRST. Enjoy your Soup, salad, or spritzer of Water & lemon and relax. If that doesn't work for you, move on. You can only be sabotaged if you allow it. You are in charge. When she sees her money spent is going to waste she will stop doing that. Best wishes!
  9. LindafromFlorida


    No sugar, just lite sugar-free creamer. I promised my husband I would not be his keeper. I was a little nervous about his drinking 4 cups but he has less issues than I do.
  10. LindafromFlorida

    Having second thoughts...

    You have one life. Do this for yourself and don't let others decide your life. We all know as we age that obesity causes major health problems. I am hoping my husband and I added a few more years to our lives with the sleeve surgery. We were "afraid" and waited 10 years until we felt they had practiced (my husband said) doing surgeries on others. 4 months post op, I only wish we had not waited so long until the health problems got so bad. However, we are good to go, ready to get on the Florida waterways with our boat after missing last year, and life is sweet! No matter what we will never look back with regret. This has been an awesome 4 months and life is sweet at 67.
  11. LindafromFlorida


    We quit coffee and diet coke pre-surgery last year (4 months total) and about 1 month post op in January, we started on coffee again. I drink 1 cup and my husband drinks 4 cups. We don't drink it in the summer at all. We have had no problems at all.
  12. LindafromFlorida

    Awesome not to stuff self with food.

    Woo hoo Betty thought it said you were 56 lol. I will be 68 this year and the pool is calling me too. My retirement gift to self. Yes we will, lots to look forward to youngster! I am headed soon to Pensacola to kayak with my wonderful daughter. My only grandchild is 26 and I am praying he gets married so I can have a great granddaughter soon! Please stay in touch!! Linda
  13. I am 4 months post op sleeve, and still wonder if I will lose any more weight since I have been stuck at 170 for 5 weeks. I can live with this so I am not complaining. What I love is after a 3 day family reunion with 200 people, I lost 5 lbs! I found myself looking at all those plates loaded with good old Southern cooking, fried fish, barbecue, homemade cakes, potato salad, and was not the least bit feeling deprived. Honestly it feels awesome not to have the urge to stuff myself like I have done so many years. I am so glad I had the sleeve, and my health has improved drastically. Best part is the asthma seems "gone" and I am not gasping for breath, neuropathy no longer makes me cry with the pain, and off Metformin! Love this life!
  14. LindafromFlorida

    Awesome not to stuff self with food.

    Betty, so proud of you doing this for yourself! You are more than 10 years younger than me so you will have added zest to your life. Bet you can't wait to for summer, like me. I want to be outdoors in the sun in a swimsuit! Keep up the good work because those meds will change as you lose!!! High five!!!
  15. LindafromFlorida

    Vitamin help please!

    Source of Life liquid Gold has made my lab results perfect and I love the taste. Hated the chalky Bariatric Advantage multi. I wanted the best Vitamin possible and a compound pharmacist friend recommended the Source of Life. I do add calcium citrate and Biotin.
  16. LindafromFlorida

    So discouraged

    At 4 months post op I just lost 5 lbs. after a 5 week stall. It is still working lol! Hang in there, it will come off, I promise!
  17. LindafromFlorida

    Surgery scheduled but family unsupportive need help

    I am 67 years old and after 10 years of research we did the sleeve and after 4 months it has only gotten better. Live YOUR life. You only have one!
  18. LindafromFlorida

    Diabetes meds

    Hello there. You have not filled out your stats but I know depending on your weight we are all different. I was take off Metformin after surgery and my A1C has gone from 7 to 5, so I hope not to see Metformin again. My husband is type 2 diabetic, was 300+ lbs. and now weighs 250, and he takes a basic low dose of insulin morning and night, but we steer clear of carbs and sugar completely since the sleeve. His A1C has gone from 12 to 7, and his blood sugar is usually around 110 every morning. Good luck!
  19. LindafromFlorida

    When did you start eating meat?

    I cooked crock pot chicken in sauce about 4 weeks post op, and did not chew a small piece very well. It stuck and I honestly thought I was having a heart attack. I backed down to Soups, refried Beans, etc. for 2 more weeks, and I now try to chew anything very slowly like I am supposed to. That is the biggest thing in my opinion, along with no liquids with the meal. Just sample small bites and get comfortable with it. Good luck!
  20. LindafromFlorida

    Awesome not to stuff self with food.

    It can only get better for us! Best wishes!
  21. LindafromFlorida

    Source of life liquid vitamins

    I have taken the Source of Life tropical fruit liquid since November and I love the taste. I bought Bariatric Advantage chewables an the chalky taste was awful! I have a pharmacy friend who recommended Source of Life. Our 4 month lab work was perfect and now I am staying with Source of Life Liquid Gold. I compared the ingredients in the two Vitamins and the Source of Life was overwhelmingly the best! The only Vitamin our large surgery center recommended we NOT take was Centrum Silver. I do not know why. Best wishes!
  22. LindafromFlorida

    The WL Center wants me to have the sleeve.

    So you all had the surgery together. That's wonderful. How much have you lost? We have lost a little over 50 lbs each. I am big boned so I look smaller than 170. I now wear size 14 pants and XL -Large shirts, and look good. (was wearing 16-18 pants an 2x shirt.) If I never lose another lb this 50 lbs has changed my life. I can walk without gasping for breath now, I am off Metformin and one BP med. No more inhalers needed for the asthma, and no more neuropathy pain in my feet. Good luck!
  23. LindafromFlorida

    Pre op diet

    I just want to say good luck. It seems like yesterday my husband and I were counting the minutes, hours and days through presurgery, shakes, surgery, post op, shakes, vitamins, reading and researching, and now it has been 4 months! Just relax and go with it. Paint a room. Re-do your closet. Keep busy. My advice is not to over-buy like I did. Your taste will change. You can buy anything on Amazon and get it in a few days. I have lots of Unjury unflavored protein for shakes and bought the Unjury chicken soup, both of which clump if the water added is too hot. Make sure before you pull out your hair you realize you might have hair loss, so think twice! I have had no hair loss, but still take Biotin every day. We are so happy we had the sleeve, and are eating out regularly, eating appetizers, or sharing an entree. Life is fabulous. So happy for you! Linda
  24. LindafromFlorida

    Pre op diet

    May God be with you. Please repost on a new thread because this information needs to be out there when people are researching so they can make informed decisions. Thank you for sharing. Linda
  25. More than anything else, whatever our opinion, lets be KIND and RESPECTFUL here. God Bless.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
