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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LindafromFlorida

  1. LindafromFlorida

    Great MAYO Alternative!

    It says mild mustard blend. It contains mustard seed. My husband's worst addiction was Mayo and he uses this now so I am happy. It tastes like a mild mustard mayonnaise . I use it in devilled eggs also, and love it on deli slices of roast beef. Sometimes I don't find it at stores so when I find it I buy about 3 to keep on hand.
  2. LindafromFlorida

    My sister...ugh!

    This is why my husband said we are telling no one. I conceded with my daughter, age 49, a nurse friend, and a niece who had wls. We have never regretted this decision. I am sick and tired of people now discussing my weight loss, so imagine if they knew I had the sleeve. I am sorry, but I feel your support group has to be limited, and you can use us for all the support you need. I am so sorry, but this weight for us is life altering sometimes, so be strong, smile that we have this option, quit the tears. Life kicks us in the butt so much, like losing our loved ones, illness, diabetes, HBP, asthma, etc. My thought is you can tell her you are dieting (true) and not sure what your future plans are just yet. Be strong honey! Linda
  3. LindafromFlorida

    Jacksonville, FL

    Hi Linda, Thanks for the welcome. So far I went to the seminar on 3/11/14. Then I just had my meeting with the patient advocate 3/17/14. I have my first meeting with Dr. Uchal on 3/27/14. My choice is for the sleeve. I am excited and a little nervous too. So far it looks like my surgery might be in July. I would love to keep in touch, if that is ok. I am trying to find people to talk with that understand. Right now the support of 4 of my doctors, and my husband is supportive. Others that I have tried to talk to about this and why I am choosing this, well, they care and are not really in agreement or support of this choice.... plus they start to plant 'doubts' in my head... to make me feel like I will not be disciplined enough etc. I know they mean well, but it really starts to hurt. I know my parents would have been supportive, but sadly my mom passed away 14 years ago,and my dad passed away Sept.2013. Anyway, I thank you for your reply. Hope I didn't say too much...lol Sincerely, Angi Tomorrow I am headed out of town for a week. I am going to friend you and send you a personal message. Advice to you: My husband and I told no one of the surgery except daughter, nurse and cousin who had WLS. The more people you tell, the more chatter you will get. Seems like you are talking to a lot of people and see it already. Spend your time on here talking to the experts who have had the sleeve and know what it is about. Have your husband read with you. I feel like a million dollars 4 months post op, and Dr. Uchal and his staff has us from hello. We went to seminars for 10 years.....so we researched well before we did the sleeve. Would love to guide you Angi, as it was scary for us also. We had a lot of health issues. Linda
  4. LindafromFlorida

    How long till you returned to work?

    Hello there! Depends on what kind of surgery you have, what kind of job you do, whether you have to walk, stand or lift on your job, and other things. I am 67 and had the sleeve. I was shopping for about 4 hours roughly 5 days after the sleeve and felt great. Lifting is a no-no for about a month I think. It can hurt you. Good luck.
  5. Are your stats wrong: Starting Weight: 212 lbs Weight Lost: 57 lbs Current Weight: 155 lbs Goal Weight: 152 lbs BMI: 24.3 If you weigh 155 and want to lose 3 lbs? No. If your stats are wrong and you weigh 212, I weighed 220 and am 5'4". My thought is, Seriously, are you kidding me? I am 67 and feel like a teenager again. I am shopping for cute clothes again (lol I am off my big butt and just shopping). My husband says woohoo 10 times more than he normally did when he sees me uh in my underwear. I just bought 2 new size 12 bathing suits after wearing the olden black one for 20 years. I am no longer dwelling on old age and bad health and dying, I am young again! Good luck all.
  6. LindafromFlorida

    All Of Me WLS documentary on tomorrow!

    Should be good to see. Thanks!
  7. If it is a burning feel my thought is acid. Are you on Prilosec? Have you eaten anything acidic, like chili, tomatoes, salsa, or anything that causes heartburn? LOL lots of things cause heartburn sometimes after surgery. When in doubt call your doc!
  8. LindafromFlorida

    Tomorrow is the day!

    Best wishes and a prayer for an easy time of it. It was 10 times easier than we feared. I guess we all expect it to be awful and I was so elated following surgery I felt like a teenager lol! Relax and get waited on while you can.
  9. LindafromFlorida

    Jacksonville, FL

    Hi Angi. In Jax, Dr. Uchal also. Have you been at any of the meetings, had surgery? Which surgery? Did not see any information on your stats. Welcome here!
  10. LindafromFlorida

    Tmi sorry

    Get used to constipation or diarrhea. I believe it will be one or the other the rest of my life.
  11. LindafromFlorida

    Need information about meds post-op

    My husband and I are 67 and take many pills. Prior to surgery you will come off most medication for about a week, and also after surgery. After surgery I no longer had to take Metformin and we both came off 1 BP medicine each. We take many Vitamins, BP meds, and other meds. We take a liquid excellent Multivitamin, we have no problem swallowing pills. Some pills can be crushed with a pill crusher, some can be cut in half. Taking pills is not a problem.
  12. LindafromFlorida

    I couldn't believe this ish...

    That is one reason I do not think some young people are ready for WLS. They are going to continue to eat that junk, including soda and french fries. Notice I said "some" young people. There is nothing magic about surgery, you still have to make choices.
  13. LindafromFlorida

    Protein bars

    I have about 20 Quest bars (they were recommended the best). I can barely eat 1/2, they are so dense and filling. Not very appetizing to me so they sit in the candy dish. As usual I buy too much when someone recommends something. Living and learning.
  14. LindafromFlorida

    Ignorance regarding weight loss surgery

    Lyn, God Bless you on your journey. I am thankful you are looking out for your children to be here and healthy for them. The medical profession looks at us fatties as weak lepers. I busted my knee on a malfunctioning elevator at a State Courthouse where I worked in 2007. The well known arthroscopic surgeon dismissed me with 1 post op visit, and sputtered (when I said ...but I am still in terrible pain with my knee) that ahem....maybe you should lose weight or quit work ....., and left the room. I cussed for a day or two and made another appointment and he was perplexed why I was back. I told him how offended I was at his comments. He sputtered some more and apologized somewhat. I went on to work 5 more years to age 65, had another surgeon approved for a total knee replacement in 2009, and to hell with that doctor. nurses, and other smug people who think we are just overeating gluttons. My husband has been a terrible diabetic 30 years, then I was diagnosed too, and I am hoping with the sleeve we added a few years to our love and our life. Best of luck. Keep your surgery/business to yourself. Linda
  15. Janey make sure you figure $5-6 in postage at least. I buy Ebay but I do not sell. Good luck!
  16. LindafromFlorida


    My gosh you only had surgery yesterday. Settle down. We all know surgery is not a picnic. We went to seminars and learned the drill. Relax Karin, you did this for a reason, and you will be find. Be kind to yourself. I had the sleeve in Nov. and I have never looked back. Happy as can be and will take the very few problems I have now to the years that would have come off my lifespan if I had not had the sleeve. I am 67. You will be fine, I promise!
  17. LindafromFlorida

    Finally gonna get a lapband or sleeve

    Many people have the hiatal hernia, I see it over and over, including me and my husband which we did not know til after surgery. Spend 2 months on this site before you have surgery and educate yourself. Do not jump into this without research. Lots of experience here! Best wishes, Linda
  18. Janey I love you but is there really such a thing as a size 3? I went from girls 12 to Ladies 12 at 10 years old and never seen a size 3 in my life. This made me laugh. I will never see a size 3 before I die...... Thanks for making my day, no offense honey, sincerely!!!! Linda
  19. LindafromFlorida

    Hi ! New to this site!

    Try a computer to put your stats in Mandy. Many people qualify with insurance, many do not. Many go to Mexico, many do not. If you have co morbidities, your insurance might pay. A lot depends on your BMI and co-morbidities. You will find all your answers her but be specific. We love to help. Linda
  20. 3 days after surgery I went to grocery store and then shopping couple days later. Easiest surgery ever, but scary of the unknown. 4 months later, ahhhhhhh! Joyful!
  21. LindafromFlorida

    Driving After Sleeve

    I am feeling like a million dollars. Granted, I have some small issues, but I can breathe without gasping for breath (asthma-no symptoms now), off Metformin, off 1 BP med, the pain in my feet from terrible neuropathy disappeared (go figure that one). I learned to eat the veggies to help with the constipation which is very common. Wishing everyone the best. Linda
  22. LindafromFlorida

    Driving After Sleeve

    I was sleeved with a hiatal hernia, spent 24 hours in hospital, took one dose of pain med when I got home Tuesday at 3 pm, and Wednesday afternoon I drove to the grocery store. On Saturday I drove to the mall and walked around 3 hours. I took it slow, but I felt wonderful. I am 67.
  23. LindafromFlorida

    one week post op depression

    Each day will be better than the day before. We all have ups and downs. Right now I am up and dreaming of more Florida sunshine and a bathing suit. You are in cold dreary weather, but summer will be here. If you need to talk to someone, make that call, and if you are depressed and ignoring your intake for liquids, by all means talk to your doctor or someone and take care of yourself please. Hugs, Linda
  24. LindafromFlorida

    2 week liquid diet

    Read about head hunger, because you are used to being hungry. After surgery, if you are sitting around bored, you will be thinking eat. You have to find food that is good for you, my husband's go to food is smoked salmon. He will take 45 minutes eating a small plate of slivers of the salmon. Big Joey, fill out your stats because you will be here with us for awhile and you will need the support. At every phase of this journey you will find so many people who will offer you advice and help - things that got us here. The stalls come and go. Be prepared. I just went through a 5 week stall that ended this weekend and I lost 5 lbs. After surgery you will need support. Just ask and you will find it. Best of luck you both! Linda
  25. LindafromFlorida

    Constant burping post op

    Had the sleeve, had the hernia, had the burps. Burps for me and my husband signaled us to stop eating, or drinking. Four months post op we still get the burps, but it is like the hiccups, and I slow down talking, eating and drinking and it stops. Good luck!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
